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Date: October 27, 2022

35 thoughts on “ROXYTRISTA on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. then I guess that begs a very obvious question .

    If you can accept him the way he is, why are you writing?

    If you Can't accept him…why continue the Bond?

  2. Just to add to how I handle my son when he gets like this, I do exactly what you tried to do, get them to leave and take their temper tantrum out with them. You cannot have a one person argument.

    The information I have about dealing with this is okay for a child, (well 6 ft adult now) and is something I have been dealing with for 16 years.

    The first part I had to to do is understand that this wasn't personal and he did this to me because I was the safe person to do it to, well safe ish.

    However if this had been a partner in front of children then I would be in the same place you are, with boundaries that if it happens again I would leave, and I have made that promise once.

    Because in part this is ADHD related and we got some anger management hypnotherapy it did help, but he was willing to understand that the anxiety was the trigger. Not saying that he has a handle on it totally yet, but with calming down exercises and working out the triggers it has improved a lot.

    Feel free to DM me.

  3. Yeah like what great “men” who lie and lead women on so they can have the experience of dating outside their race. How about being a real man and living the life you want to online instead of living up to mommy and daddy’s expectations. Honestly makes me sick.

  4. If you want to celebrate xmas do it with only you and your boyfriend. It also sounds like his family aren't very nice people so idk why you wanted to spend xmas with them in the first place

  5. Your love should not be based on whether he is with you or not. If you love him then you love him give him as much space as you want. If he is meant to be with you he will come back. Based on what you told about his gf she will definitely suffocate him.

    Love these days depend on what we get not what we give ask yourself if it is dependent on him giving you something in return then it’s not love it’s a business transaction.

  6. u/HELLOitz, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  7. I appreciate the encouragement and making sense of this whole situation, it's nice to get a male's perspective on it, so from your perspective if you're in a relationship and you want to have a day with just your friends, why would you not want your partner there is it because they would change the dynamic, or you just don't want to spend time with them in that moment, that's really the thing that's kind of kicking me and is what is making me upset, because I have yet to feel that need, and so I'm just trying to understand from the other individuals perspective, why they're okay with having those feelings and why I should be okay with them having those feelings and why I shouldn't be offended

  8. You cannot have your highs without your lows.

    In other words, I'd advise some kind of therapy in play here. No dating until seeking therapy together not in separate meetings.

  9. u/Any_Grocery8242, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  10. This is the real problem, not the shower thing. You clearly resent your girlfriend and believe that she owes you for tolerating her.

    I genuinely think you should break up.

  11. Do women your own age just not fall for you or what is it that you have to go after someone decades younger than you? While she is running around with the little ones will you be scootering after them? Maybe if you can't face her family you know how and why they will react the way they do. How old was she when you two started dating?

  12. Move to a different state where that isn't an issue? Abortion isn't banned everywhere, it's just a State's choice since there isn't a Federal say yet. Not all states are against abortion.

    I will say if you don't want kids you should indeed pursue a vesectomy because birth control isn't 100% guaranteed.

  13. Now this is the part where me and my inexperience will need to bow out. In addition to what more experienced redditors say, maybe you could talk with her other partner and see how he’s dealing with it too.

  14. Also, I don’t want to go to the spa without being planned. I don’t shave my legs meticulously so if someone else is in my space or touching my I need to like shower and not be all work-stress-sweaty first.

    Work to spa is the opposite of fun to me. Spa is for weekend when I’m already relaxed.

  15. “I can't believe I have to deal with this”

    Holy shit I'm glad I'm married to my life partner. You seem more concerned about some hangup you have instead of your husband's mental health.

    I don't really have any advice cause honestly nothing can be said to magically give someone empathy, trust me I've tried.

    Good luck to your husband

  16. Accidental pissing is when your mess occurs while you’re asleep, or on your way to the toilet, or waiting in line for the toilet, but your intention is to deposit your waste in the nearest available appropriate place. Most guys could grab a nearby empty bottle in an emergency like that.

    This was unloading an entire bladder at a person while awake and making no move to avoid the person or the mattress or to hold it to run to the bathroom or look for any other solution.

    And this whole debate is whether or not she’s allowed to enforce a reasonable boundary after this, or she should stay and coddle him because he’s had trauma.

    As a person who has C-PTSD, had a bed wetting problem, and experienced CSA, I call bullshit. There have been enough manbabies in my life to tell OP that she handled this spectacularly and bravo and she doesn’t owe him a thing.

  17. You have accomplished the first step. Admitting you need help, and admitting you were wrong.

    The second step? Accepting the help being offered.

    The third? Acting on that help, and actively choosing to be a better person.

    Are you willing to put in the work? Are you willing to put in the time, and the tears, and the heartache?

    I can tell you from experience (I've been where you are, it's not easy) that this is going to be one of the hardest journies of your life.

    Bettering yourself, for yourself, is tough. Finding that worth, in yourself? Terrifying.

    Its easy, to fight for your relationship, to fight for other people. But to fight for yourself, to fight to be a better person, because you want to be? That's tough.

    You have to relearn a lot of thinking you've had for years. Thinks that we're engraved into your thought processes, sometimes without you even realizing it.

    The end result is worth it. But it's hard.

    My advice to you, if you are serious about fighting for yourself?

    Find a good therapist. Not someone online. Someone you see in person. Don't be afraid to search around, and if you don't feel comfortable, keep searching until you find someone you do feel comfortable with.

    They are helping you on a personal journey. You need to be comfortable sharing things with them that you might not have shared with anyone else.

    Also; meditation. It's underused, imo.

    I think that meditation at night, before going to bed, helps clear the mind, and you sleep better, which helps you wake refreshed, which in turn helps you regulate your emotions better.

    I wish you the best of luck

  18. If my SO of 11 years decided to carry on a relationship with someone who he feels he has a “more natural emotional connection” with, then I’d say- good luck with that! Bye!

    You chose to marry this man, you chose to grow a relationship with this NEW man, you chose to withdraw important conversations from your marriage and instead have them with someone who doesn’t “lecture” you, without even a care in the world that you are damaging your marriage.

    It does not MATTER whether or not you think you can open up to this friend- if he is acting as though he is interested in you and your husband is making passive remarks about it- he sees that, too (obviously), and he is not going to be happy about it.

    How would you feel if your husband was speaking with a woman who he deemed to be “more emotionally connected to” than you?

    Seriously, not only are people disloyal as hell but they are also completely unaware of how they would feel if their partner did the same exact thing to THEM…

    If you want to talk with someone about your emotions, make it someone who doesn’t seem interested in you romantically, or work on your relationship with your husband until you CAN talk about it with him… or find a therapist.

    PUT EFFORT INTO YOUR MARRIAGE, not random others.

  19. Directly and not “kindly”.

    People often come to this sub wondering how to do things in a friendly, nonconfrontational manner.

    This is not a situation that warrants a kind or friendly response.

    If it's happening by accident, HE NEEDS TO KNOCK THAT SHIT OFF!

    If it's happening intentionally, you've got a bigger problem.

  20. I think she love bombed me. My favorite music is Mike Snow, she told me it’s her favorite. I love marvel movies and she told me those are her favorite. I’m into comic con, goth style and cosplay and she a Los Angeles native who wears exclusively lulu lemon, boho clothes and is a Southern California fashionista suddenly says she loves all things cosplay and says she’s goth and want a bat tattoo. She mirrored me and I took it as flattery. I mentioned this Christmas that I like Krampus, she got a Krampus sweatshirt on Etsy, threw a krampus style white elephant party for me and my friends, bought 3 Krampus ornaments etc, everything is amplified with her.

  21. Unless your friend has at any point disrespected the relationship you have with your GF (like making moves, shit talking her, or implying she'd get with you), I really don't see why you'd need to cut her out.

    Your GF is being really controlling. Asking your partner to cut out a long time friend is a HUGE ask and honestly would only make sense if this person was a detriment to your health a well being.

  22. I think you’re focusing way too much on the financial aspect here. The reason she’s mad, I think, is that your decision forced her to live a life she didn’t agree to and you decided to do that in spite of her objections.

    Some people are fine with the idea that they may have to suffer and grind really hard for a (relatively) short period of time in order to build the kind of financial security that means they don’t have to worry in future. But other people are not. Those people don’t want millions and an easy life in a few years – they want to enjoy life NOW, they want time with their spouse, they want peace and joy and memories together, they would rather give up that kind of financial security if the price they pay is years of stress and loneliness. It sounds like your wife was the latter, and your decision forced her to go along with something she never wanted.

    You’re expecting her to be happy now because it turned out well, but it’s not about the result – it’s about the process. And the process was something she hated and had to endure for years because you ignored her input when you had to make a decision. Being rich and having an easy life now doesn’t make up for that. Money can’t wash away years of stress and loneliness and missed opportunities to nurture your relationship.

    It’s like when someone was an alcoholic, and then they get clean, and they expect their partner to be thrilled with them because the bad times are over. But they don’t think about all the time that came before, when their partner suffered and struggled as a result of their actions. Now I know what you did isn’t equivalent to being an addict, but you did make a choice based on what you wanted that was the opposite of what your spouse wanted and you now expect her to be ok with it because it’s turned out positively. The happy ending doesn’t undo the damage that was done to your relationship in the process of getting there. And you can’t keep expecting her to sweep that under the rug and let it go, especially if you’ve never apologised or made meaningful attempts to rebuild the bond with her that you neglected for 3 years while you were hyper focused on your business.

    Forget about the money. It’s not about the money, not the money you have now or the money you continued to provide throughout the last 3 years. It’s about how your choices made her feel; stressed, alone, blindsided, abandoned, trapped, neglected, powerless. How are you going to address that?

  23. Wow. I would love to please tel you right here: YWBTA

    Your room mate is human. Things like this can be totally normal. You pointing it out will just embarrass her. Have some grace, get a fan.

  24. Awww, sugar, I never said anything of the sort. I never said they hated their relationship, I said the opposite. In fact, I said that dreams are just your brain processing thoughts. I know reading is hard, but maybe you could work on raising your skills above a 3rd grade level? Or, maybe you are trying to reply to someone else and don't know how the reply button works? Either way, you got some growing up to do. Good luck!

  25. Shit take. If you're such a trash as human being that you need to tell at people to feel better about yourself, then you have never earned a modicum of respect in your life worth giving the time of day over.

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