Playfulltime_live sex stripping with hd cam


5 thoughts on “Playfulltime_live sex stripping with hd cam

  1. since you have that little of self respect then just let her go back to your life until she got bored of you again, just forget what she has done, its not like he can be a SAHM anyways, maybe talk to her about doing a 3some with a girl sometime so you can catchup the experience you feel ''robed''

  2. This is a toxic relationship, she has no right to ask you to do this nor put in he demands/rules etc. This is not your problem its hers and its a problem that she needs to deal with and that she needs to fix. This is not down to you who has to do things to try and fix her insecurities and jealousy, thats on her, also note that this is just the start.

    She came into the relationship knowing she was a friend, she accepted that, if you are forced to choose which i suspect she will try and give you an ultimatum, then choose your friend each and every time. Oh she doesnt sound like a good catch, she ends the relationship because of a problem that she has and then before she has put the phone down on you she is kissing another guy? She cleaarly doesnt value the 'relationship' that you have

  3. If you don’t like them, then he shouldn’t need to hide them from you, it’s not like you’ll use them all but put the empty container back in the cupboard to make it look like there are still some.

  4. Block him on all points of contact, phone, email, social medias. Make all social medias private even if he doesn't have access.

    If he contacts you in anyway, do not reply. If he shows up in person, call 911 or your emergency services.

    It is not up to this man child to decide your life. No one owns you, you're not property, you're a person. The fact her pursued you so aggressively when you are so much younger is a red flag. He sounds unhinged and you need him out of your life.

    Keep a journal of any contact with dates and times. Save any correspondence he sends, such as calls, texts etc.

    Tell your parents. Yes they might be mad about the difference but if you were my child, i would worried about your safety over anything else.

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