Puca & Tam the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Puca & Tam, 30 y.o.


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On-line Live Sex Chat rooms Puca & Tam

Puca & Tam live sex chat

Date: October 17, 2022

22 thoughts on “Puca & Tam the naked on-line sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. u/RobbsStudent2022, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. u/letitbeolive, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  3. Quit asking your girlfriend to block all male friends. This is a you problem. You are controlling or trying to. Not okay.

  4. Walk away. He's so emotionally stunted that he doesn't love you. This relationship will be terrible for you. He needs to see a psychologist.

  5. This comment section makes me really mad, it's not okay that she said that, it's not something to just get over and your not overreacting. Of course she doesn't want you dead but she absolutely should never habe said that. I have absolutely never said that to someone no matter how much I hate them and expecially not to someone I love. It's definitely something you could work through if that's something you want, but it's also something that is allowed to make you upset and make you feel uncomfortable. You don't have to forgive her and definitely need to have a conversation with her to figure out how it even got so far

  6. Talk to her! Tell her you have noticed she is not wearing her ring and you are concerned that she can’t make time to talk to you on her day off. Ask her what you need to know

  7. Hi, I’m autistic too and I hope my input helps.

    Do not gloss over the fact that you have been cruel to your wife (6 years * rate of 1/4 episodes per month * 12 months per year) = 18 times. When you’re distressed you either go silent or say cruel things- I can tell you that I personally always go silent and never say cruel things.

    It sounds like her change in personality is a form of walking on eggshells around your unstable moods. And it sounds like she can’t sustain it anymore.

    If you want even a chance to salvage this relationship you need to apologize, and offer to do marriage counseling together and see your own therapist (as opposed to what you said where you implied that she was the one who needed to see a professional).

    I’m rooting for you, you know. It might be too late for your marriage, or maybe not, but if you realize how unsustainable her changing her whole personality for you was, you can have a meaningful conversation with her that improves your relationship either as spouses or as coparents.

  8. Yeaaaaa that’s the problem with being friends with people you know to have loose morals. Been there a thousand times and it always ends badly. When people prove that their capable of doing shitty things like cheating on their partners, you should assume they will do something shitty to you if you keep them around long enough. Just because a snake hasn’t bit you yet doesn’t mean it won’t. That’s why all snake owners are prepared to be bitten occasionally

  9. Lmao until recently you “knew” she was loyal.

    Just because the husband of the person you replied to has decided he's alright with looking over his shoulder for his entire life doesn't mean that you have to. There are plenty of people out there who would sooner hurt themselves than do something this bad to even a stranger.

  10. I need you to know that your simple suggestion set off a light bulb in my brain. For years I’ve been working on helping her contain her own space—she has her own room that’s an office, and I have my desk essentially in a corner in our dining room. But everything in our home is still generally cramped and stuffy. I can honestly say the idea of getting my own space that’s just for me has literally never crossed my mind. We’re planning to move in the next year, so I would like to search for a place with an extra room that I can have as my own comfortable space. It doesn’t fix everything, but I think having something that’s mine to retreat to would help a lot.

    Thank you so much!

  11. So basically he's holding out hoops for you to just through while he will constantly change the rules. No you shouldn't have to liev your life trying to make someone else happy at your own expense. That's so immature and ridiculous. You're both the same age as my son and he's alot more mature than this. He's acting like a 13yr old who been watching too many ” how to be the man in a relationship “. You shouldn't have to make sure you are constantly performing for a partner. He's being ridiculous and the fact you are afraid of his response if you bring it back up is a huge red flag.

    So I've been married 22yrs and when looking for a life partner see how they treat you when your happy and when your sad. His reaction to you hating on yourself, was to join in and make you feel worse. Then went onto tell you how you need to act to keep him. So he doesn't care how you feel, belittles you then gives himself a future excuse for when he cheats. As now he can blame it on you for not changing.

    Honey you deserve someone who loves you AND all your flaws. Who will rise you up when you're down and not try to knock you down when you're up. He should be your team mate, best friend and lover. Someone who you can talk to without wondering if they will react negatively. Someone who brings positivity to your life. Who makes you feel even wearing pajamas, ill on the sofa, that you are loved for more than your appearance.

    Another words find a mature man who can handle an adult woman.

  12. I think he was saying stay friends just to be nice but clearly he has moved on and you seem hung up on him being obligated to be unhappily broken up rather than just moving on.

  13. Just curious as to why you find it increases energy/sleepy quality? Does snorning decrease these things for the snorer? Thank you.

  14. Dip.

    Man is unstable. Lie detector test? Over a dream? Not to mention lie detector tests are total BS and are only supported by emotionally manipulative troglodytes.

    This is mad. Nothing about this is okay. That man needs serious psychiatric assistance. That is absolutely emotionally abusive.

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