Rihanarose online webcams for YOU!


Lush in My Ass, don’t be shy and break it #ebony #latina #bigass #bbw #bigboobs

Date: October 6, 2022

62 thoughts on “Rihanarose online webcams for YOU!

  1. Why are you allowing people to go in your bedroom and view your pornography?

    This was an avoidable conversation. Either cover it up when you have someone else around, or find a way to keep everybody out of there.

    And also, you're not obligated to say anything. It's an artpiece you appreciate and that's all that needs to be said about it

  2. No listen u don’t understand we were never friends. I only asked him what he got in a test that’s literally it we only spoke once. We’re not friends to be smiling at each other we don’t even know each other and he hasn’t spoke to a since girl at the time.

  3. You are just being mean because he blocked you. Like you said you have nothing to lose. Maybe she doesn’t care..Just go about your business…live your life.

  4. No easy answers here. You’re partner is a divorced father. And his priorities are his kids, not you.

    It’s perfectly reasonable that you are not happy about this situation. No matter how much trust you have in each other, it hurts being put in your place like that, by some who is your priority.

    Maybe you could try looking at this a different way. Instead of looking at it as him spending Christmas Eve at his Ex’s house, look at what a stand up guy you have. How deeply he loves his children. Even amicable divorces aren’t easy, and it certainly can’t be comfortable for him to spend the night there, but he’s willing to do it to keep the Christmas magic alive for his kids for another year. By giving him your blessing to do this for his kids, you can show him that you love him enough to let him love them freely.

    And maybe you and your partner can start a whole new set of traditions around Boxing Day.

  5. Your “boyfriend” did something horrible to his ex gf and her family, blames it on his “villain arc” rather than taking responsibility, and then texts his ex telling her how beautiful she is? What kind of man is he?

    Do not feel bad for your boyfriends actions, they were his to make. You can rightfully feel the way you do after he told you about the past trauma.

  6. “I'm glad you had fun”

    She went to a bar and had a good time, unless you have weird trust issues, there is nothing to worry about.

  7. Ur over 18 there's nothing wrong with age Gap dating. Men should be older than the women that they date seriously. Because it takes a little longer for mental mature and it's takes men to about 35 and over for them to hit their financial stride. But if women want children and a family they can't wait till over 35 because then they have a lower risk of being able to actually conceive and give birth.

  8. I have friends who've begun making out with guys after less than 5min. Most women need some safety yes, however there's a lot who don't really care about that as long as they get a good vibe.

  9. You asked her out knowing she just wasn’t that in to you. I don’t know why you think she would change her mind after it’s clear.

  10. I think it's time to move on. You've tried talking to her and you also tried Marriage Counseling amd nothing is working. You deserve better. She's showing you who she is. Separate for awhile and stop doing for her when she's doing the bare minimum. Don't give her any money especially since she has a job. Re-evaluate your situation. Think about yourself

  11. It sounds like even meeting in the middle would still be too much for you, so tough call.

    “Hey I really like you but I'm a little worried we have two very different communication styles. A lot of people like to talk and text more frequently than I do and I'm a little overwhelmed keeping up with you.”

    It does sound like a big incompatibility but might as well try discussing it.

  12. Being in an unhealthy one is going to help you get a healthy one.

    You're definitely part of the problem, what part and how big or difficult it is? We will never know. Find the change for yourself and do it for you. Not him.

    He won't change if he's not willing to work for it. You do want to work for it, so do it.

  13. Hello /u/oneequalsinside,

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  14. Nose jobs take like 1 year or something like that to fully settle into how it'll look. She's possibly still swollen too since it's only been a few days.

    Just give it a bit and see how you feel then.

  15. OP do it while he's away for maximum fun! You can advertise your place to get someone and just let whomever take it over and sort it out with the landlord, they won't really care as long as someone is taking over the rent, and what do you care if your 'friend' ends up living with an asshole?

  16. INFO: Why are you with him and why did you marry home if the sex sucks?

    And please be honest because I really don't get it. Don't say he's so kind and considerate and BS like that because clearly he's selfish in a very prominent regard.

  17. Do not do anything you don’t feel comfortable with. Let him know that if he doesn’t respect that then I’d reconsider your relationship with him.

  18. No. If he can stick his dick in it, he can touch it etc. otherwise, if it’s not clean enough for foreplay, it’s definitely not clean enough for his dick.

  19. No. If he can stick his dick in it, he can touch it etc. otherwise, if it’s not clean enough for foreplay, it’s definitely not clean enough for his dick.

  20. Ohhh so yall are artists girl why didn't you just say so hahaha This all makes so much more sense. And I say that with love.

    Honestly performers live! on a different planet and timeline. I was a stage manager for many years and they made my life hell ?

    And don't crush on them. The egos are too large.

  21. Yeah he would not have done those things if he saw you platonically. I would speak to my boyfriend if I were you about this. Explain to him exactly how you explained it in this post.

  22. Sorry I should have been more clear. It is totally okay to not want to be intimate, consent is key. I’ve gone weeks and even months without having sex with an SO. But when it gets into the years???

  23. You are in a relationship with a person who feels no sexual attraction to you.


    This has no future. You will be sexually frustrated and miserable for the rest of this relationship. Move on.

  24. I mean what if “in a dark place” was “had serious psych issues that I've since resolved with psychotherapy and am 10 years “clean”?

    You presuppose that people can never get better

  25. 32 year old American trying to lockdown and capture a 22 year old foreigner 🙁 I already know his character, he sounds like a manipulative exploitative user. Please don't let him trick you babe he doesn't deserve you or any future children with you

  26. This is true. OP might have to go along with the joke. Maybe (safely) pour some syrup around her pussy.

  27. I have some past experiences that make it hot for me to trust or be intimate with men. I just find it much easier to be with women and feel safe comfortable. Maybe adding another M someday, but still working on that.

  28. He's too young for this lack of interest in sex. Some people are asexual, but he had previously been intimate with you.

    Is he closeted? Was he abused as a young boy? Is he unsure of his sexuality?

    There are lots of older men that smoke, drink, and eat like crap and have healthy, vigorous sex lives. I'm thinking it's something else he's locked away and doesn't want to deal with. That would be a shame if he can't release it and learn how to be fully and completely intimate with someone who cares so deeply for him. But – he has to be the one to decide.

  29. This. I stopped sleeping in my parents room at adolescence; to be an adult doing this is weird. And I won't even get into the naked thing; everyone seems to concur on that. She has some serious issues to unpack.

  30. This is not normal. But. I will say I know a couple families that are nudists. When they are home alone, no clothes, for anyone. They walk around naked. They wear clothes with company over, but if it's really good friends, and they aren't objectionable to it, no cloths again. I would think a family like that who grew up with nudity being the norm wouldn't think twice about sleeping hot next to a family member. My wife and I sleep hard, but when the kids visit or the grandkids stay over, pajamas are in order.

  31. She's probably not even into sex and every time you initiate she cries because she feels like if she doesn't do it with you, you'll dump her too.

    She needs therapy and so do you for reacting the way you do about her past.

  32. A Man is dating your wife and you feel conflicted!

    Are you a troll OP?

    No one should be your substitute in your own marriage.

    Moreover, she is gaslighting you and lies about hanging with the dude. It means that she knows that she is doing something wrong and she is covering it

    It is a full fledged affair OP. Burying your head in the sand won’t make it disappear OP.

    Regardless of your decision, don’t do the pick me dance

    Don’t rug sweep

    Don’t bargain nor beg

    There is no excuse to cheating

    Protect yourself OP ( record your interactions)

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