Rouse-Wilsson live! sex chats for YOU!


Footjob// Im new quiero conocer gente nueva y pasar un buen rato #feet #footjob #teen #pantyhose #latina [GOAL MET]

Date: October 6, 2022

10 thoughts on “Rouse-Wilsson live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Not sure how being gay somehow makes this fine (in her mind) and I doubt they really can determine his sexual orientation beyond doubt. Has such a boundary been previously discussed ?

  2. I was thinking the same thing if my boyfriends mom just met me and she starts tearing up about how I make her son happy I would be running for the hills. Maybe I’m sensitive but I would see that as a red flag and wouldn’t want to deal with my boyfriends mom. That doesn’t strike me as normal.

    I try to limit my mom and boyfriends interaction time since she always finds something to complain about with him. I think of it as she doesn’t need to have a relationship with him when she belittles him behind his back and make it into a big thing to have a conversation with him. She even makes it noticeable at times and I can tell it makes him uncomfortable

    Nope my brother has a normal life for a 28 year old. He had his ex girlfriend but that ended two years ago.

  3. If he doesn't know why, he could see a doctor to rule things out and/or treat it if there's a physical cause.

  4. Look, I did my fair share of being a Tinderella and I made some really bad choices and some really good ones. As women we have to take additional precautions when it comes to meeting strange (to us) men for the first time. Some of these precautions include what you talk about and when. Some things are better left found out or said before you meet. In your case, I feel like this is one of those things. My reasoning is based on the fact that you came here to ask how you should handle this. I’m concerned that if you address this in person you’ll feel put on the spot and might freeze up or not want to hurt his feelings and then it’ll just be awkward. Idk I have anxiety just thinking about it.

    Talk to him before. if he adjusts, cool, if not, then bullet dodged.

  5. I know you deleted your account but I hope you log back in and view what’s being said by the folks who aren’t dismissing your story.

    I hope you leave him. I promise your children will have a happier childhood with a mom who feels safe and loved in her home. The current home is depressing and toxic and isn’t giving your family the life you believe. I’m sorry you’ve experienced such a profound betrayal by the two people who should have loved you most.

  6. I would stop having sex with him altogether. I wouldn’t even get on top, or give him my hands so he can ‘get off.’ Boycott sex from him since he doesn’t know how to satisfy you.

  7. Oh honey. YOU. WERE. RAPED. You need to report him, press charges, leave him and never look back. He raped you. He is a rapist.

  8. Don't fall for a sunk cost fallacy. Spending more years on someone incompatible just because you already spent several years (when you were little more than a child) with them, is like throwing good money after bad. I think you've naturally grown apart, and need to make the separation permanent and firm. Tell him this is no longer working for you. Then block him, at least for a good long while, so you can start living your own independent life. You know that staying involved with him is preventing you from finding and being with someone who is a much better match.

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