Nori78 live sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 19, 2022

12 thoughts on “Nori78 live sex cams for YOU!

  1. I love that. Mine is kinda nerdy bc it’s from dr who but I remember this line from the show where Amy is talking about her husband Rory( who isn’t conventionally attractive) and it really changed my views of as a teen. The quote was: you know when sometimes you meet someone so beautiful, and then you actually talk to them, and five minutes later they're dull as a brick. But then there's other people, and you meet them and you think 'not bad, they're okay', and then you get to know them, and their face sort of becomes them, like their personality's written all over it, and they just they turn into something so beautiful.

  2. understanding of why he doesnt want to do anything but relax when he came home.

    if this is still representative of his thoughts, or yours – so you and your mum are still living like his house slaves (or just you alone now, post move out)

    then your dada has a huge point, the guys isnt good enough for you.

  3. Lol hopefully teach your daughter and son to not date and marry their PREDATOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER

    screams externally

  4. Yeah, he told me that he doesn't know if this means that he isn't in the right headspace, but he knows that he just has a lot going on rn. He does feel like his head is all over the place.

  5. I dont wanna have sex with him rn.. he said that his new bf checks regularly for STDs but why would i trust his bf?

  6. She is simply too young to comprehend these things. She wants to party and have fun, you want to focus on school etc. It’s just a mismatch and will most definitely end in you having a meltdown and dumping her, or her dumping cause you’re “soooo boring”.

  7. Nope.

    Unless you had an agreement, like he would pay you back, or put the funds down towards your common future in form of payment, you shouldn't

    You took a chance. Being with someone is accepting the risk that it may not work out in the hand, but making the bet that it will. You gave money betting that you would stay together and marry and spend your life together. But you didn't. If you gave money because you wanted to help him, well you did. You being together or not does not change that.

  8. I didn’t read that she opened up to him.

    I read that he inferred from her kiss that she felt similarly to him. Then he got upset that he saw her do the same thing with someone else.

    She didn’t betray him by opening up/ confessing her feelings for him, she just got drunk and started a kissing spree that began with him.

    It seems to me that she is apologising after noticing he had a negative reaction to what she was doing. He thought it was special, she didn’t, but seems to feel bad for hurting his feelings.

  9. As far as I understand, word never got back to the neighbor about this lie. He never faced any retaliation or anything like that, friends essentially just raised an eyebrow at the time that it would’ve been illegal

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