Peitt live! sex chats for YOU!


BIG LATINA ASS , ♥ love anal sex come and destroy my asshole // special price for 3 naked pics for you!!! 111 [Multi Goal]

Date: November 2, 2022

63 thoughts on “Peitt live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. He doesn't deserve a Christmas gift but he deserves a relationship with you? Do you really value your love so little? Doesn't deserve a PS5 but deserves your heart and soul?

  2. Don't let a long track record of behavior be substituted by a short term one when you clearly recognize that your partner is under a lot of stress himself.

    I understand how you feel about this, but it is important to think about why this is happening rather than assume that this is the new normal for someone who has never acted in this manner before. If anything it is teaching you that under stress, your boyfriend has emotions he'd rather deal with alone.

  3. OP Why do u keep on attacking responses from women trying to help you but only listen to male responses? I get that u want to hear views of the opposite gender but have some self-respect and stop bashing females when their only trying to help you. And btw ur bf is a piece of shit so have some common sense and some self respect and leave him.

  4. Also what do you mean by “more like me”? Is it really that bad to have a crush on him? Ive had people inbox me telling me im perverted and gross. It's actually getting to me. Its just a crush right? I feel like i just feel appreciated in a way that i havent been before

  5. He gets off moaning your friends’ names openly while using you for sex….that’s all there is to this, and it’s disgusting

  6. It's okay to feel the way you feel and your emotions are valid.

    It also sounds like she may have some religious trauma… Which isn't exactly uncommon for people in the LGBT+.

    The fact that she spent a third of her life hiding who she is, being forced to have sex with a man, just makes me disgusted with myself.

    This, this is your perspective but maybe just maybe that isn't her perspective.

    I know it isn't the same, but many people who are on the asexual spectrum often consent to have sex with their partner because their partner desires and needs that connection and they want to meet that need for their partner. That is their choice.

    If your wife had said, “babe, I don't want to have sex.” Would you have immediately backed off? If the answer to that is yes, then it was her choice.

    Further more op, sometimes people's sexual orientation doesn't align with their romantic orientation.

    I think for both your sakes you both should consider talking to each other and going to counseling.

  7. Hello /u/Zigyourownzag,

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  8. Keep your distance would be my advice, mighty convenient that he does those things and would be equally cool being with just you.

    Play it safe unless you’re dying for a relationship and are happy with that

  9. If we're only dating and not married, there's no way in hell I would add you to the deed. You don't own the property. HE does. If he adds you to the deed and you break up, whats to stop you from demanding half the house (which you didn't pay for or sign with the bank)?? Nothing. And he knows that, and he's not stupid.

    You pay rent to cover your share of the housing expense, as well as half of the utilities. If you can't do that, then don't move in with him.

  10. Okay so what you could do instead of mentioning you’re unhappy with the weight gain, tell her the excess fast food she’s eating is making you concerned with her health. Tell her that you’d like to start making home cooked meals more often and that you’d like to be healthier as well. Try and make it a goal for you to also be healthier so that way she doesn’t think it’s all about her and her weight

  11. Well, do you want to be with someone who doesn't put in the needed effort but just strings you along with statements like “it will be worth it in the end”, or do you want to be with someone who actually feels the same way about you as you do about them and therefore makes an effort as well?

  12. This is what I read from your post.

    She is having a naked time at work and it's stressful with you both looking for a new place.

    Is she having issues with performance or not meeting expectations at work? Does she feel undervalued at work? Is she overworked? Are her deadlines not realistic but she makes them anyway?

    Why are you looking for a new place? Is the rent increasing too much? Do you need to move to a different area? Will the commute to work change? (longer commute?)

    Personally, my SO calling my job to get me time of is a HUGE no! You need to ask her if she feels that was okay, and not just her wanting to smooth things over. How does she REALLY feel about that?

    You talk about when you got there that she was in the middle of something. Her mind is on her job which you stated is a point of stress for her right now. You expected her to switch gears way too fast. Also, I would have gone into a full panic attack if my SO picks me up from work and then says they talked to my boss about giving me the day off! Oh heck no.

    This was likely why she was unable to really tell you when you pulled over why she was crying.

    You also state that you were angry she wasn't more appreciative of what you did for her, but what did you actually do for her? You surprised her with a spa day which is very nice, but in the middle of her work day. Why on earth didn't you schedule this for a day she has off and let her know that you would like to take X amount of time from her day off for a surprise. Let her decide. You didn't do that though, you took it upon yourself to ask for time off, which either she doesn't get paid for or will have to use her PTO for. Dude, next time think about how things impact her.

    You also mentioned that part of this was selfish on your part since you wanted a spa day. I'm going to be harsh here. The WHOLE surprise was selfish on your part.

    She is entitled to have her feelings, you don't get to dictate those or get upset when they don't match your expectations.

    You need to communicate better and think through your plans before you upend her day at work.

    Also, she doesn't have anything to apologize for. You do though and BIG time! This needs to be the mother of all apologies and be sincere.

  13. i would really truly like a guys perspective on this. if its true all men will cheat, i need to know.

    The last time I cheated, it was using a code I found in a gaming magazine back in the late 90's. I felt dirty then enough that when I learned it had a relationship context I was shocked it was even a thing. I'm bringing that energy with me still.

    Simply – no, it's not “normal”. Just because it happens doesn't make it right. That's like saying Wars are fine because we've had so many.

    “its different for men to cheat than women. its not the same”

    It's literally the same.

    “wasn't everything great before you found out?”

    “You're only upset because now you know” oh please, get away from this guy…

    he never once apologized not until i brought it up and he says “im sorry for hurting you” not sorry i cheated. it was wrong to do and wrong to hide this from you.

    No, it was wrong to do it. He didn't apologise because he isn't sorry. He's also not sorry for hurting you as he thinks you're genuinely stupid enough to stay with him still.

    Please, defy his expectations – leave, find someone who's not a complete and total wad like this guy who'll just gaslight you back to the 1800's with his garbage.

    What next, it's not cheating because he only did it dodggy style? You going to believe that one too?

  14. This is an incredibly unhealthy relationship. You should both find other people you don’t want to scream and throw stuff at.

  15. she said she will not be seeing other people, and for boundaries. Pretty much covered. We both respect each other more than we love one another so we have no problem giving space but An example being to just send a text like “hey can we talk for a second”, and not bringing up the elephant in the room…basically just a lot less daily communication. no seeing each other in person until sometime next month. She said she’ll reach out.

  16. This isn't on you at all and you don't need to apologize for other people's behavior. I am sorry she was not there for you. I want to say leave but at the same point I wonder if she has past trauma and this triggered it. Try talking to her. If that doesn't work, don't fault yourself.

  17. ^ this right here, do not sign the birth certificate until you have an affirmative paternity test.

    I never understand why people ruin supposedly good marriages by cheating like this. You don't slip and have sex, this is a meaningful deceitful act. I hate it even more when they pull the “poor me” when it's clearly their fault for not having even the most basic amount of self control.

  18. If you two are not engaged or married. Then appropriate option is 50/50.

    Anything less/more than that, you start to see entitlement.

    If they have the expectation for you to be more responsible for the expense. That is unfair and is a shadow of the future.

    You're not living together. You're not engaged. You are still dating. Right now, we are split right down the middle. If one of us cannot afford it and the other doesn't want to treat treat the other. Don't do it. There should be no expectation for one to pay more.

    There may be an expectation whilst married, but right now you act as 50/50 to prove to each-other that we are doing this for the right reasons.

  19. I haven't asked him about it yet, I'm really hoping h to just get my head on straight before having that conversation. I'm feeling really insecure about it and I know it wouldn't be a productive conversation at the moment, it would just become a conflict if I approached it in my current mindset.

  20. He was never going to have kids with you from day 1. He lied to you. He’s not breaking promises to you. Instead he’s been outright lying to you. You accepted this man lying for years. You should be used to it and expect it by now.

  21. Sending pics and having to hide conversations is cheating, it's emotional cheating. Wanting to have a threesome is one thing, if he knows you're open yo stuff and yet still won't tell he he'd like a MFM threesome then it's cheating.

    Is he gay, probably not but it sounds more like he is Bi-Curious at the least and is wanting to explore male intimacy. That would be your call if you'd be fine with that however the part you have to worry about more is the deception.

    He is clearly acting shady and that is more of a concern to address than him being Bi

  22. And you don't know that one guy who loves his team, avidly follows them, goes to every game, buys the shirts, talks about them when he can?

    She loves Disney. You know this. She's 31. She's not growing out of it ('growing out of things' is such a weird thing anyway). You either let her have her perfectly normal hobby obsession, or you part ways if it really bugs you.

  23. That age difference is an issue. It's pretty messed up to have been in a relationship with a literal minor while in your late 20's. He's a teenager, you're a grown man close to 30…of course you are incompatible and in two completely different life stages and very different maturity levels.

  24. Yeah. OP and the friend aren't even the same people they were back then.

    Interestingly I never would have said to my bf that I had a one-nighter. I would have said “We had one date. That was enough.” It clarifies that there was a 'connection' and clarified that it ended.

    I can't recall anyone ever telling me they had a one-nighter while referencing a SPECIFIC person. People has said they had one-nighters but that person is lost to bar culture (even if you see them on campus).

    I suspect that OP's own instincts caused her to choose those words. It actually opened up a Pandora's Box that it was good for her to open early in the relationship. She just didn't expect it to because she lives in the year 2023.

  25. You spoke how I feel ?it helps me feel validated thank you! I worry about my daughters and how they will manage with this situation ?my husband says he will split 50/50. I need to walk away after this reddit conversation but I thank you and everyone else?I needed external advice to help me ?

  26. Get a lawyer and divorce him. Unless you're truly an unfit mother (which takes a lot) he can't get sole custody. Just because he isn't physically abusing you doesn't mean he isn't abusive. Because he is.

  27. This sub goes hot on cheaters (with good reason) but it's hard from the outside to see why unless you've had experience.

    For most people cheating starts when you seek a rush from someone else while ignoring the consequences of those actions on your current relationship. It starts out so small and seemingly innocent but we know the truth if we are honest with ourselves. Seeking compliments, validation, excuses to touch or be close, prioritizing communication with someone over communication with your partner, over sharing, etc.

    Cheaters also avoid conflict. That's why all people are susceptible to doing it. Because figuring out how to fix or leave a relationship doesn't feel nearly as good as the feeling you get when a new friend texts you something nice or funny. Or when someone reaches out for help and you feel special and needed.

    These are the actual things your wife sees and worries about. She sees that your friend chose unhealthy validation from someone else over solving her current situation. And yay, that friend is talking to her husband now about all of it.

    Her fears are real so treat them as real. As for setting a precedent for future friendships, honestly that sounds like you may be internally fighting for a way to keep this friendship. Because it only sets a precedent if you allow it. You can always leave if you see this becoming a pattern of control.

  28. Nope, mom needs some therapy! Hell, she would be 70 before a kid graduates, not to mention, she sucked as a parent to you!

  29. You say that as if a 23 year old hooking up with a 17 year old isn't still disgusting.

    People are going to tell you that your boyfriend is a pedophile because he is a pedophile.

    Stop defending him. Seriously, any 22 year old who finds out his girlfriend is actually fifteen years old and doesn't end the relationship IMMEDIATELY is a fucking creep. Please open your eyes and actually listen to what everyone is trying to tell you.

  30. If your wife wants to participate in the feeding role you could introduce formula as part of your son's diet so your wife can feel included and also help out when you are unavailable. But primarily your son's needs come first and it's up to their parents to not use their children to solve their feelings. Maybe your wife could have a baby-related role that's exclusively hers so she can be the mother for that, it won't solve the problem but might solve some of the complicated roles of parenting she's dealing with (biology vs actual role)

  31. It is kind of naked to think like that about someone you've known for so long so I guess I was kind of blinded by my past view of him. But yeah, I will keep my distance in the future.

  32. I will definitely remember your line. I have already talked to two of my closest friends in the group and used that line and they understood my side of it. I guess it's just the fear of causing some big rift within the group, but I guess that wouldn't be fully my fault anyways.

  33. Well most men wants their gf to be only theirs, if girl was promiscuous in the past and they find out about it, ofcourse it has some impact. Having threesome ofcourse makes him think you are promiscuous.

    Can he get over it? Who knows.

    If I found out my gf had threesome or many guys it would change my perspective on her. Its not about insecurity, people's past matters. Especially if someone is planning long term future with someone. Everyhing we say or do have some consequences.

    Diffrent people have diffrent perspectives and values so, for some it's tottaly fine, for some it's dealbreaker.

  34. You need to prioritise your safety first. It's not your job to get her the support she needs because you're a victim of domestic violence. Call her mum and tell her she's not welcome back into the home due to the assaults. Block her number and socials and go no contact.

  35. This part I’m an English teacher and noticed this too. This story is clearly fake didn’t even get to the motel part before I stopped lol

  36. Yea I mean I get why your bf isn’t comfortable. Your coworkers cheat on their partners with people from work.

  37. She doesn’t want to do it. The fact that she has done it before is not relevant. She doesn’t want to do it, so that’s it. Just because she enjoyed it at one point doesn’t mean she has any interest in doing it now.

  38. Did you miss the part where OP has chronic depression? Some dishes staying in the sink overnight every couple weeks is not “neglecting” to do chores, especially when there’s a potentially debilitating chronic illness to consider.

  39. If you love her, leave her. It's hot, but she would be better off without you. You are literally dragging her down to hell with you. Don't do that to someone you love.

  40. Definitely a troll. I can’t believe people fall for this stuff. “Blackout drunk and woke up in bed with another woman” is an age old trope. Dating just because someone is pregnant and getting engaged within less than 2 months? Yeah not suspicious at all.

  41. Ok, so call her, or just talk and ask her everything you want to know. She has asked you, if you are ok about this and you are, but you thought she would give more detail about this cruise. It's all there is to it and it's what you should tell her.

  42. I did and she said she didn't want that because she comes from a broken home and doesn't want that for our kids.

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