Rossemiller on-line sex cams for YOU!


8 thoughts on “Rossemiller on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Only if your insecurities paint that picture. OP said he was transparent with her about the texts and the interaction with the woman. She said he’s been patient with her and her insecurities. Problem is after two years she still goes ballistic. She doesn’t have to trust the women he’s in contact with, she has to trust him. He hides nothing, he tells her what goes on, that tells me he has nothing to hide. Jealousy is a monster, and a form of control. He controls himself well, by her admission. She lacked control and progress of herself. Gotta grow up. Maybe she will after this. She’s got time.

  2. While it’s good to have confidence in your work, he needs to be realistic about his earning potential.

    There are dozens of ways for getting your work in front of people, but all of those strategies involve taking photos and marketing them.

    He’s not choosing any of those paths, and he’s waiting for someone to discover him. It won’t happen. The people who’ll be discovered are taking great photos (it’s not THAT difficult) and getting them in front of buyers.

    You can’t change him. That information is out there, easy to access, but it needs a lot of legwork.

    Signed, 99% amateur photographer who didn’t like the business side of being a pro but who considered it.

  3. You had the entire length of your relationship to prove it. Are you seeing a therapist? It might help with future relationships.

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