Nicole_Lynch live! sex chats for YOU!


make me explode in pleasure until my body trembles, ♥ SQUIRT SHOW ♥ PVT ON♥ Snapchat 155 tkn [GOAL MET]

Date: October 4, 2022

63 thoughts on “Nicole_Lynch live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Never, big n9.

    Unless you want to deal with an drug adicted.

    Thats not even a light drug u talking about meth!!!!! Jesus.

    35 y.o men…

  2. If you’re stressed out now before you even moved out imagine how stressed you will be having to pay bills and being on your own. Its very difficult. Just something to keep in mind.

  3. Rage, lust and greed sound like a dangerous combination to me. Have you ever thought you should have something just because you want it? Just taken something you wanted because you knew you could?

    Give me a thorough definition of rape and outline how you’re dealing with your anger issues and I would be deeply relieved.

  4. I didn’t mean it as a way to look down on anyone. A common trait is to miss emotional cues so I was thinking it might be helpful for the girlfriend to understand this. Also I agree with you, he is indeed learning! Just keep learning!?

  5. I will say that w young love, especially w trama, it's hot to let that person completely go. I was w my ex husband for almost 5 years. I used to reach out to him and we would chat once in a blue moon, since we went to hs together, had some mutual friends, etc.

    He will always be apart of her story, but he doesn't have to see her or talk to her. I think you have justification to tell her your concerns. I don't think she should see him. Doesn't seem like it would bring any good. She's already doing well. She doesn't need closure.

  6. I've been through the ringer idk man I'd rather hook up with a bigger girl than a pos “fit” girl or a damn method head that's gonna steal my microwave on her way out

  7. It could kinda be like a guy that only dates blondes, or only short women, maybe more of a preference thing? Yes, I'm a glass half full kinda gal

  8. You are 20 with unlimited options.

    Why would you ?‍♂️ and accept it?

    Just break up and find a guy that wants the same things.

  9. This is an unfortunate reality of being Indian. I am one. I have been blessed to not have to be forced into marriage and find someone who makes me happy, but sometimes if a man get up there in age (30+) traditional parents will kind of force it against their will. Im sorry Ia m sure he was a good dude.

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  13. Hello /u/TurbulentArea69,

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  14. Leave her anyway. In discussions about terms of separation, tell her you are willing to take the dogs if she wants you to, but don't act like you really want to. (Reason: she'll likely be vindictive and keep you from them if she thinks you want them.)

    Her behavior has been entirely deplorable and you've allowed yourself to be a doormat. Stop now. What are you gonna do when she comes home with a fourth dog? A fifth? A parrot?

  15. Long story but I asked. We were mutually masturbating and I asked what he was fantasizing and it led into a bigger conversation about what he will sometimes think about

  16. I would just avoid her at all costs and have fun solo while I'm there until it's time to go. Fortunaty, it sounds like she's avoiding you anyway so that part will be easy. Don't let it bother you, it's her aim to make you react badly at this point. Leaving her there alone will give her the proper ammunition to play the victim to the rest of the family back home (presuming there are other family members in the licture).

  17. Maybe but at least then he wouldn't have a false idea of what “gets you going”. By lying about it, even to save his feelings, basically prevented any room for improvement because he believed he satisfied you.

    As hot as these things can be to talk about, you need to be honest. If you had said no back then, he could have worked to find what would work for you. But instead he thought everything was fine, for years, to then discover it's not. That's quite a lie for quite some time, even if the intention was to spare his feelings. You also robbed yourself of trying to find ways to help you orgasm from the start.

    Next time, I'd be honest from the start and that's when you can reassure them it's not the be all and end all if it doesn't happen, at the beginning.

  18. Hello /u/Gullible_Exchange224,

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  19. It’s over anyway, you’re just delaying the inevitable. You just need to formalize the divorce. Go back and stay in your house.

  20. You were 18 years old when you got pregnant by a 27 year old. Presumably he knew you before that. So he's a gross groomer and now he's bored of you.


  21. That’s potentially true but not a dead ringer for the truth. And, either way it comes down to a difference in values at the very end of the day because he obviously finds the negative qualities to outweigh the benefits.

    Someone else here mentioned working with the idle rich and I’ve also worked in jobs that put me in contact with them— I agree I couldn’t date them, their worldview gets so narrowed and self-focused (not intentionally). Personally I would want a partner with a matching work ethic even if they could afford not to work— wouldn’t need to be full-time or even necessarily for pay but contributing to society more than just their hobbies.

    One of the ultrawealthy I knew spent her time helping at a free legal clinic and spent a significant amount of resources outside herself, and financially supported her partner’s ability to help those without as a professional. That, I could respect as a partner more than someone who spent all day drawing or in their stables.

    Couple of other things.

    Whatever motive, sounds likely it didn’t sink in how little or not at all OP works until they lived together. It’s very hot for many people to wrap their heads around.

    OP says she lives off an inheritance but doesn’t say “I will never need to work”— we don’t actually know if she’s ultrawealthy.

    If she isn’t, she may be taking years off that have an end date, which may make him realize he feels she’s irresponsible or not working for their future together.

    Also, while for me it’s an ethics thing (my partner works way less hours than me for 3x the money and I’m happy, not salty he has more time), her boyfriend may just find it annoying to see now that it’s in front of him. Sometimes what your values are don’t click until you see someone truly not living them in front of you.

    Either way, sounds like he didn’t fully appreciate the nature of her lifestyle and now there’s a conflict. She needs to have an open, curious conversation if she wants the relationship to work— or just end it if it feels not worth it. Whatever is actually going on needs aired out to figure out what your priorities are and of they can match.

  22. You address it by having a direct clear conversation with her, if you can't do that your relationship is already in trouble. Then you'll know if you two are compatible or not and if not you just meet more people.

  23. Run run run.

    Is this guy love bombing you? Very odd controlling behaviour so early on. And simply look at how he reacted after you raised a concern.

  24. You do realize this is a form of abuse. It’s starts out by isolation and then financial dependence.

    You are not in a good situation. And if you have been with him for 16 years, you have basically been groomed by him.

  25. You are letting what you think about yourself cloud your judgement. You think you are anxious and clingy so you think you're just overreacting. If I were in your shoes I would have said the same things. It's weird to be talking to your ex twice a week. They don't have kids together they aren't living near each other that it's just because they are still in the same group of friends. You asked to visit with him that if this was a platonic meeting it should have been accepted. You asked to see their convos which isn't unreasonable since he is going there to party. He is making you feel like you're crazy but he legit has two girlfriends the past he can't let go of and you.

    Don't let him hurt you more and convince you it's because you were clingy or crazy. He is going there to have time with his “big love” and he is showing you that your relationship will never be bigger than the one he had with her.

  26. Ages 37 and 41 + TikTok don't really go together. But if you know he indulges in this and you wanted him to see the video it was your underhanded way of expressing discontent with him. Adults your age are supposed to be able to communicate like grownups, using real words and everything. This isn't about his coffee mug behaviors but about your deeper dissatisfaction with him. You two need some counseling if your hope is to keep this marriage together.

  27. This guy sounds very dangerous. I'm glad you have your brother and his place, but I recommend compiling everything you can, and sharing this with other people. That way, if he moves to hurt you at any point, you'll have his abuse on record. People like this work best in the shadows.

    Also, next time, don't let him in the house.

  28. Seriously though she's not just immature, she's absolutely disgusting to think that cleabibg up someone else's poop is sexy in anyway

  29. A fingernail clipping seems like something that could really hurt your throat on the way down. If it’s deliberate then it’s being done with intent to injure, which is even more concerning than regular old fashioned vanilla crazy.

  30. Being shaven or skinny is something that can actually be controlled. Height is not. It is superficial but it's your preference so, at the end of the day, if you're okay being superficial, you do you.

  31. Your wife thinks you're cheating with the female coworker because you didn't tell her about it. It's a nothing issue that's she's made into a something issue, at least if you want to stay married to your wife it is.

  32. i agree, it’s important for partners to know, but i replied to this comment because they were talking about the rides being the issue, not the communication. i agree that it’s reasonable to be upset if you were blindsided

  33. It was her first time and she might get pregnant. She definitely doesn't know what to do in this situation. If she wants to take Plan B she needs to take it as soon as possible for it to be effective (up tp 70h after intercourse). If she doesn't want to take Plan B there's a high chance you are going to be parents in 9 months. Well, there's still abortion but it's not available everywhere and has a higher health risk and can be a great emotional burden.

  34. It's because there are male trainers who will actively look or try to sleep with their woman clients. Hes insecure but for a good reason. Get yourself a woman trainer and problem solved.

  35. Your buddy is promiscuous and he placed himself in a position that allows him to have easy access to vulnerable people. There fixed it for you.

  36. Ugh he can't join management and also stick his thumb in management's eye. He definitely needs therapy if he has these feelings so intensely they are fucking up his life and he just keeps pushing it harder.

  37. Make the decision that’s best for yourself.

    Also own up to eavesdropping on his therapy session and apologize to him. That’s seriously fucked up.

  38. She is having emotional affair. Honestly, I think you should just leave. She is a waste of your time.

  39. This is actually what I am going to do . I will find a job back in the good country I was and ask him if he wants to come. In todays fight I asked him if he would come if I finance the home and everything , he said no. Let’s see

  40. Jesus Christ dude, do you just get up in the morning, come to this sub and tell people one by one they need to break up? You are what’s wrong with this place.

    Have you had a partner? Someone you truly loved and would do anything for? Have you lived through a breakup of that magnitude? Don’t be so cavalier about these posters, they aren’t here for your amusement.

  41. She deleted them because she knows that what she had in them was damaging to your relationship.

    So do not believe her.

    Tell her that at the least she is emotionally cheating on you, and if she wants to continue with your marriage, then she cuts this person off now, completely.

    If she doesn’t, then tell everyone, tell her family and friends that she is cheating on you. Then file for divorce.

    And remember she is lying to you about deleting her messages, so she is most likely lying to you about not being interested in the other person – especially given how flirty she is.

    Remember loyalty, respect, love, trust and respect- the foundations of a relationship have all been damaged or broken by her in this.

  42. Thank you for saying that.

    I think there are a couple places where I balk (young kids, not having a career, loving in a SHCOL place, and generally not having my ducks in a row), but in the end, the delaying and standing in my own way only prevents me from being happy.

    My choices have repercussions, and I recognize that.

    I am working on it, so thanks for the encouragement.

    It means a lot.

  43. Sounds like his mommy took care of everything before he moved out, and now he’s pouting because he expects you to take over for mommy. Not gonna happen.

    You are going to have to be VERY firm with him, or you will very much regret letting him move in. Draw up a chore chart (there are tons of them for free on the web) and ask him which chores he wants to do. If he resists then tell him he can’t on-line with you, you’ll just continue to see him twice a week like before.

    If he accepts to do some of the chores then say you will have a weekly check-up meeting, to make sure you’re both on track for chores. If he’s not pulling his weight then he’s allowed one reminder that this is mandatory, or he has to go back to mommy’s house. He’s an adult, not an overgrown child. Adults do chores. Heck, even most kids do chores.

    Good luck. ? and congratulations on the new house, that’s a huge milestone ?

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