QUEENASS live webcams for YOU!


Golden Ticket Show: CUM SHOW (50 tokens per ticket)

Date: October 7, 2022

12 thoughts on “QUEENASS live webcams for YOU!

  1. Ok, firstly – your wife being honest with you shouldn't make you think OMG! THIS IS THE END! because that's wild man. She can be honest about struggling with intimacy because of the emotional aspect without it meaning she's not emotionally connected to you.

    I think you're really overlooking the emotional aspect in female arousal. For my ex and I – I was emotionally turned off which was causing issues with intimacy, but you know what turns my emotions on? Being complimented, being taken on dates, being desired. I was constantly being blamed for my lack of sexual desire, but seeing how I wasn't being emotionally aroused I was WAY too insecure to initiate.

    So how would I react? I'd get off the “well I'd never!” train when your partner is being perfectly honest with you, I'd not assume this is the end because that's a leap, I'd ask my partner WHAT SHE MEANS SPECIFICALLY (instead of jumping to my own interpretations) and lastly, I'd take my wife on a date, buy her flowers and flirt with her and tell her she is beautiful.

  2. If I'm reading your comment correctly, the intent was to say “viewing sex as a man using a woman is problematic because it assumes that the woman has no agency in this situation and that sex is inherently bad,” but I don't think it came across that way to most people, and they're just seeing something more along the lines of “yeah I used her, but she used me too!” and that you're just trying to justify shitty behavior.

  3. “This sounds a lot like symptoms of X” is NOT the same thing as “You have X.”

    Pointing someone in the direction of a condition they can look into more themselves is not a “diagnosis” FFS.

  4. I always make an effort to NEVER engage with someone I break up with. You will never hear/see me again. No revenge. No stalking. We both disappear from each other forever.

    He will fuck up his family soon enough, but I’m not getting involved with it.

    Deal with your own broken heart and let that dude go back to whatever charade he is putting on.

  5. I'm 32F and just…ew. No offense to you at all OP, but 32 is lightyears away from 19. Stay within your age range for the best experience

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