RiSweet on-line webcams for YOU!


1 – Take top off [Multi Goal]

Date: October 10, 2022

8 thoughts on “RiSweet on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. First of all each person needs an amount of privacy. BUT in my opinion, I feel that you are basically his mom. He enjoys all day in his private space while you do home work and spend time alone. One time ago, my boyfriend,now husband, started with this idea where each one would have their own room. I told him firmly that if he wants that, for me that does not work, I want to be with someone that likes to be around me. Each own doing their own thing, but enjoying each other company. I also told that if we do that probably we would end our relationship soon because that’s not what I aim for my future self. What we agreed is that when we are in the same room doing our own stuff we try to not bother each other and we schedule quality time together everyday.

    I would suggest having a conversation with him. Try to understand what is going on in his mind, why we does not feel “privacy” when it’s with you, this is the main question . From this answer you can find out a lot of things.

    In my opinion wanting some time alone is okay, but most of the day is not okay. We are not Roomates. We are a couple

  2. Unless you intend on attending all doctor visits, school registrations, and any other enrollment process for your child, in my experience it has been easier for my child to have my last name rather than her father’s. Having to prove your child is your child with the birth certificate every time just because last names don’t match can be a total pain in the butt for moms. I have a couple of friends that have gone through this.

  3. He owns the house we live in right now. I only pay WiFi and groceries and sometimes going out to dinner.

  4. Toys are fun, when used solo or together. I don't understand men who aren't enthusiastic supporters of their lady's sexual pleasure. Why doesn't he want you to have orgasms? Is he that insecure? Wow.

  5. I don't wanna be problematic but am I the only one who thinks dad is telling the truth? It sounds like gf accepted a 3 hour long ride with bfs father who she knew wasn't a huge fan of their relationship and when she actually had to spend that long one on one with him, it was so AWKWARD that she couldn't handle it and had some kind of internal breakdown. Existing in that kind of awkwardness can build over several hours to a climax. Lashed out at bf because she didn't know how to handle the anxiety of it all. Lying a little bit about something happening in order to get sympathy from bf because she does need some kind of comfort but doesn't understand why or know how to handle it properly.

    I feel like if 'something' had happened she would have just told him. Considering she is mad and not sad. If she's mad enough to act like this, she would have told bf what dad said or did wrong.

    Anyway the only thing we know for 99% sure is that this post is a creative writing karma farming project

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