Nicollemeyer on-line sex chats for YOU!



Date: October 12, 2022

8 thoughts on “Nicollemeyer on-line sex chats for YOU!

  1. I’m sure you’re important to him, but not as important as his career. If you want to be with him, you will have to accept that. But to be honest, he will at some point probably meet a woman in a position to further his career in some way. And I can’t imagine him not taking the chance.

  2. “He said that how dinner is managed in our house now is very convenient.”

    Yeah, obviously. He does none of it. Enough of his nonsense – if you weren't there, he's be doing it all. “Convenience” doesn't come into it.

    You work from home – during your work hours, you are, presumably, working. You save time on commute, great, yes, more time around the house.

    He works a more physical job, it also makes sense that you take on a bit more around the house.

    Nowhere in this does that mean you are required to do it all! If he's responsible for dinner two days out of seven, as you said, he can order, which means his labour is nil.

    He has absolutely no right to demand you provide all his meals. He wants to feel loved? Great, so do you. He wants convenience? Great, so do you. Time he gets a reality check – what he wants is a housekeeper/cook, not a girlfriend.

    If this relationship is to work, he needs to pull his damn weight – he's being a childish, entitled arse. I would die on this hill, he clearly has no impetus to make changes without it being made very clear that his time getting his whole entire way on this is over and done.

  3. and that I can’t be relied on to get in the habit of making his sandwiches.

    Are you kidding me?? ? Fuck that.

    . He said that how dinner is managed in our house now is very convenient.

    Yeah, for him!

    I just couldn't be with someone like that

  4. Every time shit goes down is he gonna bail again? A marriage license hasn’t stopped anyone before…

  5. He's not respecting your boundaries – he's not a friend, he is just someone who wants to get in your pants. And apparently cheat on his gf.

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