Ruby-Bright live! webcams for YOU!


7 thoughts on “Ruby-Bright live! webcams for YOU!

  1. It's definitely ridiculous for him to have expected it, but I hate how the conversation is always so one sided… “Not a good sign for the relationship”. Orrrr it's a sign of insecurity in him. Maybe from his previous relationships, social pressures, etc.

    So it's also something that can be worked on. It's clearly a problem in the relationship, but everyone comes into a relationship with different experiences so it doesn't need to be a bad sign for the relationship. It's something to work on. For everyone.

    I'm not saying stick it out forever, but sometimes people just need some support. Maybe he's feeling inadequate because of an abusive relationship? Or some poor relationship with porn? Who knows.

    But it always feels like the answer is that it's his fault. If she had an eating disorder or something people would be saying “support her, it's societies fault”, “support her, her shitty relationship with her mom made her this way”, “support her, some other external factor have her a bad relationship with food”

    But this guy has some insecurity about his sexuality, or his masculinity, or whatever else and half the comments in here are basically “dump him”. /u/ThrowRA566667 even said “he doesn’t really know why he feels so strongly either”, so try and get to the bottom of it together.

    Guys can have mental health issues too. Doesn't mean they're instantly a lost cause. Maybe it isn't something you can fix together, but maybe he'd like to talk to a therapist? Maybe OP could support him and help facilitate that. Work on his issues with him. Or go together. See a couples therapist and talk out the problems.

    Or we can all ignore mental health and say “fuck him!” like we do with every other mental health issue in society. Don't consider a therapist! That'd be way too embarrassing…

  2. Toxic red flag alert dude! Trauma is not an excuse to manipulate and/or abuse people. She CHEATED! Leave her ass and call emergency services if she threatens suicide. She needs help, not to drag you down with her.

  3. I actually see the language barrier as a good thing, it frees me from having to make conversation, it means I don't have to be interacting with them all the time. They can natter amongst themselves while I curl up with a cracking good book. I have also taken advantage of them being at home to go off and do my own thing while they have the kids. They can't expect me to socialise with them when we don't speak the same language.

    Also, I'm pretty sure that if we were to all speak the same language they would start to understand just how radically different I am to them. One of them works in chemicals for example, and AFAIC, chemicals are poison so he is working to poison the world. If he knew my stance, he wouldn't think that I'm a delightful person. So the barrier prevents them from getting to know the real me and I can just smile graciously and that's all I have to do for them to love me to bits. It works for me.

  4. Yeah- this would not be ok even if you didn’t have discussed it in depth due to your past.

    The fact that he still thought it could be funny under the circumstances doesn’t paint him as a clueless idiot, but rather as an un empathetic bully.

  5. All yall weirdos being aggressive and assuming I am telling her to put her life in danger with a cop. I am just stating what the wife needs to know about her husband. Thats it, which is what the top comment suggests as well. Not telling OP what she should do.

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