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13 thoughts on “PartyQqHouselive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Agree with this – try and place where on when in your life this started and if it’s a consequence of a past trauma or upset. Additionally, you may want to consider talking with a therapist – they may be able to help you find strategies to defuse or soothe these feelings.

  2. Just to add to this, she was supposed to rebuild her trust and confidence before entering the relationship, not while in a relationship. It's a long, long road and as Corgi says, she may not heal while in this relationship (which is very common), so OP, unless you believe you can handle her current behavior and quirks for a long time (quite possibly forever), I'd consider cutting the chord early.

    (Hopefully she'll get the help needed to be an excellent partner)

  3. If she feels guilty because of her religion and now she's trying to throw the blame on you, just get the hell out of this relationship. You asked for and received enthusiastic consent, and now she regrets it. You can't trust her going forward.

  4. i hear what you are saying. and i tried before to move on until i saw their picture. but it hurts so much that i never got closure and never knew the real reason.. maybe i would hear something that hurt but at least i wouldnt feel so stupid for not knowing if his feelings were real at any point or made a fool of myself giving so much love to him ?

  5. I know a lot of people who carry something got protection (anywhere from guns to pepper spray). I’m American and it is legal here obviously but even here this behavior is a red flag. Despite all the news you see out of America about people open carrying assault weapons in grocery stores, for most people the accepted standard of behavior is that you never see or hear about somebody’s weapon unless they are ready to use it. Most of the time you would never know when someone is armed. Showing it off, talking about it or flashing it around changes the dynamics of a situation and makes it more likely for dangerous escalation to happen. So someone who is doing that is regarded as someone who potentially looks forward to violence or gets off on the power-dynamic that being armed causes.

  6. Ive dated someone like this. Your adult response isn't going to work because this person is too narcissistic to consider they may be in the wrong. They will just flip the story and make you feel like shit for even suggesting this, they'll act overly offended and you end up apologizing just to keep the peace.

    Inner child approach is the way to do it as you also tell her good bye, ya aint having this shitty relationship anymore.

  7. You just got married and its suppose to be the Honey moon period of your lives together. RUN to the court house and see if you can get the marriage annulled due to infidelity. Have her explain everything to her friends/family to see if she's remorseful. If not then you need to spread the word on why your leaving before she changes the narrative.

  8. I just came across this after reading OP’s recent update. Best wishes and strength to you. I hope you find happiness without his dead weight.

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