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81 thoughts on “reveuse69live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Im actually calling a man friend right now and he's up for a drink or two by the beach! He knew what ive been going through with the ex and pissed off is to say the least, im so glad i have solid friends around. I also have a good girl friend who calls me 4x a day to check up on me and video chats me, this comforts me too much and I have an older female friend whos willing to adopt me while im grieving, i guess not everything is bad! And also one of my ex's bestfriends wife reached out to me and told me we will continue to be friends despite of what happened as im such a lovely person to stop being friends with.. Makes me smile, my heart is touch. Thank yoi for ur kind words and yes ill hit the gym when i get my appetite back for sure ?

  2. It sounds like you have normal chores? Unless ALL your free time is spent doing household things then I don't see the issue here.

  3. I see a lot of fretting over managing HER emotions here and not enough managing of your own. The reality is it doesn't take 2 people to breakup. It just takes one deciding they don't want to be in the relationship anymore. Make your plans and let her handle her own emotional reactions. You can certainly be kind and patient, but you are trying to find the perfect way to say things so that she exactly understands you and doesn't feel bad and I hate to break it to you, but that's not going to happen. It doesn't matter how perfectly you put it, she is going to feel bad. That's not for you to manage. You deal with your emotions and she deals with hers in this breakup. You tell her the truth – you don't have to be callous, you don't have to be mean. You can tell her simply and factually what you feel without making any judgments about her. But you tell her without trying to handhold her through her own reactions.

  4. Firstly, I’m not from the USA so I can’t speak or relate to anything going on there. Secondly, we spent the last year and a half living together but unforeseen circumstances meant that he had to move back in to his parents house – nothing to do with our relationship but more so a tragic family event. It’s complicated. Living together and being “incompatible” is not the issue here. It’s ten years of being stuck between a rock and a naked place, we cannot move forward and get our own place STILL and basically start our lives together properly.

  5. Okay, here's the real talk: when it comes to picking a partner, love doesn't matter.

    Let's pretend relationships are loaves of bread. Flour is fundamental to bread, you have to have it but it's not what makes the bread taste good. The stuff that makes bread taste good is salt and other possible additions. Flour is just basic, it's required for the bread to exist but it's not something you take into account when choosing a yummy loaf.

    In this metaphor, flour is love. Love is a fundamental part of relationships. Love will always be a part of your relationships. Love is not what makes the relationship good. Communication, care, willingness to compromise, etc…THAT is what makes a relationship good.

    Love is a stupid reason to stay with someone. You will also love the next person. It's a basic requirement. so, choose your relationships based on that stuff that matters.

  6. Hi OP,

    Separated dad here, currently with full custody.

    Previously their mother and I did this, simply for the sake of both getting to be with our kids on Christmas day, and this year their mother will be staying in my house on Christmas Eve and Christmas night, and I'll be driving them all to her place on the 26th.

    Not all couples do this, and in a lot of ways it's a good thing as it reminds the children that even when separated, they're still their parents and it's a joint effort.

    It's all good to say that he only lives 5 minutes away, but those kids could easily wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning and he won't be there for the initial excitement.

    Now personally, I openly dislike Christmas stuff, but I'll do all I can to spend the day with them, despite them being teenagers, just to get that morning done with them.

    It is the greenest of flags that he's involved with his kids and wants to be there with them, and it's not a sign he plans on sleeping with his ex at all.

  7. It has NOTHING to do with how she sees you. You guys are not compatible. Period. You can’t force an asexual person to have sex, even if they love you. Sex is not something they want AT ALL. It is not something they desire or want to experience in their lives. You may not be able to fathom how that is possible but it just is. My advice is you DEFINITELY do not marry her. Find someone who is compatible with you, you deserve that. You deserve to have all the fun you want but it won’t happen with this girl because clearly she doesn’t want that. It does make her a bad person but it does make her incompatible with you. You’re young, go to school, work on yourself and date people who make you happy.

  8. Is he Polish? Because I'm polish and can get him on this whole abusive mother and fake girlfriend who is studying a PHD and not wanting to introduce you

  9. And pick a lane. Either I'm a perfect unicorn or I've had it naked. Don't try to get two competing insults in one post because it makes you sound stupid.

  10. So let me get this straight, you want to divorce this man, you know that taking Ambien makes you horny and you come on to a man who wants to have sex with you, you don't want to have with him when you have taken Ambien, he still proceeds to do so even though you told him no. And with all of this you proceed to sleep in the same bed as him. OP does this make sense to you?

  11. It sounds like he's taken it to heart, to learn and correct, he cares so he speaks, he's considering your point of view, he trusts you with that weight of a topic.

    Maybe look at it as you can have confidence he won't fuel your trauma because of his past. Keep taking it out slowly

  12. I have to say I don't like giving gifts for Holidays. For me is really stupid “to show my love” a few times a year on special occasions.

  13. He meant what he said. He’s taking it slow. It may be slower than what you want but if that’s what he needs to do,and you like him work it out.

  14. Yeah 15 million invested even returning 6% is 900k a year. He owns a house already, and that doesn’t count reinvesting or going for a higher rate.

    Don’t think this guy will want to change. OP is probably better ending it and finding someone with the same work ethic and drive.

  15. Wow, you are young. I think you are too hyper-focused on wanting the cuddling and girl. Many people are lucky to have one boyfriend or girlfriend before 20, so you shouldn't feel like you're behind or hopeless. Yeah, it sucks not having that cuddling if you want it, but it's going to get way better as you get a few years older and meet more women as an adult. I think you have a bright future!

  16. If you shower when you go out, of course people might still compliment you.

    But if you skip a shower for 3 days whilst at home in her company then you smell when you are with her. Both can be true at the same time.

    Don’t your privates get itchy?!

  17. My therapist asked me to make a vision board. I had to Google what to put on it and asked my friends what to do. It was a struggle and I cried a lot. I've never been asked or encouraged to “live” just “survive”.

  18. I have always peed in the shower even with my partners present (showering with me or not) It has never been an issue/ First wife even peed with me on occasion.

  19. Hey Op, I have some questions, what was hos reaction to your gifts?

    Also, I find it odd he told you he thought you would not like what he got you. The low effort and low quality of his gift is a concern. His comment about gifts not equally love is also weird. What does he give to others? Who pays when you go out on dates?

    Your post made me sad and if you were my kid, we would be sitting down for a real heart to heart. Look at your relationship as a whole, not this one event. Does this spill into other areas? I willing to bet it does.

  20. Let me as someone who has been on antidepressants and antianxiety meds tell you about it. First on of all you need to stop telling her what you think she needs to do and start being a little more supportive of her getting help. Mental health isn't just drugs or therapy . It's both. I was raised that medication was bad and it took me being suicidal, while pregnant for me to finally reach out to a Dr. for help.

    Obviously it sounds like this could possibly be the wrong med or dose for her, but you cannot go and say “you aren't giving me enough attention now”. With the stand that you have taken in the past I hope that you can still have an open conversation with her about how you see it affecting her without her thinking that it's just you being negative about her being on medication. It also depends on how long she has been on it too, because this could just be her getting used to the new drug and things will level out. If it has been longer than 3 or 4 weeks I would say having an honest conversation with her about the changes you have seen, ( the numb non emotional behavior, not the I'm not getting enough attention) asking her if she feels as numb as she is acting, and suggest another trip to the Dr. for a new med. She may already feel it, I didn't really realize that my meds were making me a zombie until my Dad died and I couldn't even cry. Maybe you say something in the right way would help her reflect. Sometimes it takes time to find the one that works for you, and suggest that in addition to the medication she set up counseling, because like I said, they go hand in hand. I'm telling you this because if you love your wife, you will quit worrying about how much affection you are receiving and worry about getting her help. That is if you want to keep her around.

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  22. But as I said before in my original text, I’ve already put this boundary in place and nothing has changed. We’ve fought about this exact scenario like 10 times

  23. Honestly, no it's definitely not that. He's never said anything like this to me sober. Actually, he's pleasurable and we get along very well. Truth be told, this is the only time I've ever heard him say anything like that. And I wasn't even meant to hear the conversation.

  24. I'm a man. I've been taken advantage of sexually while incapacitated by alcohol. This ain't that.

    If he was coherent enough to leave halfway through, get home under his own power, and concoct a lie less than an hour later, then I've got a very naked time believing that he was too messed up to remove himself from the situation before his dick ended up in someone's mouth.

  25. How have y’all been dating for 6 years and just now talking about marriage? Your family is right: it’s a very big red flag.

  26. Man yea that what your BF wanted to find out the girl who he gave his heart to willingly jumps into guys bed. Just break up because that’s where this is mostly likely headed

  27. Wow. You interfering was not coming from a place of love for your sister. What she did in the past is wrong but based on what you're saying it's in the past, you have no suspicion she's currently unfaithful so you did it knowing it could absolutely ruin her relationship. Are you jealous?

  28. To be fair, that's how men have always been portrayed in media. Prince saves the princess, businessman saves a failing business, soldier saves the day in a battle, average citizen jumping into a life threatening robbery to stop the thief etc.. A lot of media pushes men in that direction, that you have to be ready to step in to save the day, whatever the situation.

    In that last case in particular, men are actually chided if they don't step up to do something. They're called weak, cowardly, not men at all if they aren't willing to risk their own lives to help someone else in a dangerous situation or if a crime is occurring in front of them. If your a man and a bystander in a bad situation, you will be labelled as a bad person that lacks moral character by a significant number of people if you do nothing.

  29. I don't even know how that's relevant to this situation. She didn't make vows to her boyfriend so why mention them?

  30. In speaking to a group, I have found it's easiest to open with a joke. Before dinner even starts, look at the boyfriend, then your dad and ask

    “You guys have a butler now? If I had known we were going to come into money, I never would have moved out over not being allowed to meet anyone!”

    Zing, take a bow, exit stage left. If they decide to come at you naked, just leave and let them know that it's cool because you had something on the way there.

  31. Wait… do you mean the act of going incognito itself is cheating or that he went incognito to facilitate cheating?

  32. I hate the use of the word cunt to denigrate a woman’s character. She’s disrespectful and unserious about his feelings, and completely not worth investing in anymore whatsoever. But I don’t like the C word being used this way… that’s just me

  33. Girl. Are there no other men? This sounds beyond exhausting. Having to police your boyfriends solo antics. Who the hell masturbates at work? That’s a full blown addiction. The fact that it’s been a year and you’re still just talking, no therapy has been involved, no accountability. Idk what you expect but what you want from this man is not going to happen. Move on or accept that he will forever cum to a pornstar’s image when having sex with you.

  34. Acting like you’re a piece of property that isn’t able to deal with problems on her own. You’re all grown up now, you guys could have called the police on your dad if you wanted to teach him a lesson in non-violence.

  35. they are not violent

    So how many arms would he have to break to be considered violent? Like an arm a year?

  36. Wow, almost this exact thing just happened to me. But almost a year in after absolute bliss, he went cold but excused it with stress. Continued acting completely different toward me until I had to make a boundary that bad 'days' are OK, but weeks and weeks of feeling like he was mad at me without explanation was not tolerable. Now I'm not saying this will happen to you, but I had to share what did to me as it so closely resembles the same behaivor patterns.

    He said something dismissive about me to my friend one night, and later when alone I told him calmly it was hurtful and why.

    Well he immediately turned into a monster and started screaming all the worst things you could say to anyone, insult after insult about almost every aspect of me. I was vulnerable and open to him before, and it's like he was saving it all up to recreate and confirm my worst fears and break me. I ended it quickly after it almost did since I've had a string of unavoidable traumatic experiences I'm trying to get relief from and this one was NOT on my schedule. Make it stop please. We are in our 40s and way too old for this emotionally immature bullshit.

    Well he owes me thousands for rent I covered when he got screwed on a contract. I seriously think he manipulated me and then was trying to back out of the lease without paying me back by scaring me into submission. Or trying to gain control over me. Or he's mentally ill. This flip on me for no apparent reason except 'everything about you suddenly sucks' after being his dream girl was so bizarre. It was seriously a surprise to myself, close friends and family since we aligned in so many ways that were provably genuine.

    I even knew what love bombing was before falling for it hook line and sinker.. No more more men till I heal from all the bullshit and learn to be happy alone for awhile. Dating when you are emotionally raw just exposes you to people who look to take advantage of your vulnerability by being exactly what you were missing, till they can really do damage.

    I could have made some better choices on this, but it can be so naked to deny yourself the chance it would continue to be a great relationship too. I'm gonna have to work hot in therapy to not have this shit relationship finale turn me totally cynical, untrusting or afraid to date again someday. I won't let him change who I am, but I have learned some lessons the naked way.

  37. Definitely something you two need to talk about.

    We once talked about it and he said him and I can go out with her and her bf on a double date. But that never happened.

  38. I'd definitely think about ending the friendship. He sounds like he's only acting a friend to get in your pants

  39. Well unless she is also a supermodel and has the body that men weep over, does that then mean that you are settling for her when you know that there could be better looking women out there?

    This whole “settling” thing goes both ways you know.

  40. Lmaooo I was on her side until she told you to start throwing hands in your thirties.

    That is fucking bananas.

  41. You’re probably right as much as I hate to admit it. (Also to clarify we do hang out a lot but definitely not 5+ hours per day, more like 1-3 hours 4-5 days a week). My main problem is that I need to lose the feelings I have for her before I can move on. I’ve already successfully talked to other girls and went on dates in the past couple months but I can’t develop feelings for them because of my feelings for her. The other issue is that when I’m with her there’s nowhere I’d rather be, which is something I definitely need to get over, so how would you recommend dealing with feelings like that when I start to cut back?

  42. He doesn’t really pressure me to do drugs like, on a day to day basis. But if I ever express any interest, he seems to insist I do it exactly like he does and gets offended when I don’t?

    I think because this is something he has more experience with than me, he believes he’s the expert (which, compared to me, ofc he is) but that also makes him feel that if I don’t listen to him, that means I’m being like, intentionally obtuse? Like, I’m saying his knowledge on the subject is worthless to me.

    But he’s also seemingly struggling to accept that my own body metabolizes weed differently than his and my comfortability with weed is less than his. Like why is it so offensive I’m trying to take it slow and find my personal tolerance level?

  43. Well I'm sorry but you can't online with her. She has said that so that's not an option. So you have three options:

    Long distance break up online with a roommate.

  44. OHHHHH okay I understand. You argue with strangers to have some excitement in your life. I get it! Have fun with that?

  45. You don’t own the “year”. And you’re not engaged and how would he know it’s planned for this year?

    Lots of people will get engaged and married this year and the next. Maybe you’ll be one of them. But you’re being ridiculous right now. The world does not revolve around you:

  46. I basically told him he was disregarding our kid’s safety … He told me, directly, that he’s the biological parent and his “yes” outweighs my “no.”

    Stop talking about the sleepover. The sleepover isn't the issue. THIS is the conversation to have, you two have said hurtful and reckless things to each other.

    For you, individually, you need to stop acting like you're the only wounded party here. You told him he's a bad father so he responded with the fact that he's the biological father.

    This is not about getting him to see your side. You don't seem to be aware of how much damage your criticism of his fatherhood.

  47. Please. She’d heard about the club & wanted to see what the inside looked like. What difference does it make?

  48. I love small perky tits! But the real advantage of the big flabby ones are when they take off their bra the wrinkles in their face disappear.

  49. That's why I said a trans person's gender. And I also meant “respect that they are that gender” not “respect the gender itself”.

  50. I also think it’s lovely she sees him this way. No matter what we tell kids they see us as they want to see us and lucky she sees you as someone she can trust and love. I wouldn’t make a big deal about it or tell her to stop as that will only break her heart. She sees you as a dad and telling her not to call you that could damage the relationship built.

    I would let your wife know she did it, if it continues. As if you are concerned about her dads reaction, it might be best to get in front of it. Hopefully she, and he, will see it a positive. That she has two dads who love her and can be there for her no matter what.

  51. If there's any rule, it's that there is always exceptions to the rule. Some people love airing their laundry. I've heard weird shit I never wanted to know. So how does OPs mom know multiple couples like this yet nearly everyone on this thread thinks it's crazy

  52. The things she said in describing those photos to you were aggressively bizarre. I would never, ever show my potential or actual SO photos and point out who I’d had sex with or who I wanted to have sex with. That she did this is borderline cruel. You’ve been dating for a few years? I simply cannot imagine why she said any of that to you. Trying to make you feel insecure or jealous? Whatever it was, it was decidedly unkind.

    If you’ve been dating a long time, you know her. Maybe she was just talking & wasn’t thinking – she was talking to you like you were one of her female friends instead of her bf. Or maybe she was playing “mean girl” games with you.

    If it ever happens again, it’s more than fair for you to say “please don’t tell me about sex you had with other guys. I don’t want to hear about it.” She’ll push back with something about you being so insecure or she shouldn’t have to monitor what she says around you, and you’re allowed to hold firm. “I love everything about you, but I don’t want to imagine you with other men. If you think that makes me insecure, fine. I don’t need or want to know anything about your sex life before me.”

    This has nothing to do with her being your “first” and everything to do with you being a regular human person.

  53. She sounds like she’s exhausting. Are you ready to fight about racism every week for the rest of your life?

  54. No, as when we had met we both said we had no children (my son is the result of failed contraception). However my wife and I have fostered many children, we have taken in friends and family members children when they needed it, and adopted two wonderful children. My wife has always been the most giving, nurturing person I know. So it’s naked for me now to accept she would just leave because I have a child.

  55. Exactly. And I would advise anyone faced with appealing a disability determination to consult with an attorney. What the insurers are not required to tell you and what most people do not know is that the evidentiary record closes when the insurer decides your appeal. That means (with some exceptions) no new evidence can be introduced in litigation if you have to sue the insurer. The court will make a decision based on the information before the insurer at the time it made its appeal decision.

    Many people get pressured to file an appeal by the insurance company and their appeal is often little more than a letter saying “I disagree, I’m clearly disabled, please reconsider.” The insurer then denies the appeal saying you didn’t provide any new medical evidence. You’re then in court with your short letter against the medical report of a hired gun doctor who supports the insurer’s denial of benefits. In that situation, it’s much harder for an attorney to help you salvage the claim. I frequently have to turn down potential clients in this situation because they’ve effectively destroyed the value of their claim.

    I also firmly believe that insurers are more aggressive with claimants who appeal without representation.

    TLDR: hire an attorney to help you appeal. You may regret appealing on your own.

  56. Exactly. And I would advise anyone faced with appealing a disability determination to consult with an attorney. What the insurers are not required to tell you and what most people do not know is that the evidentiary record closes when the insurer decides your appeal. That means (with some exceptions) no new evidence can be introduced in litigation if you have to sue the insurer. The court will make a decision based on the information before the insurer at the time it made its appeal decision.

    Many people get pressured to file an appeal by the insurance company and their appeal is often little more than a letter saying “I disagree, I’m clearly disabled, please reconsider.” The insurer then denies the appeal saying you didn’t provide any new medical evidence. You’re then in court with your short letter against the medical report of a hired gun doctor who supports the insurer’s denial of benefits. In that situation, it’s much harder for an attorney to help you salvage the claim. I frequently have to turn down potential clients in this situation because they’ve effectively destroyed the value of their claim.

    I also firmly believe that insurers are more aggressive with claimants who appeal without representation.

    TLDR: hire an attorney to help you appeal. You may regret appealing on your own.

  57. It sounds like you're more considering inviting your bio dad out of obligation or tradition rather than because its something that you actually want to do.

    This wedding is about you and the people who really matter to you in your life. If you don't see yourself having or continuing a relationship with a person post-wedding, then don't bother inviting them to it. The people you invite should be the people who are really there for you and make your life a happier one for being in it.

    Your bio dad hasn't cared much about hurting your feelings or being in your life up until this point, I wouldn't worry about inviting him to your wedding. Your bio dad was given the opportunity to become more invested in you when he found out that you got engaged but it doesn't sound like he has. And I definitely would NOT recommend inviting him to your wedding if you think he might bring a negative atmosphere to it (for example, him causing strife out of animosity towards your mother or step-dad).

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