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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms rachthetall1.com & [email protected]

rachthetall1.com & rach@rachthetall1.com on-line sex chat

Date: October 11, 2022

3 thoughts on “rachthetall1.com & [email protected] the hot live! sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Well dear one, you are not an accessory. If he thinks you’re too much, he most certainly deserves LESS. I’m sure you can accommodate him once you get your ducks in a row. Good luck! May you fulfill your destiny.

  2. Are you attracted to her?

    Nope. Not at all. And her the same.

    I am not sure what I would be doing instead. I am not a big planner and prefer to take each day as it comes. I do plan things because it's necessary to fit into everyone else's busy schedules, but if I get too many things on my calendar I start to feel overwhelmed.

    Are you perhaps lonely?

    Sure, sometimes. But I don't think in general. My social circle is smaller than average because I prefer a few very high quality relationships rather than many more casual ones. But I have been asking myself questions on this topic lately, because I have recently realized that our social circles tend to shrink as we age. So maybe the way I have approached relationships has been too intense and there is nothing wrong with casual friends. I dunno. I think I need to figure out what I am getting out of our friendship.

    Time is a gift and you give it unusually liberally.

    Do I? No one has ever said that to me before….and I am not sure how to think about it. I guess if it feels to me like time well spent, I am okay with that. I suppose I have to decide if time with this friend is well-spent. I think it is? We do have fun when we are not doing projects. And actually, I did fix the outside unit of her A/C once. And that went alright cause when was very curious and engaged.

    You have give me a lot of things to think about and I appreciate that. That is exactly what I came here for.

  3. This how staying with terrible person ends. You should have left him long time ago, and even now you still won't do it, even though you should.

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