Sakuraa-Blue on-line sex cams for YOU!


Sakuraa-Blue Public Chat Channel

Date: November 11, 2022

48 thoughts on “Sakuraa-Blue on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. If you didn't want an honest answer you should not have asked the question. You are just fishing for complements.

  2. So she made a comment, you disagreed and put your perspective out there…and now you’re upset she has a different viewpoint?

    Kind of sounds like you feel like you need to be right and get annoyed/move the goal posts when she does what you do. Do you disagree with her a lot like this? It is pretty exhausting to deal with people who always have something negative to say, but maybe you’re not always like that.

    Do you “acquiesce” to any point she makes?

  3. I would absolutely do anything for a second chance. I think she's my person.

    I've told her I'd like to apologise to her in person when she's ready for that. That was some months ago now.

  4. We all understand that, but if you are that willing then at least wait 2 years and let him grow up and mature a bit.

  5. She has clearly been on the fence for five years. She was probably just more comfortable around you than alone with her own thoughts. You made a difficult decision easy for her.

  6. Tell your wife and avoid this friend that thought it was a good idea to start an affair and set you up. Obviously, their moral compass is shit.

    Then let your wife know that it's time to file for a divorce if thats where this is truly headed.

  7. My oldest is almost 3 years old and my youngest is 4 months old so their age gap is about 2.5 years. But you’re right, babies bring a lot of stress. I feel like we handled the first baby better tbh

  8. Hello /u/Intelligent-Clock-86,

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  9. Unfortunately so… I realize the way we handled this is way too childish but the project is related to production of a video and I'm the one who needs to edit them, which is why I'm dropping it because I know three days wouldn't be enough.

  10. Agreed. People age yes, women gain weight during pregnancy but that’s something that is out of person’s control. Putting effort to looks and wanting to look good for our partners is something in our control. I would never expect my patent to have the same attraction for me if I would stop taking care about how I look. It’s not superficial, it’s how sexual attraction works.

  11. No she's a woman not a man so not generally bragging about that. Gives you some information though about the kind of person he is and what sex means to him. In many ways that's more disturbing to me

  12. Also, despite the above, we actually get along quite well and parent effectively.

    An important thing to consider is that you can still do this while separated from each other. You can also both be involved in your childrens' lives and, be a team when it comes to parenting.

    You have to both be on board with this, but it really can work if you both put effort into it and keep each other informed about important decisions etc. You can even still go to therapy together as divorced parents.

    Obviously you should keep an eye out for if he changes and starts treating them badly, but it's worth thinking about I believe.

  13. Not that I excuse her behavior but you sound like a particularly vengeful person, and I bet that tendency existed before her affair. Lots of people successfully divorce, manage finances, and raise children separately, so you didn't have to stay and pretend to try & work things out. Not for another eight years, after the first three years of purgatory for her. You stuck around and had sex with her – and now you want to dump her. If she were of such bad character, she'd have had other affairs in the meantime, which you'd have known from your constantly looking over her shoulder.

    She's freaking out because she doesn't want to lose you…but she'll get over it. Hurry up and divorce her so she can have a second chance – because you've never truly given her one.

  14. He’s a good dad BUT he doesn’t buy her things she needs, he didn’t attend her FIRST BIRTHDAY, didn’t get her a cake because…. he’s mad at you? Part of being a good dad is respecting your child’s mother. Why on earth are you with someone who doesn’t give a shit about you?

  15. She won’t, because she would’ve already.

    Respectfully, sometimes the best thing we can do loving someone is letting them go. She is an adult. I promise you that if you ripped this catered lifestyle away, she would in fact figure it out.

    You are killing yourself for someone who isn’t showing up for you at all. You are trying to manage both of your feelings, both of your lives, and it’s unsustainable.

    Why should you be struggling, twelve hours a day, two jobs, cooking and cleaning.. and she doesn’t show affection? She goes on all expense paid vacations? She doesn’t chip in anywhere?

    You’re codependent right now, you can’t imagine abandoning her and your clinging to imaginary reasons to stay. There are self help books to help with codependency and I’d also recommend therapy, for both of you separately.

    You deserve a partner you can share your feelings with, that supports you, a partner where you are both growing and celebrating each other.

  16. or that being a virgin or having a micro penis would be terrifying things to 'deal with'?? having incompatable sexualities can be relationship enders obv but those two are just….part of the spectrum of life? idk this whole post rubs me the wrong way

  17. As bad as it is that private companies have that info, I am glad killers and rapists are getting found. It fills me with deep joy every time they get caught through some random family members DNA test.

  18. You aren't in a relationship to be your partner's mommy! Tell him he turns into an equal partner and acts like an adult or you're gone! There is no reason on earth to tolerate this!

  19. Dude how about you ask her to an open ended dinner so she has the option to decline peacefully. “Hey I was thinking of trying X restaurants in a few days. Not sure if your into that king of thing but let me know if your interested i know your busy so no worries if not.” This way you can gauge if there is even a chance at a romantic interaction. You lost this one bro time to move on an never do that again.

  20. Yea no shit…maybe she didn't want to fuck her friends.

    Good lord. If you were a real friend, that would have not come up

  21. when you say you want her to be your gf, what does that mean for you exactly? Do you want to be in a serious, long-term relationship with her? What does being open mean to you? Do you want you two to be able to have other romantic relationships or just sexual ones?

  22. Oh no, he goes regularly for other reasons. I just suggested that he takes the opportunity to bring it up.

  23. She's being incredibly disingenuous here.

    We keep Tinder because we're still looking and / or we're not sure we're done looking.

    And that's okay, but just own that. Say straight up, “I've still got my radar on.”

    Most people don't have the emotional vocabulary to say that, or the courage; but it's the truth. And I think your best response is EITHER, “You're still looking or not sure you're done looking, and that's okay. Just say so,” OR “Yeah, you're still looking. I'm done. Bye.”

  24. My bf wants to move out of state in the next 10 years

    I have no idea why you are wasting time arguing about something that could potentially happen in the next TEN YEARS.

    Anything can happen in 10 years. Hell, you've only been together for 2 years and aren't married. Your relationship could end way before then for totally unrelated reasons.

    This sounds like a lot of drama and angst over something that could possibly happen a long time from now.

    I don't even know why you said anything to your parents at all.

  25. None of this is healthy. Postpone the wedding because you will be miserable if you start a marriage like you currently are.

    You have tons of unresolved trauma which is why a song is triggering for you.

    Your fiancé feels completely left in the dark because you won’t talk to her about said trauma. And is now trying to put a happier meaning to something horribly traumatic and doesn’t understand what is going on because you haven’t processed or confided in her.

    This isn’t about a song.

    This is about you not processing your grief and your trauma from a very difficult time in your life and it is now poisoning your future.

    Talk to a therapist, talk to your SO, just talk about that time and that pain and process it. Stop trying to bury that suffering young man because he needs to come out and heal or you will never have a future.

    If you just cover over a wound and never clean it, an infection will form. And that infection will eventually kill you. Your trauma is that wound and you have to open it up and flush it out and let it heal.

  26. I'm not sure I would want my housemate's partner over for 3-4 days a week without paying rent or bills. Depending on the home- it could be really small with one bathroom.

    I agree about the spine comment – either he's allowing his roommate to dictate, or he can't be honest with op about needing more space.

  27. you are correct that this guy is using you for sex, but i’m far more concerned about the absence of your consent in these situations. someone continuing to kiss you after you said no, and someone talking you into doing something that you expressed discomfort or hesitancy with, is coercive (read: it is sexual abuse). if someone asks you to do something sexual, and you say that you’re not sure about it, that person should say something to the effect of “okay! well if you decide you’re into it, then i’m down. if not, no worries.” if you say the word “no”, the only acceptable response is a full stop, no questions asked. Consent never involves convincing.

  28. I understand, but the half very hot photos and taking the ring off. I didn't know he was doing that. Always wearing it when Im with him but obviously not when I am not.

  29. In general wedding venues are booked 1-2 years in advance, often way before graduation dates are known.

  30. I just like boundaries and I really trusted her after awhile. Like she admits he's horrible for her and he's honestly an asshole. I've been honest and transparent and she was honest and communicative for months. It just feels like I wanted to believe her, the signs all pointed to it. I just hate that I had to snoop through her phone to answer something I already feel like I knew. I think it's manipulative as hell. Thank you for your honesty.

  31. My favorite YouTuber Hbomberguy apparently has very high testosterone (he blames it for his baldness) and hates manosphere crap

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