Date: November 14, 2022
Babe, you know this is wrong, and you don't need Reddit to tell you this. Do something! Men will only do what they can get by with. He is getting by with being controlling. Seriously do something, whether it's leaving, try to discuss everything with him, just something! Get off of reddit and take control of your damn life.
He insisted that he was in love with her
many years ago
they remained good friends for many years after… (he was rejected).
It was many years ago, not recent
He told me the truth right on the first month of us dating
There's no need to be upfront about feelings you had many years ago that never led anywhere, why would I tell all my new potential partners about any brief failed relationship, unless it wasn't brief and you still hold a torch.
21, married, no job, and you are a “homemaker”? I’m not some traditionalist, but relationships are about working as a team.
You bf was doing blow and his brother covered for him. He was gaslighting you. Classic excuse. (ive used that excuse before)
Started typing too early and hit send.. anyways.
Geez… I'm sorry to hear that you went through that and had a panic attack as well… you're not stressing me out though. My mom and sister had some complications with their pregnancies. My mom nearly died giving birth to my sister. I agree though. Women go through a lot when it comes to having kids. I'd also agree that he doesn't understand as much because he hasn't really been exposed to a lot of this. I have shared what they went through and some of the other things I've heard.
He's swept it under the rug and I don't want it to lead into another argument. I don't think it would go in a good direction if I brought it up. I tried to be as calm and polite when I explained to him why I'm upset but he seemed so focused on how he's not the bad guy and it's super important to go. I don't like feeling dismissed and yeah he said some shitty comments. The few people I mentioned I told were amazed at how I handled it and they know ALL the details. So I really appreciate the understanding and support. I've tried my best throughout pregnancy to not let the hormones take over. I've warned him because he (which he has admitted to others and to me) “likes to poke the bear.” Point of this paragraph is that I don't know how good of an idea it is to bring up. I've already figured it out since he couldn't communicate with me and work something out.
I think some people either aren't reading and understanding everything (or maybe I didn't give enough details) because I don't expect him to fully take care of me 24/7 for the rest of our lives. But I also don't understand how my concern for my health is seen as being controlling, not allowing him to go. I'm glad some women can bounce back quick. But three weeks after when my docs are concerned about my recovery, without even knowing for sure if I'll be having a c section or not… I've seen how hot it can be for women after giving birth, and with my health problems and past experience with abdominal surgery, it's definitely not felt good for him to be the way he has. I mean, lordy, if he wants control and to help PLEASE do so man cause I've been the one figuring it all out. There have been days where I feel so crappy that I'm not up for cooking, but I don't just expect him to pick up the slack cause of how crappy pregnancy has been to me. Instead, I take care of dinner in another way. Buying food so he doesn't have to cook or whatever. I try my best not to “burden” him too much.
Also, in case anyone else happens to see this who thinks I just don't care about his job. I've encouraged and even pushed him to do these training programs so that he can get raises (he gets raises with most training classes he does) because I want to see him succeed and be happy with whatever job he has.