Rosy_Curvylive sex stripping with hd cam


6 thoughts on “Rosy_Curvylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Be kind to yourself about it. When you're in a dark place, the dream or idea of something can be a very important tool to help you get through the day, to keep yourself on track when there are a lot of opportunities to fall by the wayside, and keep your mental health from deteriorating. The dream didn't need to be realistic for it to do what you needed it to, which was to give comfort, to motivate you, to keep you looking towards the future, and to give you a sense of connection to your old life. So even if she has moved on, and in retrospect you realize it would have been logical to think she would after ten years no contact, don't think you did the wrong thing, or think less of yourself because you now feel it was unrealistic. You did what you needed to in order to get through your prison sentence, in a much healthier and more positive way than a lot of people try to get through prison.

    You're still fairly young, and have a lot of years left to find new dream and new connections. Give yourself time. Don't feel like everything needs to feel normal the first days, or weeks or even year. Give yourself leeway and time, to get used to things outside, and to start making progress. Don't let early hiccups or frustrations make you feel like that's the new normal, because it doesn't have to be.

  2. No. Sexual coercion is not ok and borderline sexual assault if it’s not fully. You do not want someone. Ever. Who does not respect your boundaries. Especially sexually.

  3. Yes. You went for an expensive lunch with a woman you had a crush on and wrote a (romantic?) Song for. I understand completely why she broke up with you. You didn't even double check it was okay with her-which I'm guessing since she mentioned you stamping on boundaries, is a common occurrence.

  4. It is not cheating. But it is a clear rejection and a total disrespect.

    I can't imagine why would she do it right after confessing her feelings for you. It is just sadistic.

    Keep away from her for your own sake, because she has issues.

  5. It's shitty that henused ai to write you a love letter.

    However, dont rely on giving him “cues” about what you want, giys ste not mind readers and thats not a fair expectation to place on him. Use your communication skills and twll him directly with words what it is you need.

    A lot of our cultural ideas about “romance” rely on guys just inherently knowing what's romantic and “reading mind” ofntheir partner. Thats not healthy or fair

  6. Then there is nothing wrong with what you did. He is using it as leverage and an excuse. It will not get better. Go ahead and let him go

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