Pinktrouble online webcams for YOU!


♥, Hey! Lets have some fun together, It’s been a while don’t you think? ♥ GOAL: RIDE HUGE dildo ♥ Please rate me it help a lot ♥ Privates are always open and recording!! [271 tokens remaining]

Date: October 25, 2022

29 thoughts on “Pinktrouble online webcams for YOU!

  1. I’d venture to say you should break up with her. Sounds like she has some things she needs to work through before she’s ready for a relationship. It would be emotionally taxing to be in a relationship with somebody like that. Wish her well, do a clean break, and maybe down the road the timing will b better.

  2. A stripdance can turn very fast into a blowjob and getting fucked. Enough stories of this from nights before weddings where the bride and bridesmaid hire strippers.

    If you are not comfortable with your partner having sex then everything leading up to it is taboo. Simple as that

  3. Dude, she's with you. Everybody has a type and many times your partner will not be that type, that doesn't mean anything. But if you want to pursue a different body anyway you can start lifting.

  4. They are an AH, and it’s all in the bit where they say they don’t work out, they only eat junk food and they’re still thin. Cos their metabolism is doing all the work for them. Wonder if they’ll hold onto their fat phobia so tightly when their metabolism eventually slows down and all that junk food and lack of exercise catches up with them…

  5. This is the best thing that’s ever happened to you. Don’t even engage with this loser. Block him and move on.

  6. Nothing in your post suggests she is doing anything wrong. I think you can ask her why she isn’t wearing it in a non accusatory way. Don’t create a problem if one doesn’t exist.

  7. Honestly, that depends on what the “something big” is that happened between you and your boyfriend.

    Because if this was about a fight or something like that, then involving mutual friends is not a good idea. You're basically asking people who like both of you to pick sides. That never, ever ends well – as your boyfriend now learned, since your friends seemingly sided mainly with you. However, it is just as valid for friends to step back in such a situation to avoid blowing up the rest of the group.

    But if this was more about something you and your partner went through together (like, you were out together as a couple, got mugged and now don't feel safe anymore) and your friends are then not supportive when there are no sides to pick, essentially, then they are really shitty friends.

    That said, some people generally are only “fairweather friends”, meaning they meet up with friends to hang out and have fun. Nothing deeper and if things ever aren't as “sunny”, then, for those people, the friendship has basically run its course. They want fun, not invest work or time into a friendship. If your friends fall into this category, then it literally doesn't matter what that “something big” was – they would have always reacted the same way and only cared about their fun. Deeper friendships aren't possible with such people.

  8. You know what? Instead of just down-voting you like everyone else I’m gonna explain why this is a god-awful take:

    Whatever else is redeeming in OP’s boyfriend is irrelevant. This issue is solely about OP’s boyfriend feeling entitled to have 100% of his meals made for him under the guise of, “Having someone cook for me is my love language.” Who is basing a relationship solely on this? What led you to that conclusion?

    Why are you purporting to know what her WFH day is like? Do you have ANY idea what OP does for a living, what kind of deliverables she is expected to have done and by when? Do you know she can “shut her laptop whenever she wants”? You are delusional if you think not having to physically go into an office means work is a free for all. For example my job is hybrid – I am in the office 3 days a week and WFH the other 2. Some in-office days I can stroll in at 9am and clock out at 5pm, have very few meetings and my day is not at all stressful. Some WFH days I am live for 12 hours straight in back-to-back meetings and trying to get all my shit done in time. Guess what my fiancé does on those days? Manages putting dinner on because even though he went into the physical office, he got done with work well before I did.

    I wonder what OP’s boyfriend did to feed himself before he met her. He’s a grown-ass man. He decided to join a physically demanding career and then whine about how tired he is all the time, while simultaneously telling his girlfriend how “easy” it is to cook. So which is it – so easy that he should be able to feed himself despite being tired, or a laborious task that he should appreciate someone is willing to do for him 80% of the time?

    She never said she wanted him to come home from work to cook dinner. She acknowledges it’s easier for her to make dinner during the week. She wants him to make dinner sometimes on the weekends, and not complain about variety when he’s not the one cooking.

    Your whole “good luck finding a man” thing is just dripping with so much misogyny I feel like a Matt Walsh-shaped goblin manifested in real time as I read that.

    She’s not asking for 50/50 in the kitchen. She’s asking for 80/20 with the large onus still on her. Maybe you were too busy turning this into a Mens Rights Activist rant to read the part where she literally says 80/20, you illiterate fucking imbecile.

    The only person weaponizing, “If you loved me you’d do this” is him. If he’s allowed to say being cooked for is his love language, why can’t it be hers too?

  9. I'm going to remove the misogyny and assume he probably feels this way about many many things. Like any joy in this world.

    Either way…. doesn't matter. Don't waste time on people who actively make you feel shitty.

  10. Conveniently leaving out what “rough week” means. Could mean she had a stressful day at work….or she caught you cheating on her.

  11. Yeah, I have this issue at work. There are 2 of us on a project with the same name, just different ways of spelling it. Think Jennifer (me) and Jenfer (co-worker). We both go by 'nicknames' of our formal names but spelled differently. Jenny (me) and Jenni (co-worker).

    Inevitably on a daily basis I receive email / IM (just to me) addressing me as Jenni in the greeting, although we have wildly different jobs. We are wildly different people. Have completely different last names. People know we are different people. The way we both call ourselves is in each of our signature lines. People have sent me message meant for my 'name doppelganger' (even tho we have completely different email addresses). People have gotten pissed AT ME for asking which person they meant to reach out to. The person I report to email/IMs me as Jenni. It is infuriating that people care so little.

  12. Lmao until recently you “knew” she was loyal.

    Just because the husband of the person you replied to has decided he's alright with looking over his shoulder for his entire life doesn't mean that you have to. There are plenty of people out there who would sooner hurt themselves than do something this bad to even a stranger.

  13. I'm kinda the same way.

    I really hate infidelity and I'm not interested in hollywood putting it in front of me and telling me it's entertainment.

    Seems your man has a good reason to dislike it as well.

    It'll be interesting how/if you support him in this.

  14. she went to meet him during our marriage

    Could you please elaborate?

    She went and had sex with him? Kissed him and all other sexual shedoodles?

  15. A lot of condoms have air pockets when they’re sealed. A simple little squeeze would tell you if there’s a hole in the package or not.

  16. He doesn’t have to let you break up with him. Relationships involve two willing participants. If one person wants to walk away, the relationship is over regardless of what the other one wants. Tell him it’s done and then block him on everything, but you may want to stay somewhere else for a few days, he will react poorly and will likely come to your place if he can’t reach you.

  17. Yes. A lot of women wouldn't want to date men who paid for prostitutes. It goes both ways. Not telling something most people might consider a dealbreaker is the same as lying. OP knows a guy would want to know this information to take it into the next level, not telling him is a pretty shitty move.

  18. It’s not her who is against seeking help, it’s her family. They are completely isolating her from everything and everybody, speaking to her like she is a child. I am sure they think they are helping but I don’t know how to tell them they are making it worse.

  19. No, you're not selfish at all and the situations aren't equivalent.

    If this senior employee did you dirty enough to be fired for cause, you should be able to expect confidence and support from your loved ones and intimate partner. It's not reasonable to expect you to bear that burden alone.

    By contrast, your boyfriend may have been upset but is at arms' length from the situation and was using his inside info to engage in workplace gossip. I'm not super negative about workplace gossip since it can be a legitimate tool for us to be aware of fucked up people and take measures to counteract or avoid them, but in this instance the problem has been dealt with in a fairly final sense.

    Beyond the emotional support side of things, back in the workplace the disclosure can be immediately traced back to you and therefore any consequences from it are going to be on your shoulders. So, you suffered initial harm and that's potentially compounded if this escalates.

    You don't have to go nuclear but don't doubt yourself either. Take care, and take notes – seven months in is still very much honeymoon period and doesn't give you enough info to sign up for the rest of your life, though this is certainly a data point worth noting. Good luck to you.

  20. …but ketchup is like 3 bucks if you don't require name brand. Hell, you can get, or at least you used to be able to get, giant cans for refilling old bottles if you hemorrhage ketchup by using it on things.

    Y'all need some therapy.

  21. I don’t disclose to every partner because it’s not relevant. It’s not active and it’s not showing up in any testing. I disclose to more serious ones because I think it matters that they should know it COULD re-emerge.

  22. Yesterday.

    “I mean I did say this to him after he asked me if I was hung over.

    “I’m so sorry did you say you were able to come over last night? The weekend was a blur and I misread what you said.”

  23. His alcoholic shitfuckery isn't your fault.

    You simply told him your truth, that he's a manipulative lying alcoholic asshole, and you friends and family detest him because of his alcoholism and assholery. That's all pretty accurate information. It's not on you for speaking the truth, you're just the messenger.

    He can either keep sucking down the liquor like a baby from it's bottle. Or he can do something about it and get sober.

    Contact the police. Tell them the situation and tell them hes sending harassing messages, threatening suicide and you'd like tjem to do a well person check.

  24. I will never forgive her for this. She ruined our entire marriage. I just need the balls to leave and have shared custody with our kids

  25. Scan anxiety is the worst. Get a therapist- you have 100% right to your very valid feelings, which your GF can't help you with but you shouldn't have to bear on your own.

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