Has there been issues like this in other areas besides just trip intrusions? I am asking because if your GF is constantly bringing a buffer between you two during intimate moments then that is indicative of more serious issues she isn't discussing.
This is the key point to discuss with your GF. If it's the case that 50% of the time you organise a romantic date night with your GF to watch movies, and she brings her BFF along, then something's not right…. What does she say when you bring this up with her….
He said he was just venting and he’s fine now, but I feel like he was gloomy yesterday. What should I say?
Has there been issues like this in other areas besides just trip intrusions? I am asking because if your GF is constantly bringing a buffer between you two during intimate moments then that is indicative of more serious issues she isn't discussing.
This is the key point to discuss with your GF. If it's the case that 50% of the time you organise a romantic date night with your GF to watch movies, and she brings her BFF along, then something's not right…. What does she say when you bring this up with her….