Perfeectmatch online webcams for YOU!


Touch us through the clothes [Multi Goal]

Date: October 19, 2022

8 thoughts on “Perfeectmatch online webcams for YOU!

  1. exactly this! it’s a trauma response! individual traumas often play out in relationships, consciously or not. this pattern of behavior for her may be based on behaviors she learned as a child as a way to protect herself. that skill isn’t necessarily serving her now, though. it can be quite the mental and emotional load to have to do these calculations—“how is his mood? if I express preference for sage, will he blow up at me? is the confrontation worth my safety here?”—and it means she may be giving up her wants and needs to the path of least resistance.

    how you’re playing into this pattern is a whole other thing. you have just a big a role in this dynamic as she and her anxiety do. take a look at how you respond when she seems like she’s walking on eggshells, think about how you speak to her otherwise and try to notice if those responses echo behaviors from your earlier relationships—is there something about her questions that puts you back in the mindset of your own kind of survival skill?

    the interactions between the individual traumas and survival/coping skills of one partner with those of the other is a great thing to unpack in relationship counseling. just be prepared to answer—and ask—some important questions 🙂

  2. If he needs you there, then he needs to act like it. He wont.

    This is classic manipulation.

    You may need the police there when you leave, if you dont have male family you can ask to come help you. There is something else going on with this other woman, i am thinking hot drugs. Thats why the door is closed.

    Get out now.

  3. I cannot STAND violence against animals, but that aside this is very scary behavior. He has anger management issues that lead to violence against living creatures that he refuses to see someone or even acknowledge. His background is not an excuse to this kind of behavior, but should be a reason why he shouldn't act this way or seek help if he has trouble controlling it.

    For your own safety, I'd take the dog and run. No good will come from this guy if he thinks that “asserting dominance” and using violence to impose his way is acceptable and preferable.

  4. I never think I’m going after somebody I just think live and let live! and just move away from the person. In this case I would order I would order to anybody they were listening that is so despicable and it caused could’ve caused the loss of life that this person needs in someway to be held accountable.

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