Rileeyreidd18 live webcams for YOU!


have fun with me guys #new #young #teen with a huge #ass taking #pvt s 🙂

Date: November 8, 2022

8 thoughts on “Rileeyreidd18 live webcams for YOU!

  1. You said he’s her boss too, right? So there is also a power imbalance in their relationship, in his favor. This man sounds like bad news all around. It sucks when someone turns out not to be who you thought they were, but this one is glaring.

  2. Soft as heck? Because we understand that hitting a child is never warranted, just like hitting another adult can get you the jail. The fact you’re advocating hitting a child is okay, yet know the legal repercussions of hitting an adult, is so backwards.

    You clearly have no experience with autistic children. If a child without autism can’t understand why they’re being smacked, an autistic child certainly can’t. You’re “spanking” them to try and “teach” them about bad behaviour but how can you teach a child something when they don’t understand? Saying a child should be hit in any capacity and saying generations are “soft” for knowing it’s wrong is disgusting. Your generations clearly incapable of understanding how the human mind works. Your generation is therefore stupid in that case. You can’t learn from mistakes, you don’t understand discipline.

  3. Not even her friends. Colleagues who only “know“ about OP and their relationship because they

    overheard Kate talk to some of our friends and customers

    She was so not ready for marriage. This might be a blessing in disguise.

  4. Sure, she could see a doctor… and they'd probably tell her to change her diet, and that's a lot of work that I wouldn't expect a roommate to bother with for me tbh. lol

    I'd get an air purifier. Maybe a wax warmer or air freshener. Are you both sharing a bedroom? Is there any other option?

  5. I know I’ve made mistakes I wouldn’t want to be judged on.

    Cheating is never a mistake, it's a deliberate set of actions to betray the trust of someone you chose to commit to, which you should 100% be judged on.

    This is ancient history. If you have solid communication and commitment then you can build a future.

    Ancient history for her but he just learned about it so it feels like it just happened.

    She made a mistake. Sometimes it takes mistakes to realize your priorities and values.

    Again, cheating is never a mistake. This advice is so destructive, you should be able to realize what you have and be grateful without having to cheat on them to figure that out.

    Life is hot. Relationships are complicated. If you are a solid team now then give her some grace. I’m a 60 year old grandma. Life is not always black and white.

    Life is not white and black, but it is for certain situations like this one, at 60 it's a bit shocking that you still consider cheating a mistake. You should know better.

  6. Exactly an opinion. Mine is I’ve been a 19 yr old woman and people expect us to be exclusive/monogamous without ever asking us if we wanted to be exclusive/monogamous. As I said they are in just different places and wanting different things. Doesn’t mean she is a [insert degrading term aimed at women here].

    After 6 months I would have assumed he only wanted to be friends so a kiss out of nowhere would have thrown me off too and it still could have been meaningful bc he is a friend. My opinion is that the OP had expectations based on what he wanted rather than what she agreed to. If they had been officially dating prior to this I would get the outrage at her kissing a stranger because they would have set the terms of the relationship. These two have had no time to set any terms other than the OP thinking it may be the “start of something good”. So yes he can be disappointed and he can decide he doesn’t want to date her but the opinions to blocking her or ghosting her bc she didn’t behave the way he wanted her to the first hour “of maybe the start of something good.” is pretty wild.

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