Petitesmallboobs live! sex chats for YOU!


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Date: October 30, 2022

51 thoughts on “Petitesmallboobs live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. By the way, you may not have to sacrifice your career. Their might be some civilian positions available on base. Worth checking out.

  2. For some reason I got a notification of your comment but it isn't showing here. I still disagree with your assessment. The skill dif has to be massive for an average woman to stand a chance against an average male.

    Expertise in a martial art is valuable and will at the bare minimum give you a leg up and strategies in the case of an attack.

    Expertise in most martial arts give their practitioners a false sense of confidence and develops strategies that are actively BAD to do in a real fighting scenario. MMA is different here, but again it'll take years for a woman to develop enough skills to stand a chance against an UNTRAINED man trying to hurt her.

    Additionally, it’s not easy to obtain a gun and receive proper training in most places.

    Either move somewhere that it is easier, or carry illegally. This is your safety, don't play around. As the old saying goes, it's better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6, and I stand by that.

  3. Seems like you're a doormat, and the only sane thing for you to do is divorce. Find a man that really wants to be with you and had the same values.

  4. You are feeling hurt and upset about your boyfriend's behavior on Instagram. It is important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your feelings, and it is also important to listen to and respect their perspective. However, it is not healthy for your boyfriend to continue following accounts that make you uncomfortable, especially after you have asked him to stop. It is important to establish boundaries in any relationship, and it is not fair for your boyfriend to expect you to be okay with behavior that is hurtful to you. You may want to consider seeking the help of a certified relationship counselor or therapist to work through these issues and find a resolution that works for both of you

  5. Ehhhhhhhh….

    This feels very narrow to me. Idealistic and pure? Like very few people could claim to have had friends with this definition. Lots of people don't necessarily have a deep foundation of respect for people they call their friends.

  6. I think that ship has sailed away! I don’t think he will ever get the money back, I think you should have sat down with her months ago and set up a monthly payment. Plan to pay you back. I think it’s a little late though.

  7. No problem. I hope it actually helps someone out there to be informed.

    (I combined the comment you replied to with the original comment, mobile had duplicated it).

  8. He's being an OPPORTUNIST.

    He sees the ship sinking and he's trying to squeeze the threesome in under the guise of “fixing things” when in reality he's just thinking it's now or never and he's taking his shot.

    Don't do it.

  9. We tend to get hung up on defining things as “cheating” or “not cheating”. The reality is those lines are different for each person and in each relationship. It's not about what commonly defines “cheating”, it's about what you two define in your relationship that you are both comfortable with.

    For example: people in polyamorous relationships have limits, and they often vary from relationship to relationship. They figure out what works for that relationship. I'm a flirty person by nature. I don't mean anything by it, just who I am. I know there's a line with that where my partner becomes uncomfortable. So I don't cross that line, because that's what we'd agreed on in our relationship.

    Not sending nudes to other people is a perfectly reasonable line in a relationship. First, the only reason for nudes in a non sexual or romantic sense is in a medical sense. I don't this is about medical issues for them. And hey, some relationships are ok with someone posting nudes! And that's ok! But for you, you see your partner sending someone nudes that it could be construed in a sexual or romantic manner, even if that wasn't the first intent. That is absolutely a reasonable line drawn in many relationships.

    Personally, I'm thinking this is part of a deeper thing to open up some doors to other things for them, a not so nice slippery slope.

    How do you handle it?

    “Partner, I want to circle back about the conversation about sending nudes. I don't own your body, and you don't own mine. But beyond a medical sense, nudes are by nature sexual. When I'm in a relationship with someone, I like to keep the sexual nature of our lives private together. And yes, that means I'm uncomfortable with you sending nudes. If you can't see how that would be a reasonable line for me to have in a relationship, then I have to look at whether this relationship is a fit for both of us.”

  10. Thanks for pointing this out.

    This part 'because when we want something so bad we can unintentionally manipulate others?' is my own attempt to answer for as to why he teaches me to stand up for myself and to walk away from people who disrespect me but he sexually coerced me…

  11. If you care about her well being- then end the relationship. You did and are doing something really selfish and hurtful. You’re deceptive. You continue to lie about it which makes you a liar. Every second you continue to exist in her life is effectively psychological warfare that’ll leave long lasting emotional scars.

    You should be alone for a while and figure out why you did those things, if this is who you want to be, and how you want people to see you. Change requires choice, practice, time, and conviction.

  12. Why is it bothering you that he is going over to his ex gf to see his child? First of all, work on your insecurities and make a decision if you are okay with this situation because you can't expect it to change. If you feel that you can't accept this, it's best for everyone involved if you break up. You should be happy for him being in good terms with his ex, regardless of the baby. Another thing is, that you insinuate that he is cheating on you, have a fight with him and then cry because he won't answer your messages. If you think he is cheating on you, would you like to stay with a cheater? If you don't think he is cheating, then why the drama?

  13. Hello /u/ThrowRA-welldudeshit,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  14. I go to the gym fairly frequently, but when I’m upset about something or going through something, the gym becomes my focus. Cuz when you’re there you don’t have to think and you can take your frustration or sadness out on the weights. I personally find it therapeutic and it helps clear my mind. It’s almost like a substitute to crying it out. Idk it’s what works for me, he could very well be the same way. The only way to get a clear answer is talk to him

  15. D9nt do a break.

    That just means youre still an option when he realises he cant get all tje pussy he wanted.

    Move on. Find a guy who wants you healthy and not an anxious mess whos skinny.

  16. How does any of this sound like love?

    Get therapy, work on yourself before putting yourself out there again.

    You're comparing others to someone that isn't real. He kept up the facade and now his true colours are showing.

  17. Nope. I just replied to someone else who said a similar thing about keeping track because of possible std situation but it’s just girls he’s fucked so he doesn’t forget. I don’t get the whole thing. And when he told me my name was on the list I about lost my shit

  18. Men are not a monolith who all think and act the same way.

    If you want to know if that was an issue for HIM, ask him.

  19. ‘Genuine’ feelings after a month. What would a 30 year old want with a 22 year old beyond the fact she’s 22 and thinks she has ‘genuine’ feeling after a month.

  20. He's not perfect. You're in an abusive relationship and one day he's going to hit you so hard instead of the wall

  21. but she would text me asking where I was. I didn't want to seem rude, so I would just suck it up and tell her

    You're doing a disservice to both yourself and your friendship when you do not honor your boundaries and then become resentful for it.

    I thought that she would pick up on my hints;

    People are not mindreaders and shouldn't be. Hypervigilence is often a symptom of trauma, not care.

    non-confrontational and the resentment of our past arguements make it hard for me to be comfortable around her.

    There is a difference between disliking confrontation and completely avoiding things that need to be talked about.

    Reddit, what should I do about getting my personal life back?

    You need to work on yourself. Plain and simple. Learn your boundaries and uphold them. Every time you give in and do things you don't want to do you're digging yourself deeper and deeper into a hole.

    It's not “hiding” plans to say “I'm going out ill see you later!” And you don't need to act any which way. You should be focused on switching rooming arrangements if its dorm life or getting a plan ready to move out if its apartments. You should also ask yourself how much of your dislike of her is simply rooted in you not honoring yourself + your bout of jealousy vs who she actually is – for personal growth.

    Your solutions are simple. You just have to act upon them.

  22. Your priorities seem to be askew. Whatever this hobby is, you are doing something that is outside of your means, and it’s irresponsible. It’s strange that you refuse to say what it is, which usually means it’s something that will drastically alter people’s opinions. The bottom line is this is not something you need.

    This is a deal that I can’t see ever getting again in the future.

    That may prove to be true, but once you’re financially stable you wouldn’t have to worry about that anyway. This hobby is not financially responsible for where you currently stand.

  23. You're only 2 years in and he did this. Not that a longer relationship would justify anything – certainly not – but it just shows how quickly things have gone off the rails and for him to reveal his true self.

    He broke things off without getting physical with her, but he lied to her about his relationship status, and lied to you until you had the truth of everything from the woman. None of this is good. While there was no physical affair, I would consider this to be the same kind of betrayal.

    I would suggest that there is no guarantee that this won't happen again, and it would take a long time, and a great effort on his part, to rebuild trust. And how can you come to trust your BF again? This is a huge betrayal.

    Also – don't sugar coat your relationship. You don't have great communication. Your BF is a liar. I'm only saying this in the hopes that you'll look at your relationship objectively and honestly.

    One more thing – I forgave my ex for cheating, thinking it was totally out of character and that she was a better person than that. She wasn't. She just waited a few years to cheat again.

  24. Is it possible for the cat to be with your parents for 6 months or so while the allergy shot treatment is ongoing? From what I read those can take awhile to kick in and being constantly exposed to the allergen might be setting him back immune system-wise. That would probably be less stressful on your cat than constant baths.

  25. He deleted them because he knew you would be upset. He shouldn’t be sending things in the first place that would upset you. Sounds like he is having an emotional affair. That to me is cheating. You need to consider what you are comfortable with. But at the very least he needs to regain your trust. Don’t let him minimise the situation. If the roles were reversed what would he say?

  26. I think he might be exaggerating with the “deathly”. They are pretty bad however, in that he had difficulty breathing. He has an inhaler and it helps a lot.

    I think you are being intentionally difficult. They are pretty awful to live with I am sure.

  27. He told me he feels disrespected

    Did you do anything to make him feel that way?

    he wants a woman who is soft spoken and doesn’t question him and let’s him take the lead on EVERYTHING

    I originally wanted to go to therapy together but now I’m like…. What’s the point if he doesn’t like ME?

    If hes been married to you for 10 years I'm sure there are things he likes about you. I think he has been influenced by some toxic gender ideas. Couples therapy might be a great way to clear up some of his misconceptions and get him back to how he used to be. And if that doesn't work then there is only one option left.

  28. Laws are there to protect criminals, if someone breaks in to your house youre expected to spread your legs so they can rape you properly. I hate this world

  29. Haha yeah, I think so. Again, I think there's a good chance that she'll love the effort you put in.

    As opposed to the guy that goes “do you just wanna go to Applebees again”?

  30. I would personally go back to work, but not because you're a man. It seems like you enjoy it a lot more than being a full time houseband.

    Besides, at your age you should be setting up your career. With such a large age gap, it's honestly safer for you to have a career and skills too just in case something happens to your wife somewhere down the road.

    Just hire an old women type of nanny that won't flirt with you. Or a male nanny with good qualifications.

  31. Thank you, straight and to the point advice, no questions asked. I already feel a bit better and more motivated. Sometimes less is more. Thanks again.

  32. “When I grow up, I wanna be a lardo on workman's comp just like dad”

    “I heard your dad went into a restaurant and ate everything in the restaurant and they had to close the restaurant.”

    God I love that show.

  33. Even in the video when I realized what was going on, I tell him I don’t want to be recorded.

    He's gaslighting you.

    Him uploading it is a moot point. You didn't consent to him recording you. You literally have yourself on film telling him don't want to be recorded. He ignored you. Whether or not he deliberately uploaded the video (which he mostly likely did), he's responsible for filming you without consent and losing control of the fucking video.

    Like hey! I'm just going to record you while you tell me no, and whoops! I accidentally uploaded it to my affluental social media page!

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