RAACHEELCK on-line webcams for YOU!


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Date: October 7, 2022

9 thoughts on “RAACHEELCK on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. My ex did this type of thing, I stayed for over a year after this all started. I’d recommend Immediately calling the police. Tell them you are wanting to break up with your boyfriend but he’s slit his wrist and suicidal. They will definitely go over, text him that you’re done when the cops make contact. Let them handle him, walk away knowing you did everything you could.

  2. You’re making the decision now. She felt attraction to someone else, contemplated cheating, discussed cheating, and then decided not to cheat. This led you to contemplate and discuss cheating, and subsequently decided de to TRY cheating. Your decisions are ending the marriage. Now. That’s what everyone here is trying to tell you.

  3. You do as you wish.

    She is still paying all her bills and everything that she needs. She's not missing any payment because of this.

    You paying off he debt doesn't teach her anything positive about accumulating debt.

    You just teach her that once she gets into money troubles. That you will just pay for it.

  4. I would consider postponing your marriage/wedding. He is not coming clean. Your relationship was built on lies and cheating. You'll always wonder if he is cheating on you. You don't really know if he's stopped or just stopped with that woman.


  5. I’m sure she’s told me numerous times but I just don’t retain info long term. I have chemo brain from chemotherapy 20 years ago so retaining memories is often arduous for me when I’m under duress or in conflict. Like I have difficulty remembering things that occur during a conflict if that makes sense. I’m just feeling very used by her and I don’t know hot to show or prove to her that what I feel is valid. I have said all of this to her and she’s now saying that she feels resentment towards me because I would always go and pay the bill and that my comments here and there about the high cost of the bill or if she’d order the pricey items made her feel a certain type of way. This in turn led to her resenting me and not wanting to pay the bills she says. I’m just confused and hurt, that’s all I have confidence in right now.

  6. Trust is gone, it’s time to end it. He no longer trusts her, she doesn’t want to do what’s necessary to rebuilt that trust.

  7. At the end of the day it's still your decision I resentful are you going to be if after you have this baby he is not helping you he's not getting up at night he's not there for you. Don't ask people on Reddit whether or not you should get an abortion because we don't know you and this is your decision regardless to what your boyfriend says or with the people of Reddit say it's your decision not ours

  8. You are overreacting… you just proof what she thought that you would leave her when you lost your weight.

    Usually people that make big lifestyle changes makes friends/social groups afraid that they will not fit in with them anymore. This can lead to distance and break up of friendship. And for you – getting compliments were more important then friendahip.

  9. She's lonely and can't find a man her age. If she wants to have kids and she's in her 30s she's probably very aware that her window for that is closing. Trapping you would be a good bet for her. You're young, inexperienced, and probably easy to manipulate.

    All she has to do is “accidently” get pregnant, and then pressure you to “step up and do the right thing” and then boom, she has her happy little family she wanted before she was out of her childbearing years, and your entire life and future is changed FOREVER.

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