Paola-sexy-23 online sex cams for YOU!


paola-sexy-23 Public Chat Channel

Date: November 14, 2022

33 thoughts on “Paola-sexy-23 online sex cams for YOU!

  1. Human Sexuality NEEDS to be expressed on all Four Planes of Human Existence.

    a.) Physical… explanation necessary

    b.) Emotional……and I DONT mean “emotionally-charged behavior”. I mean the expression, understanding and acceptance for the feeling engendered by recognizing the traits in oneself and one's SO. Each and every one of us longs to be affirmed for how and why we are who we are. I did NOT say “acknowledged” or “validated”….thats the next step. Affirmations are communications we give ourselves and others encouraging the attitudes they bring to life. Women bring variant traits to men, which is how Affirmation becomes so important. Both men and women need this.

    c.)Intellectual…… NOW we can talk about acknowledgement and validation since these are Cognitions and generally reflect on Outcomes relative to intentions. If emotion is regarding the persons “how and why”, Intellectual is validating the Way we are and how that brings good into our lives. Self-determination and autonomy, or independent thinking along with critical thinking are all indications a partner can hold their own and be a productive part of a bond and need to recognized for their qualities.

    d.)Spiritual……..and I am NOT talking about going to church, although…oddly….. that could be one aspect. Our Spiritual plane is the keeper of our Beliefs the way our Intellect is the keeper of our thoughts and our Emotional plane the keeper of our feelings. Using intuition we seek to accept those views or positions for which we have no Concrete facts. If we had facts we'd be using our Intellect. Sometimes we have to take things at face-value and risk…..kinda like a high-wire act without the net. Our intuition helps us reduce the risk by weighing the value of a position without any actual evidence.

    OK…..n ow I get down out of my pulpit.

    OP: There is nothing more I can do to counsel you. You were a shit and for your sins you got the predictable outcome. However, should you decide not to make the same mistake twice…… (May it please God)…… consider that for Every Measure of Sexuality you perform physically there needs to be an equal part…..or more……. Validation, Affirmation and Intuition. If you don't know how to do this after reading my post, would you kindly refrain from objectifying your partner until you do?

    Have a Nice Day.

  2. He said he would be ok with a different (nicer/bigger) house and living in a different spot? But where we live the costs of moving closer to where he wants to live is very expensive, and we’ve been looking at bigger houses but there’s a lot of boxes he wants it to tick so not sure we will find something that suits that we can afford

  3. She is experiencing a mental break. Suffering delusions and severe paranoia. Could be postpartum psychosis however, I'm not a professional and cannot provide that kind of input. I will speak from personal experience though. My sister went and continues to go thru this same thing. It's been decades and she's never received any formal diagnosis because she refuses to seek psychological care and or if she does, she lies to the docs. She doesn't tell them everything that she does or experiences. She is a master of deception. She is aware that she's not okay but doesn't want to be admitted to a psychiatric facility. That's her greatest fear is having her freedom taken from her. Her husband has been tortured for years due to her mental state. She is abusive toward him and he's afraid of her. Because of this, he is fearful of retaliation should he attempt to have her committed for her own good. I myself have attempted numerous times to encourage her and him to get help but to no avail.

    I will tell you that you need to get your wife in to see someone IMMEDIATELY. She is unwell and will continue to deteriorate. She will become violent and anyone in her path is a potential target including your child.

    My sister has attacked me in one of her episodes. She nearly threw me through a plate glass window. She tried to strangle me. To this day I don't know what I did to cause her behavior. That's the most frightening aspect of this situation. Her volatile nature and the unpredictability of it. Knowing now that she's suffering some type of mental deficiency I am more forgiving but at the time it caused a massive rift in our relationship and not just with her but with my nieces who were witnesses to her violent attack on me. Her behavior since then has only grown more extreme. She believes she's being watched, she believes that her neighbors are out to get her, she sleeps covered in various articles of clothing and under furniture so the neighbors upstairs can't affect her brain with whatever apparatus she believes they possess. At one point she completely abandoned her family and left to go live a completely different life. Her children were still quite young. She missed so much of their lives. All we could do was wait and pray that she'd come home. It was terrifying.

    I'm sorry if this message frightens you. In a way I hope it does, I hope it prods you into action. Get her help as soon as possible. Don't wait to see what happens or for it to get better because it won't. She'll seem fine at times only to relapse into her delusions and mark my words it will get worse. Please please please don't wait. For your child's sake. Call your emergency services, get her into treatment. She'll be upset for a bit but once she's under care and receiving the right treatment, she'll thank you.

    I hope all turns out well. Take care.

  4. Well, I mean like if you're happy you're happy. You're the only one who can tell. If you're unhappy, you can tell. These questions aren't for redditors to answer ngl. Considering, we're not you. Just random people on the internet.

  5. Things I said to her? I said the truth, and she knows it. Not all guys are like me, some are bastards… and it was unfair for her to say that “I am not innocent”, implying I'm like one of those guys.

  6. Her behaviour is appalling. Concentrate on spending time with your mum, you will regret it forever if you don’t (I say this as someone without a mum). She should be supporting you, not the other way around. I get that her situation isn’t ideal, but you have bigger issues to deal with than a grown woman having a tantrum. Please see the bigger picture here. Merry Christmas, sending you lots of love at this difficult time.

  7. Bro just stop. That is mad disrespectful to your wife. Have respect for your wife that just gave birth to your baby

  8. He just needs to mature.

    I was a horny sum bitch when I was younger.

    If he loves you, he will figure out how to overcome and adapt to your comfort levels.

    “It’s fun every now and then, but all the time….NO”

  9. This. I cry when I'm angry and frustrated. Doesn't mean I'm trying to manipulate.

    Op you knew she cries at everything. Of course raising your voice at her would make her cry. And now you are upset at her for her completely avoiding crying around you. You have a lot of groveling to do.

  10. You ask why he would do this and if others do. He would do this because it brings him some sort of benefit. The only benefit here would be sexual. That is just so disgusting and disrespectful and such a breach of trust and-ugh. I am sure you are not the only person this has happened to but that doesn't make it okay. I would follow other people's advice. Keep evidence and take this to a lawyer.

  11. If you didn't reply to him, he might have thought you ignored him, and he might actually be upset by that. Or if you've talked about your problems earlier, he might have felt what he said or did didn't seem to help you, so he feel lost as to how to react.

    It's not always easy to have someone close to you having problems. Now, maybe he is selfish or whatever, but I would also consider whether he is struggling more than he let on, and that he might actually be feeling hurt too.

  12. Well, I hope he's your former best friend. Get a lawyer regarding the paternity thing so you don't get stuck on child support for his daughter.

  13. Agreed. Not sure why all the down votes. I've legit known dudes like this and so have most of the people here. You're only a conquest to them…

  14. Thank GOD you are out of that relationship OP. That girl is ????. She is 22 and is seriously trying to make you feel bad for being a caregiver. Reading your original post made my blood boil. I am so sorry.

    I hope you know now you and your father have done NOTHING wrong.

    Please don’t be afraid to come back to the USA over this. Not everyone over on this side is a complete numpty with no emotions. I for one, think you and your father are WONDERFUL for helping your sister. Amazing family.

  15. I asked him but he denied it and he tells me whenever he is going to go watch it. He always watches it on his laptop though

  16. Ask her?

    I have mine set because I’ve dealt with some weird people and don’t want others snooping my list for any reason.

  17. Id say if u want sex the dog is out of the room. We have 2 small dogs and one is all over us all the time… when it comes time to have some action she is locked out of the bedroom

  18. You would still marry this woman! She helped her dad continue abusing the victims. The spoiled princess always had bad behavior and has been. getting away it for years. She is mocking her sisters using the empathy to them for herself. You would actually consider having kids with her and risk the chance of them being around her dad. Your kids will have a devastating life of you marry this narcissistic witch.

  19. Don’t pay any rent or contribute a thing until the value of that money is all used up. Your sister likely does have some sort of problem – drugs, drinking, or gambling. You won’t get the money back. Let your parents know this has happened so they don’t send any money her way as it too might go missing. Find a way to cover your finances asap! Could you end up on the streets if sis is not paying rent?

  20. That’s a big ask, even for neurotypical folks. I think it’s as simple as asking him point blank.

  21. Worrying about her calling it off, will only make you reek of desperation, low standards & respect. You need to be the one that calls it off. Sure what happened to her is unfortunate & does sound like grooming, but she lied regardless, same with your “friend”

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