Nikolinaa live! sex chats for YOU!


nikolinaa Public Chat Channel

Date: November 2, 2022

7 thoughts on “Nikolinaa live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. OP….decent model agents don't dm minors over social media….

    if you move forward with this “job opportunity”, you need to have your parents involved and have an adult present during that gig.

  2. Tell him “honey my love language is my partner pulling their own weight”

    then don't cook for those 3 days, have an extra big lunch or get takeaway just for you and leave him to fend for himself

    Good luck, hopefully yall can work this out

  3. Your mother has the marital relationship with your father. This is between you and your mother. It is up to her to discuss with your father.

  4. How is it a lie? Clothing is necessary. A drink is not. You're just pouting. You could have gone by yourself or foubd a friend to go with you. You come off as immature emotionally. I'd work on that.

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