RhondaVines live sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 4, 2022

50 thoughts on “RhondaVines live sex chats for YOU!

  1. my best ,and most stupid, way id fix something similar is to make yourself a lock screen that says 'text my bf whats going on' literally put this everywhere. a note next to your pc, your keys, your phone case, your car, your fridge anything. habits like this are tough to break so only thing you can do is physically remimd yourself since you cant do it by reflex yet.

  2. Find another partner who wouldn’t make you give up on something you love. This isn’t some random object you have laying around your house. It’s a beloved pet that’s been part of your everyday life for the past 1+ year and not only will it affect you, but the other cat you have. why put him through that? And also, the fact that he wants to get rid of one just to bring another is a load of BS. He honestly sounds like very selfish and immature.

  3. To add to that – yes the age gap is weird and likely contributing to the problems you’re experiencing.

    There. Now this sub can be closed down lol.

  4. Confess. Be honest. Tell her what's going on. You need to for closure or opening that door you so crave. I hope it works out for you. It would be super cool if it did. Good luck.

  5. Men look at porn, pictures, short skirts, beaver shots, cleavage, side boob, pointers, butts, camel toes, and some even look at feet. Is it healthy? Does it ruin relationships? That can be debated forever. He will put the phone away if you pull down his zipper. That is how it works for many men. His body and mind has not changed about you, but yours has. Don't let those changes put out the spark that got you pregnant in the first place. MILLIONS of women make that mistake. Take charge!

  6. Honestly that’s probably even worse for him. Be with people because you want to be with them, not because you don’t want to be alone.

  7. This is not the point but why do you even know about his itchy bum?? If my partner was like, “my asshole is sooo itchy” on even one occasion, much less MULTIPLE occasions, I would be sus.

    Then, gross parasite man tries to f’n manipulate you into sex?!?!

    Rid yourself of your bf right along with the worms and never look back.

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  9. How long is “until she's ready to”?

    Needing time before having or continuing a difficult talk is valid. But that's a few hours at most, with an agreement on when you'll get back to it.

  10. Block him everywhere. You are neither his therapist, nor his caregiver. Consider it a blessing that he broke up with you and is leaving you alone.

    At the very least, he is troubled and isn’t currently seeking help for it. Find someone who you don’t have to fix. And yes, consider getting a good therapist for yourself to see why you’d keep trying in a relationship where the guy treated you the way that he did on your birthday.

    When people tell you who they are, believe them. Especially when they keep repeating it when they’re drunk.

  11. Hello /u/getmeburgers,

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  13. actually, what you just wrote here is what you should tell him. it comes from a place of love and honesty and that's all you can give him.

  14. You sound really controlling. I would never let anyone dictate when I do the things I already do. Work on your issues, no woman with the tiniest amount if self respect will let you dictate when she showers.

  15. She only wants to be friends with you so that she has an in with your boyfriend. She becomes your friend then you won’t notice her making moves on your boyfriend

  16. Hey dude.

    My mom is like that, so I moved out at the first chance I had when I was financially stable to do so. Do the same, your mother will not change. It's for the best.

  17. Is it like, a customary greeting kiss that's culturally appropriate where you are from?

    I kiss all my old my aunts as a greeting and all the people posting here that this is sexual really gross me out.

    I hope to god they don't kiss their kids if they think all kissing is sexual in nature.

  18. I understand that you want this to be a special moment between you, but in the end her opinion matters more because it is her body that is at stake. It is a health appointment, and I don’t understand why you would refuse something that could reassure her, seems a bit selfish to me. Pregnancy are scary, don’t make it harder for her

  19. I’m confused by this line: “we can always do another day/ daytime event”. What does he mean? It sort of sounds like he planning a date. Since when are you friends? Recently? I’m wondering if the two of you have a different outlook on your relationship

  20. Yeah reading back through this is a little cliche haha.

    That’s a very important set of conversations that will need to be had before we agree to anything. Thanks for the comment

  21. At 19 he essentially is a child. You both are.

    I can't imagine moving in with someone after 7 months, let alone into their parent's house. It sounds like you didn't know each other all that well before deciding to play house and now it just sucks.

    I suggest talking about it. You'll probably realize it's not meant to be and move on.

  22. Ja also ich bin direkt eigentlich eingeschlafen weil es mir echt schlecht ging und er war halt die ganze Zeit über da und hat sie abgenommen als ich eingeschlafen bin. Ich weiß, dass sich das schrecklich anhört! Ich war ja auch schon früher krank und da hat er sowas nie gemacht aber dieses Mal ging es mir wirklich mies(hatte mich bei einer Freundin angesteckt mit Influenza) und ich vernachlässige mich manchmal ein wenig selber, das sagt meine Familie auch. Was er getan hat war nicht richtig, wirklich nicht, aber ich weiß, dass er nicht böse gemeint hat

  23. I it were me I would just be vigilant. Just be on the look out for signs that indicate nefarious actions.

    And a full on ban from her being alone with him plus ban from your home.

  24. Sounds to me like you need friends in your life you can talk to about your life. You want to share things with people other than just your partner.

    That said, what does your husband say about this matter?

  25. The way you handled it was perfect. Don't second guess yourself because of his childish reaction. The fact that he's complaining to your mutual friends about how you treat him after he dumped you and repeatedly violated your request not to contact you is all you need to know about his emotional maturity.

  26. He knows for sure he wants kids. You are no longer sure. Children are something that BOTH partners have to be on the same page about. You guys may have reached an incompatibility here. You need to have a frank discussion about your feelings about kids and you need to do it now.

  27. Don't forget that he didn't “ask” about tje photos, he immedoately started screaming at her that she was terrible for hiding this and he “didn't want to be a stepfather”

  28. Thank you for this. I don’t abide cheaters. I also don’t abide men that choose and accept their female partner bearing children and staying home to work the unpaid labour of child rearing and home care (that greatly benefit them as an individual and the couple as a unit) to turn around and be astounded that they have to show financial value in the unpaid labour she’s been contributing to their partnership.

    Her being emotionally/sexually unfaithful is intolerable to me-absolutely a relationship ended the second time around- but it doesn’t wipe the labour and effort she’s committed to their partnership up to that point.

  29. I don’t have kids and I also clean my cats litter box? My house doesn’t stink and I’m not too young. If I can properly take care of my cats then obviously that’s my choice.

  30. Repeat after me: I deserve better and there is no point in being with a person who doesn't know what they want and don't make some effort to show me that I'm important to them.

  31. If you can’t get into it or get over it then move on. There’s nothing wrong with not liking alot of body hair or liking it, all of my exes have shaved their chest hair cause we both don’t like it so we were compatible in that way. If they didn’t I would have moved on and found someone with less hair or who liked to shave.

  32. if my hubby said tgat shit to me he would be moving into his workshop…….. don’t let him ruin your weekend go catch a movie have dinner or something with a friend!

    if he acts like this all the time you should rethink your marriage as he has no respect!

  33. Just send a message saying Hi how are you. Haven’t seen you in a long time. Was wondering if you would like to get a coffee some time to catch up.

  34. You realize he contradicted himself a few times, right?

    Is making dinner such a hardship that he can't even make his own sandwiches (sorry but what the actual F) or even cook on the weekends… or is it 'not a big deal' and 'so easy' it only takes '30 seconds to take chicken out of the freezer'? Which is it exactly.

    He said that how dinner is managed in our house now is very convenient.

    HAHA, well yeah, because his 1950's housewife is doing all the work, despite also working a full time job. It's super convenient for someone to have all their chores done for them!

    Ask him how many of his own meals he'll have to make when he's single.

    Once he does that math real quick, maybe he'll realize the very reasonable 80/20 (which is still BS BTW, it should be 50/50) you're asking for sounds pretty good.

  35. FML, you’re funny.

    I’m guessing relationships, manners and normal codes of human behaviour are those things you’d love to have if you could just get the courage up to leave your mom’s basement.

    Keep mainlining Tate bro and maybe next you do, wank with your other hand – it might not have so many calluses on it and you can pretend someone else is doing it for you.

  36. Sorry it seems harsh, that wasn’t my intention!I’m not a native English speaker, so unfortunately a lot of my vocabulary comes from watching tv where I picked up this expression. I didn’t know the proper context and the negative connotations it carried.

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