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RiyaSen9live sex stripping with hd cam


7 thoughts on “RiyaSen9live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Your mom has a point. The poop and wiping his feet on you are very alarming. The joke you made is common from popular culture. Wiping bird poop and wet feet on someone are not simply repeating something from popular culture, those weren't the same degree of normal as a joke you might see on any television on a weeknight. Using you as an object is a red flag.

    So if it was something he genuinely needed to learn, that's one thing. But if this part of a larger pattern of very small slights, it might also be red flags of much bigger problems down the road. People who see you as an object are dangerous. They hurt you without meaning to, and will use this “I didn't mean to” as their defense, but the fact is, this is a predictable consequence of viewing another human being as an object. Whether he learns and stops objectifying you or continues doing it will be very telling.

  2. OK so

    Suicide is always a decision made internally, no outside counsel is required. So, unless you purposedly conditioned her, you cannot be held responsible for the decisions she is making as an adult. If she's threatening you with suicide, it's emotional blackmail and it only means your wellbeing is not a priority to her (many different reasons for that, doesn't necessarily mean she's a total asshole – but she may be); Depression is contagious; I'm not just saying that, it's a scientific fact. You gotta put the oxygen mask on yourself first — talk to a mental health proffessional if you are struggling. She needs proffessional help quite obviously. Acting upon it could seem cruel in the moment but it's the right thing to do. A relationship can only grow healthy when both parties are willing to make the effort. If one of the partners doing all the lifting while the other doesn't, that's borderline abusive. If neither is interested in making the effort, I'm sorry, but there isn't a relationship to save in the first place. You're allowed to break up. Don't try to play saint; what each one does with a fact of reality (eg the breakup) is 100% up to them.

  3. I mean do you comment on how muscular your coworker has gotten and how tight their shirts fit now and how big their arms are if you arent hitting on them? I know i dont

  4. You (collectively) need to decide if you want to have kids or not. That’s the conversation you need to have. You clearly want them, so if she doesn’t, divorce her and find someone who does. You’re getting to the end of the rope as far as kids are concerned. If you wait much longer, it’ll be too late.

  5. Can confirm, family in the US says we're always super chilled out and cool when they come visit, when really we're just average Belgians

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