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  2. Personally I am against the grain on this one.

    Fantasy =/= reality. Sometimes the things that turn you on are nothing similar to the things that you want to participate in sexually.

    As an example, I’m into amateur cheating porn. It really turns me on to imagine someone cheating on their partner. Likely this is rooted in myself having been cheated on by previous partners and attempting to retake control of those emotions. Does this mean that I’m into getting cheated on, or that I’d love for my current partners to cheat on me? Fuck no.

    Writing things down as a way to express fantasies is not uncommon and is, in my opinion, completely harmless.

    I would also like to point out that it’s really amazing to me that everyone responding with strong criticism of the boyfriend in this scenario is just completely glazing over that OP fucked around and found out. Why is it okay for OP to be snooping through things without permission just because OP “has nothing better to do”? People have a right to the concept of freedom of privacy in their own thoughts, whether their thoughts are written down or not! If this was a journal instead of a handmade booklet (and what exactly is the effective difference in those things?) I wonder what the responses would be.

    Ultimately if reading these things has given you “the ick” then it is what it is, but I personally believe it’s sort of wrong of you to go digging through his personal writings and now be considering punishing him for them. Context is pretty important in these sort of situations. From your description of the booklet it was obviously something private/personal and you chose to read it anyway.

    My feeling is that you fucked around and found out. If you want to end the relationship over that – well of course, you can end a relationship for any reason at any time. But it’s not like you found links to bootleg snuff films in his browser history. You found something that he channeled some sexually themed fantasies into years ago, and there’s no guarantee that they’re even his actual sexual fantasies as you have provided that he is a writer and it seems that it is a work of fiction depicting fictional characters. Maybe if it was written from his perspective, or included actual people from his life, but since it seems to have been mostly a creative writing exercise…

    I think that you should not have read it. That’s my take. I think you had every opportunity to stop reading it once you realized what it was, but instead chose to continue even though it was pretty obvious that this was not intended to be read by “just anybody”.

    I would also include that while these sort of themes may seem pretty extreme to the uninitiated, almost every example you gave is so laughably boiler-plate when it comes to a genre like hentai, for example, that you could probably pull up the top videos on right now and watch 3-4 of them and basically see everything you listed as examples.

    Good luck!

  3. It showed me at my brother’s one time when I hadn’t been there in a couple days. My SO was gonna use my location to meet me somewhere and called and asked why I was at my brother’s. But since it was a place I frequent, I don’t think that looks better for OPs wife.

  4. Well, she clearly fucked things up.

    I’m pretty sure she panicked and tried to hide from her feelings in the worst possible way. Things is, this doesn’t mark her for life. It is not a permanent flaw in her character. She has much growing up to do. Both are you are young, insecure, and hormonal.

    This potentially beautiful moment is completely spoiled and she knows it. However, if she is genuinely sorry and ashamed, she maybe should be allowed to make amends and start anew, in due time. It’s up to you.

    “Yeah, that was a cunt move for sure. I’m shocked. Don’t text me, we‘ll talk if I feel up for it. For the time being, I need to focus on other things. Take care”

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