Paige the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam


Paige, 27 y.o.


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Live! Live Sex Chat rooms Paige

Paige online sex chat

Date: October 16, 2022

6 thoughts on “Paige the nude online sex chat with hottest babes with a hd cam

  1. Can't groom someone who is literally a year and a few months younger than you and legally an adult. Not to mention your friends are even older than you by 3 years. He just doesn't have older friends like you do and isn't on his own like most 18 year olds who are spending their teen years having fun like most do. He's a regular teenager and gotta understand a lot of people aren't like you who were 18 and living on their own and have their own place with a job and all that. Everyone has a different experience at certain ages. I'm 23 and have a family that I love and fine and like being a family man but I know other 23 year olds aren't doing what I'm doing and doing things differently, like focused on friends and taking it slow. People are just different. And if that's a deal breaker, maybe just find someone who is older and adulting since that's what you seem to he looking for.

  2. Sounds like you have a good handle about what’s going on.

    Narcissists are so difficult to leave. I feel ya. All the normal rules go out the window.

    Any chance you have ADHD? Something about the way you’re struggling to organize these thoughts into a plan makes me wonder about adhd, which often correlates with issues with executive function. (e.g. first save up money. Second make some outside friends so you have a support system. Third figure out the terms of rent or lease so you can decide if you move out or she does, and when. Etc).

  3. Well first of all, ditch this

    I feel like I was robbed of my youth (college years)

    You were not robbed of anything. You voluntarily participated in this relationship. To believe anything else forces you to believe that 1) you didn't have a choice in your life but was just along for the ride, 2) you would have been happier if you had broken up before college (who knows, maybe you would, maybe you wouldn't. Sorry, that's just life.) You do have a choice, you did then you do now. And if life was just as easy as knowing how it was going to turn out, we'd all be making different decisions.

    You are still young, 23 is far too soon to be giving up in depression. She didn't realize either, but far better you both figured it out before the actual wedding. This hurts, having to divorce on top of it would have been harder.

    Take your time to be depressed. This is depressing. Take the time to hurt, this was hurtful. Honor your feelings. Then, in a week or two, however long it takes, pull yourself back up, give yourself a wake up slap, and decide what you are going to do next. You'll get there, and probably be much happier tbh. She has saved the both of you from much bigger pain down the road. That doesn't mean you need to be happy about it right now though. Be sad, you deserve the time.

  4. You should get a test again in six weeks. Some STIs need time to show up in the test. And since he slept sround all the time :/

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