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Date: December 23, 2022

29 thoughts on “Perfectt33n on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. u/DaniLoveNSFW, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. So you carry the mental load of the entire household, explicitly tell them what you want, other than finances they do not contribute to the household…do you feel like you have a spouse or another child?

    No one on Reddit can genuinely tell you what to do because it boils down to 1) do you want them in your life as a partner or 2) do you not. Remember that staying together for the kids doesn’t work in the long run, kids pick up on this. And I guarantee unless your children are 3 and under, they know why you don’t have presents. And your spouse should be ashamed.

    1) you want them as a partner. Then they need to step up and be a partner and your resentment has reached the point of “professional intervention.” They need a doctor to manage their ADHD because this isn’t acceptable (not even the gift giving, but zero household contribution). You need a counselor. You both need marriage counseling.

    Then read the book Fair Play. Have your partner read it. It is very eye opening in terms of how much one spouse does and the other gets to coast, and it gives insight on how to try to fix things.

    2) divorce. If no one makes any changes, if no one is listening, then there’s no saving it.

  3. Hello /u/Leather_Daddys_eel,

    Your post was removed for the following reason(s):

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  4. I touch her shoulders a fair bit. I've playfully tried to trip her as well as the attempts at play hitting each other. For sure need to know sooner than later she has a tendency to get into relationships often. She started watching a TV show basically just because I pointed it out. Tbh it kinda feels like there is something there but I just feel dense af

  5. Red Flag number 1: There is a reason he cannot apply for a license. Red Flag number 2: He started dating you at 21, the age gap between you two is alarming. Men who date much younger women it’s shown that it’s all about control, manipulation and possible isolation from friends and family.

  6. I'm seeing someone is the time where nothing is official, might not even have discussed exclusivity

    I have a gf will be when that stuff is discussed and the relationship is official

  7. if you don’t understand why someone wouldn’t want their kid around someone who abuses illegal substances, you shouldn’t be in a relationship with someone who has a kid

  8. Have you asked her why she’s suddenly hiding her phone when she’s already shown you full conversations..?

  9. Why’re you even together? He doesn’t respect you at all and I wouldn’t be in a relationship with someone like that. Are you living together? Does he work/study?

  10. That’s what I was thinking. I am so disappointed in myself that I lied in order to save me a headache and it’s blowing back like this. She’s so toxic hence why we are exes, so I am worried she will cook something up using old messages that we had from years ago I’ve long since deleted.

  11. He has to drive far to and from work. The rest of the time he says he just needs alone time and either plays video games, watches tv w his parents, or goes to his friends house

  12. Lol. I don’t have much, but what I have, I give to you. Take my award, because I’m going to be taking your words and laughing over them all day?

  13. You should leave now with your daughter. Can't continue to check her phone and monitor her because that's not how to get someone sober. She needs consequences. Now.

  14. This is cheating. You should get an STD test for yourself. Did he meet up with anyone? I would want full transparency for why and how long has this been going on. Does he have porn or other sexting anywhere computer or phone? But the biggest question is why, when you were working through all of the other issues.

  15. Why don’t you just ask him what he wants long term and if it aligns ask to make concrete travel plans?

  16. I don’t think him peeing on you is the answer lol. It’s your first time, you were nervous, whatever. But if he can’t handle things like this, then you’re better off. Btw, sounds like you squirted?

  17. The insecurity and immaturity waft around him like a cloud of axe Phoenix. Good on ya for leaving.

  18. Nah, if you’re that age and you’ve been in a relationship that long, you would have probably kissed at least once. If not, it’d be for a reason – so you wouldn’t spring it on someone like that and not acknowledge it as important.

    This is either a ‘funny prank’ situation gone wrong and stressing the poster out, or (more likely) a creative writing exercise.

  19. In an extremely drunken state, it can be very easy to essentially bamboozle someone into having sex. Like, by pretending to be your ex, or just disorientating you into going along with it because your brain was just not functioning enough to use reason and logic due to the alcohol. Having trouble performing now can't be compared to then, because right now you're sober and your brain is able to function. While blind drunk, you wouldn't have that same reasoning that'd affect you physiologically i.e. Not getting erect.

    It is well documented that people's bodies will react in ways that may seem like they're into it, but they mentally aren't. Especially if alcohol is involved. If you were so drunk you can't remember anything, that means your brain was affected so much that you had no way to consent. Even if you had said 'yes' eagerly, she would still be taking advantage of you, it'd still be assault. Because she was sober, she had 100 %control over herself and her brain. You were extremely affected by alcohol, you didn't have the capacity to say yes or no to sex to her in that moment. Any answer given wouldn't be a 'true' answer due to the high amount of alcohol. She shouldn't have tried to get with someone so inebriated, while sober. That tells me that she planned this out, and cornered you deliberately, knowing that you were so affected by the alcohol that you couldn't say no. No matter how big you are, at that point, even someone half your size could make your alcohol mixed up brain do something like sleep with them even if sober-you never would dream of it

  20. Everyone is telling you it’s not too early for an MD appt , a miscarriage at 12-13 weeks would need a doctor appt, You’re being a fool

  21. I mean, it was a 3. Into relationship. You treated him poorly and it’s really up to you if you get in touch. If it’s just to make yourself feel better and apologise, I wouldn’t. You should also prepare yourself that he might not want to hear from you

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