NINAGOLD live! sex chats for YOU!


After 30 days I’m back, holding a big squirt that could fill a p, óol !/ SNAP+5 PICS = 333 TK /G: TWERK, OIL, FLASHES, TOP/PANTIE OFF N’ MORE / Tip 100 tokens to Control Lovense 60 seconds [30 tokens remaining]

Date: October 19, 2022

26 thoughts on “NINAGOLD live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Dump the boyfriend.

    If you think it would be safe to tell your mom I think you should or any person in your life who is safe to go to. You need someone right now. And you sound like you might still need medical attention – what you went through that early in your pregnancy sounds very complicated and should be discussed with a doctor and they should make sure you’re physically and mentally well now, too. I had an abortion I full heartedly wanted and it was still hot for me after hormonally. I got incredibly depressed and it wasn’t at all due to regret in my case. It took me a long time, medication and support to get through that. I can’t imagine going through that and questioning if I did the right thing on top of that.

    It’s not my place to make that decision for you but I do think it’s best a child didn’t have your (hopefully soon to be ex) boyfriend as a father and honestly something like that can make all the difference in someone’s life.

    I wish the best for you and I hope you can get the help you need. Please stop looking for it in him. He has proven multiple times he does not have your well-being in mind.

  2. First things first, you are not allowed to buy a gun on behalf of him & him telling you to do so is absolutely fucked. This psychopath isn’t allowed to have one for a reason; don’t let him be another argument as to why people shouldn’t have firearms. You respect the firearm!! & obviously this fucking dimwit doesn’t.

    Now, onto you! You are also a dimwit for staying with that asshat. I don’t know whatever you need to work on or work through to leave this dingus, BUT you need to leave!! He’s attracted to young 20 year olds for a reason, any lady his age with a smidgen of common sense would’ve already bounced.

  3. You didn't rape her. Her brain is fucked from the guilt religion gives you from sex and pleasure. I would back off from this relationship, i don't see how you could ever feel confortable or trust her ever again in any intimate situation.

    Source: I was raped and i was raised catholic.

  4. you think they’re gonna expend resources to track down some guy posting about some measly house burglary? ???

  5. You are young OP and she has failed the gf test.

    Its very simple test that involves not ever showing any interest with another guy whilst she is with you. She failed that and regardless of whether she told you or not, the simple fact remains that she cheated on your after only 10 months.

    Ignore her mental health issues, ignore her seemingly being sorry for doing this and ignore the sunk cost fallacy of thinking that the last 10 months makes this relationship somehow “worth something”.

    Because her actions have shown that to her, it isn't worth the same as what you value it to be.

    And know that if you do agree with working through this with her, she will take it as a sign of weakness, as a sign that she can do this and get away with it, and your relationship will go through this again, and again and again.

    The collective advice here will be that your life will be infinitely better without her in it.

  6. Yeah that was the biggest thing for me. I felt left out. But our talk made me at least understand why, and that it wasn’t done maliciously. Fortunately it’s not a common thing he does and was very out of character…he’s always been a little yielding towards me in general.

    But I told him that he needs to tell me about major things like this from now on, and not leave me in the dark. He gave me his word, but if it for some reason happens again, I’ll know what I have to do.

  7. You make no mention of other ways you've tried to be intimate that isn't sex. Have you really actually tried? Is sex really that important to you?

  8. You could. A: GROW UP and let your partner enjoy themselves for a minute. or B: continue to not see him as a person and view your child as a burden from here on out.

    Good luck to that kid I guess?

  9. Probably because most of what we see and read on a lot of these subreddits is negative. Sooner or later your view is going to get slanted, trained even, to follow down certain tracks.

    If 10 stories involve bachelor or bachelorette parties and one or more participants are involved in cheating and debauchery, your mind will want to jump to that the 11th time too.

  10. I mean, I live in the city and used condoms are everywhere. I legit have no idea why they would be in some places I see them yet there they are. No reason to assume bad faith on your husband.

  11. Have you read OP's answers? She is the reason this relationship didn't work because she is self centered.

  12. As you are older, wiser and more mature than him. It Plays into his poor reaction. He is not able to see past your threesome experience. But by bringing up a threesome. You have inadvertently okayed an FMF situation in his mind. But him now finding out about your MFM past has given him mind movies and questions about your threesome joke for the future.

  13. Holy shit. Is this even legal??? Surely this is an arrest able defense? Surely you should screen shot the texts and send them to yourself then consult police and lawyers??? Hiw arw women allowed to get away with this?

  14. I'm not saying she's emotionally draining. Sometimes I don't have the energy to entertain her the way she needs me to but I do it because I love her. Yall are missing the point.

  15. If you being a cheating, manipulate asshat was the best she brought out of you, your best is a disaster.

    I don’t give a shit whether you love her. That’s immaterial. If you care even the slightest bit about her well-being, mentally or emotionally, you’ll leave and never look back. Every day you spend with her is a day in the worst version of her life.

  16. Please break up with your fiancé- you do not love her. It’s not enough to marry so you can keep your friendship with her brother.

    Your fiancé engineered the whole thing … that’s not right

  17. Yes. She deserves to know her life is a lie. Every human has the right to autonomy over their life.

  18. So this was a situation where I’m not interested in being with other people, however I want her to feel like she could have sexual relationships outside of our relationship as long as it didn’t impact our sex life. This is relatively a kink in the sense that I want her enjoying herself, but always coming home to me. I don’t feel like resentment is present or that is splitting up would be the thing that would happen

  19. Ok wow. This is a LOT. There’s nothing wrong with causal dating especially at your age. You aren’t dating to get married you are dating for FUN and you are dating to see what kind of man you like and don’t like. You are also learning and experiencing what you will and what you will not tolerate in a relationship. You also don’t marry an older financially stable person. You marry someone you love. Marriage is damn hot and without love as a background it’s hell. You are setting yourself up for misery and abuse if you are just looking for older and someone with money. Heck YOU can and should make your own money! Don’t rely on a guy to take care of you, always have a plan and a way to support yourself if SHTF. (I’m old enough to be your mom BTW). While I can’t say I love the difference in your ages traditionally in THIS case there is zero wrong with having fun and casual times with a younger guy. Relax. You’ve don’t nothing wrong and there are no SHOULD’s when you are 21. Have fun. Stop beating yourself up over having a fun time with a guy. It sounds incredibly innocent and fun. No big deal

  20. Think about what? The fact your gf was put in a stressful situation and did the best she could and told you immediately??? Dude, you have a lot of growing up to do if this bothers you that much.

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