QueenLamia online webcams for YOU!


/Lets be wild guys im here new ready for sex and enjoy a lot , ♥♥♥♥ @naked @pussycloseup @fingering @dildoplay #latina #bigass #spreadass #new #teen #18 #bigass #anal @anal [1210 tokens remaining]

Date: October 26, 2022

68 thoughts on “QueenLamia online webcams for YOU!

  1. Agree on only horrible if you act on it but also if you let the getting on like a house fire go farther than a sorta casual work friendship, in other words flirting and so on.

  2. Time is money in the truest sense possible. She’s giving other people her money and if you stay together then it’ll be your money going to this business venture.

  3. Building chemistry in the relationship is no easy feat. You both will have to still fight together to get through. It all falls apart if it is one sided fight or if whatever needs to change doesn’t change or have any sign of improvement(s).

  4. I cannot name a single woman who has not been repeatedly harassed, raped, groped, etc. We can't stop this. All we can do is make it public every time. Speak up. Tell someone. Yell out loud. Only the “good” men can ultimately stop this by calling out the bad men.

  5. I have personally done this after meeting a woman I was truly interested in because I wanted to have all my focus on seeing where things went with her can always create another account

  6. This post has reached one of our comment/karma limits. The text of the post has been preserved below.

    My (21)M and my girlfriend (20)F started dating in Senior year of high school. I had just gotten out of a “relationship” with a girl that had a very high sex drive. All of my girlfriends in the past had sex drives, but I had ended them all before having sex because of a combination of not being ready and wanting my first time to be special.

    My current girlfriend is asexual. I swung the opposite way with it. In the beginning, we agree that even kissing would probably not happen, but I was still there for it because I loved her.

    We kissed a few weeks later, and almost fucked one night a few months later. We were doing everything but sex pretty regularly going onto six months. At this point I had also decided that having sex was important to me in this relationship. I communicated this with mixed results.

    The reason for the holdup is the fact that my girlfriend has religious trauma from growing up in the cult of Christianity. She feels this sense of terror and impending doom around sex. I understand this, and it’s why I’ve been doing everything that I can to help and support for her the last 3 years.

    At the six month mark, we were at the point where she was telling me that it would be any week. There were several times that we got close but when I checked to make sure she was really ready, she wasn’t.

    This continued until about the 9 month mark, when she went on birth control. This absolutely kissed her sex drive to the point that she will be comfortable without sexy time for months if I do not initiate. Even when I constantly initiate we peak a at every 2-4 days.

    This continued for over two years now. We have gone backwards on progress, and now when I bring up the conversation it usually quickly ends with no resolution and me comforting her.

    I personally feel like she doesn’t find me attractive anymore. Over two years of initiating and supporting has left me drained. I have negative emotions towards sex now and I find it difficult to feel attractive. I honestly feel like I am sexually assaulting her when I initiate. When I brought these concerns up, she broke down in tears and I ended up apologizing.

    Tonight we talked about getting engaged. We have talked many many times about this but tonight was the first time that I told her that I was waiting to propose until after we start having sex.

    Now she thinks that I only want sex. She has started folding my laundry on her own initiative (which I appreciate) and is saying that she is a wife on girlfriend salary.

    The breakup of expenses are 90% me and 10% her. I do all of the cleaning and half of the cooking. She does the laundry.

    Honestly I just feel so deflated. Loosing this argument won’t help the relationship. Typically I capitulate to keep the peace. I look like such an asshole in this relationship, but I’ve been completely supportive for over three years.

    She wants to get engaged before we move in together, because she wants me to commit first. She stays at my apartment 5 nights a week.

    Fire your advise away.

  7. Trust is a nude topic. But try to see it this way: by not trusting her, you make yourself look unattractive. It gets jarring for her to reassure you and the relationship would crumble because of that. The other option is to just trust her blindly and accept the fact that if you get nervous without it happening it doesn't change the fact that it could happen, and if it does, the relationship is trashed as well. So, your best bet is to trust her, that's the only way to keep the relationship functioning imo.

  8. Older woman here. I don't think you're being unreasonable. I think if she made an effort to introduce you to her friend beforehand, you might feel more comfortable. She should do a better job of making you feel secure about it as your girlfriend. As in, you should at least have been introduced to each other and he should have a clear understanding that he is going to a game with a girl who has a boyfriend. If she is unwilling to make this happen, then it would definitely raise some red flags for me. I don't think I'd feel comfortable with my significant other (in my case, my husband), going to a sporting event in a date-like scenario without me at least meeting and knowing the person he was going to spending all this alone time with.

  9. Stop working lol jk 🙂

    These things should be discussed. Whats going to be paid and how will it be split.

    How are chores going to be addressed and split..

    There should be an end goal.

    What are the shirt term goals and long term and how would discussing where you may be fallimg short and where he may be falling short helo you guys reach these goals.

    Relationships should not be a competition however, it can be a healthy competition where you both hold each other accountable to reach the goals discussed which in turn will just allow you guys to grow personally and together as a whole.

    Where u fall short he should make up and vice versa imo

  10. Np! As someone who also has ADHD I get it.. I love 'childish' things. But sometimes it's not always what it seams. If he takes you out in it? That's great! Then you hang it up and wear it whenever you feel like it. Plus he will be crushed you peaked. Tho not smart to put all the eggs in the same basket…so to speak. Not sure why he put it in there…unless it's a fake present???

  11. This is a problem. As soon as she was rude to you, he should have stopped talking to her then. That is not respecting you. That is not valuing your comfort. This woman clearly doesn’t respect the boundaries of your relationship and your boyfriend doesn’t either. She’s been rude to you from the get go and it’s suspicious that your boyfriend has let it play out in this way and continued his friendship with her.

  12. Jus wanted to let you know I only read the title. Advice? Get out as fast as I clicked “submit comment”

  13. Come to her with a power point presentation listing the pros and cons, then end your presentation with your terms: butt stuff in exchange for being referred to as the bottled joy the juicy man himself

  14. u/F4BI4N_420, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  15. Sounds like the story he told you about the ex is a complete pack of lies. If he left her because he didn’t see a future with her then how has that suddenly changed within a few months.

  16. You learned that men are way more physical and stronger. A lot of women who don't have brothers learn this way late and it changes their whole world.

  17. It really doesn't matter if mental health issues are driving this behavior or if it is the real her that she has hidden. She acts HATEFULLY towards you! This is not a romantic relationship. It is an exercise in mental and emotional abuse on you.

    You should end this relationship. It may not be her fault, but that doesn't mean you should tolerate the abusive treatment. At best, its a tragic situation. At worst, you are being deliberately abused.

    Time for you to move on. And in the future, avoid relationships with anyone whose problems can be described as “clinical”…..it never ends well.

  18. I worked at gyms for years. I literally stopped because no matter how faithful you think your partner is, they are cheating lol those gym heads are scandalous

    She was comfortable doing that, whatever the reason she has never been told not to do it.

    He probably isn’t cheating but no woman is comfortable with a random chick kissing at her bf or husband so all of you coming at her for leaving the gym are ridiculous.

  19. Let’s face it: you’re only dating a woman 10 years younger because women your own age won’t put up with your bullshit.

  20. Actually not necessarily true – it can get sweaty down there if you’re active, the same way a bloke’s can

  21. He sounds like he will just find something else to fixate his unhappiness on. He should probably talk to someone.

  22. Girl, I guess it’s nude having your exposure to addicts being a relationship because you’re blinded by love. My only experience with addicts were close friends, so I wasn’t in love with them and I saw right through their bullshit. They lie and deceive during all waking hours, like we breathe. It’s a rough truth you’re just going to have to accept, run and don’t look back. He can change but he hasn’t and don’t wait around hoping he does

  23. If you both want to be in a relationship after something as traumatic as a rape then you both need to be in counseling, you, him, and you both.

    You need to learn how to deal with it and process what happened. He needs to learn how to deal with you and understand what took place. And you both need to learn to function together.

  24. A “break” is a breakup, lol. He was butthurt so in the heat of the moment he wanted NOTHING to do with you and now he has to face the consequences for even mentioning it instead of just cooling off.

  25. All she wins is a shitty man with no moral compass, no compassion and no respect for someone he 'loves'.

    Some prize.

  26. Having kids isn't logical or reasonable. Move on. What you want is an emotional need and a desire for a particular lifestyle. There is no logical or reasonable way to convince someone who doesn't want kids to want them. If she agrees it's a 50/50 chance she will end up loving it or resenting you for convincing her to do it because she hates it. Not worth it

  27. I am guessing a lot of people offering compromises are American. Taking a trip together is a great idea but like… I am Dutch, our country is flat with absolutely zero mountains. We have a few hills and mostly cities and farm land. You can cycle and walk but there is no true wilderness. A forest sure but it's mostly just walking between trees and finding some mushrooms, not true rough wilderness you would find in Stephen King books.

    There are good compromises, like a group survival vacation organised by a reputable travel company, to another country. They would absolutely need to leave the Neds to do that, but there's other beautiful Eastern European countries that could provide it.

  28. I went through a lot of poisonous frogs to find my prince. It took me 40 years to find the confidence to just be myself and anyone who protests can f right the heck off. It’s human nature to want validation from those we care about. You have to ask yourself if his behavior is that of someone deserving of your time and efforts. If he’s calling you horrible names because you want to do something positive that makes you feel better, and more empowered, how will he treat you as you age?

    Im at the point myself where I’m beginning to see my age on my face. I’ve voiced this to my bf snd my desire to have work done. Nothing drastic, just a few touch ups here and there. He reassures me that he doesn’t see it, loves me as I am, but will not judge or prevent me if I chose to do it. Part of me tells myself that it’s because he’s 10 years older than me so I’ll always be the younger woman in his eyes. To me he is this amazing former marine Adonis who is in good enough shape to still be active and definitely doesn’t look older. However, if I decide to get the work done it will be for me, not him.

    Do what makes you happy and those who truly care about you will be supportive, or keep their mouths shut if they don’t approve. You’re still very young. Don’t tie yourself down to someone who doesn’t see you for the amazingly beautiful survivor you are.

  29. Some nurses seriously shouldn’t be in their profession and it’s crazy/scary in some cases that no one (coworkers I mean) really does anything about it? Like they see them act this way and think it’s fine?

    I’ve also been treated like I was “the problem” by a nurse for something completely out of my control. After I’ve had gallbladder removal surgery, I had complications with my oxygen levels. Every single time I would fall asleep, the alarm would ring because I would drop to around 70% which can be life threatening I read (because she never explained to me) and it would annoy her so much to have to come check up on me. Mind you we were in the same room, it was a big shared waking up room and her desk was in the room. She’d make me feel like I ruined her day by… not being able to breathe in enough oxygen while trying to rest after surgery?! She was very patronizing as well. It was an enormous contrast to the nurse that took over her post who helped me kindly when I had to puke and was freaking out because I was puking blood. She made everything better for me.

    I’m sorry you had that experience, you did not deserve to be treated like that in your most vulnerable moment. Giving birth can be a traumatic experience and going through the complications afterwards like you described should only be met with compassion and care.

  30. Basically what I'm reading too. Its a stiff you to the parents while stiffing the baby sister because he Cldnt sleep with the eldest. Again.. this is a GREAT man.

  31. What is the nuance you're a mid 20s guy sleeping with your friend's sister who is right out of high school. (I hope out of high school anyway.)

  32. My issue is that he was also 28 yrs when he did this so it feels like he was too old to be masturbating thinking about women.

  33. He's horrible. Please don't waste your time with this man. I don't even think he's seriously interested in you, he's just playing with you. I don't generally approve of ghosting, but I think in this case it would be warranted.

  34. Grow up.

    Your thinking that you can’t be happy and celebrate because they are.

    Multiple things can happen in the world at once.

    You sound like a little kid who is upset over them finding happiness.

    You decided NOT to tell others you were engaged, and now your pissed because your dad told you that he’s engaged.

    That’s on you!!!

    Everything is your relationship , with your boyfriend , has been kept a secret from others and now your acting pissy.

    Here’s what you do, tell your dad and family you are engaged.

    Congratulate him and tell him that all of this is an incredible coincidence and that you are grateful that both of you have found someone to love.

  35. Being around someone who is trying to convince you that you're mentally ill, is not good for you.

    What he is doing is abusive and harmful.

    Hell, trying to convince your partner she's mentally ill when she isn't, is literally the plot of Gaslight the movies and play where we get the term “gaslighting” from.

  36. Ask yourself this. Do I want to be miserable for whatever life I have left or do I want to be happy, staying with him won't make you happy

  37. You didn’t overreact. You set your boundaries and your bf was happy to uphold them. Otherwise he wouldn’t have broken up the friendship if he wasn’t ok, he’s a grown man who can make his own decision.

  38. Its either time to instill some healthier boundaries or time to move on.

    I don't want to abandon her when she needs me the most

    Thats…not a thing. What she needs is a therapist. We dont get to keep our support network if we shit all over those ppl. You leaving would be a direct result of her behavior, not you “abandoning” her. By giving in to her demands and entertaining her unreasonable behavior, you're not actually helping her. You're doing the complete opposite bc she doesnt have to address her problems and you're teaching her that its okay to act this way

  39. But you have no idea of the issues surrounding the breakup. It’s better to ask questions now/

  40. I often think there's an element of “one partner is far more tired than the other partner because they do the lion's share of the work”

    This leads to a motivation and energy imbalance. In a strong and healthy partnership, the more energetic one would see their partner struggling and step in to help. An unhealthy partnership leads to the more energetic partner deciding that maybe they should look elsewhere for their satisfaction.

  41. So the group you're going with consists of a cheater (2 if you include the manager), a person who doesn't respect anyone's relationship and is happy to cheat with married people/ people in a relationship. If we exclude the manager there are 2 people with whom your friend Hannah have been intimate. My question to you is why are you so desperate to go on a trip with this group? Can't you and your boyfriend make plans to go to Scotland if you really want to?

    Also your title should be

    My bf (29M) doesn't want me (28F) to go on holiday with work colleagues colleagues including a few who have no respect for relationships.

    My bf doesn’t think Hannah cares about me, and that she doesn’t like the fact I'm in a stable relationship, and she doesn’t have my best interests at heart. He thinks she wants me to be lonely like she is.

    Your boyfriend is smart enough to identify this. You're taking relationship advice from someone who is not in a relationship but is someone who is happy to ruin someone else's relationship.

  42. I doubt any court will look at this negatively. It is very common for moms to spend the first year or two with a newborn. Also, she could make a case that she would want to get more education, the child is bonded with her, and so on. This way, she won't have to go to work and will get primary custody.

  43. I doubt any court will look at this negatively. It is very common for moms to spend the first year or two with a newborn. Also, she could make a case that she would want to get more education, the child is bonded with her, and so on. This way, she won't have to go to work and will get primary custody.

  44. Save that energy for when your girlfriend talks to her friends about hot men and how she wants to suck their huge dick and ride their faces

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