Nia-roberts on-line webcams for YOU!



Date: October 15, 2022

65 thoughts on “Nia-roberts on-line webcams for YOU!

  1. Sounds like a power play to me. How is the sex for you? The times when he initiates and you give in, do you walk away feeling at least taken care of or is that a one way street too?

  2. If you think you should then it's probably a good idea. Although, if you just have low self-esteem ask her what she wants.

  3. He also claims that if we go through with being friends only he is allowed to fool around, feels like a double standard

  4. Guy is a bozo, no offense to anyone but if I got fired from a gas station I'd celebrate. He smoked the drugs so he needs to humble himself a little… no a lot. And you need to cut this tumor off if it doesn't fix itself.

  5. Maybe I'm an idiot, but holy shit.


    I did not try to read this.

    Make it somewhat possible to read.

    This is literally the first time I've actually not read an entire reddit post.

  6. I suspect thr deeper concern is that she puts herself in places and states (drinking) that elevate her risk of being assaulted. That's the more positive view.

    If this is a problem for you then a clear discussion is needed. Tell her your concerns and see if there's a compromise you both like.

    And I don't know the duration between these events but getting kissed, unwanted twice in a short time would be alarming for me. She's clearly not putting herself in safe situations.

  7. You aren't a fifty year old couple with a thirty year marriage. You're twenty and have been dating for a year. It's okay to leave.

  8. Fell pregnant, lol. That was my favorite phrase from the story. You fall ill, you don't fall pregnant. Unless she fell, landed on his dick, and he creampied her.

  9. Should I end my relationship based off what everyone is saying?

    Don't ever do anything, just because people tell you to, ever. It's your life. Listening to arguments is fine, but if you feel like something is a good choice, then go for it.

    There are countless of happy relationships where people have different lifestyles and they are able to find common ground.

    And if people keep telling you to break up tell them to stop that shit because it's disrespectful.

  10. he didn't think about it, as far as i am aware. he is straight and also has never tasted his own. so i think he just never knew anything at all and i happened to be the first person to mention it, and it made him self conscious.

    i would do anything in his comfort zone. i absolutely enjoy and miss doing it, i enjoy his taste and have no issue at all. i had no idea my dumb comment would affect this part of our sex life and his confidence. i'm not even sure what advice i'm asking, i just thought maybe somebody out there on either side of the coin might have some inspo tbh

  11. This is no laughing matter.

    You were assaulted by a group of people. You are being bullied. You are being harassed. You need an adult to intervene or to advocate for you. Please tell someone.

    And what's wrong with kids these days? They just watch and laugh? No one has reported this to the school administration? Parents who are reading this, please teach your child that they have a responsibility to keep each other safe. WTF.

  12. Non-issues get magnified into major issues when you’re in an LDR. This wouldn’t be as big of an issue if you could be together IRL. Either way, he should have known that it would bother you

  13. This is so blatantly obvious that any adult with half a brain would see a problem here. Does your mother usually show such disregard for your safety, or is this out of character for her?

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  16. I am addicted to my girlfriend, that means I can’t marry her? /jk

    Yeah, addictions suck and it will always be a fight.

  17. This is reminding me of another post where the man was posting his girlfriend was masturbating right in front of him and denied it. I though it was a sleep thing. Like she’s doing it in her sleep,

  18. Don’t tell her until you have DOCUMENTARY PROOF!!!

    He will spin it against you and say you came on to him! Guess who Mia is going to believe?

  19. What he’s saying is illogical and doesn’t make sense. If he loves you enough that he’s willing to terminate a very wanted pregnancy just to spend more time with you, then why would he be willing to leave you while pregnant with a child you both agreed to conceive? Unfortunately, I think he just wants to leave. I Please don’t terminate the pregnancy. I fear that if you do, you’ll just end up with neither of them.

  20. Offering her money may make it seem like you want something more with her. Perhaps point her in the direction of rental and utility assistance programs or cheaper housing. Unless you are hoping to be more with her. It's kindo of you either way to want to help her. I've been in her shoes and can tell you she has a difficult road ahead of her and will need all the support she can get. I would know, I didn't have any support and it didn't stick as a result. Good luck.

  21. Did your GF not see how uncomfortable you were? Like, I know you agreed to it, but she ought to have seen that it wasn’t working for you and at least paused things to check on you or asked the third party to step out so she can check in on you. Obviously, this is a key thing to establish before going into this, and it sounds like you two didn’t do much homework on how it would work (including that either of you could stop things at any time). Had you started with another woman, it would have been on you to make sure your GF was okay and not just start fucking the third and asking her to join somehow.

  22. He reminds me of my ex. My ex didn’t believe in love. He talks about it in terms of serotonin etc.

    Now I look back and see, he was a psychopath.

  23. If it wasn’t for your kid I’d say leave, as her attitude and actions show she doesn’t respect you fully.

    Seriously consider getting a test done on your child, to make sure it is yours.

    And as for your relationship should the child be yours, you need some strong boundaries, and some in depth discussion about how disrespectful she has been, and how much damage her actions have caused to the relationship, and that she needs to start rebuilding the trust and respect back up.

  24. Yeah she's showing you what your life will be like with her if you stick together. You do the heavy lifting, she does the easy stuff. You have to do what she wants no compromise, but you have to compromise what you want to do for her. This is a one way street. That's not a relationship, she's using you. I would not be surprised if she broke up with you once she got settled into her field. Or even just done with the masters.

  25. And within a matter of days…. Not even years of fantasy or pining or whatnot… but just, she said no and Op was like ‘oke, will be getting it elsewhere then….’

    I think the rape fantasy was just bullshit cause he wanted a ‘reason’ to cheat on her.

    I hope she finds out

  26. But it's not going to get better the longer it drags on. His sperm quality is degrading as he gets older for bio kids, not to mention his ability to keep up with them as they grow.

    Sometimes you have to be the better person and break up with them for their own good.

    And your own.

    You deserve to rest after all you've been through. You can't rest around him.

  27. I don't see anything wrong with that behavior personally. It's better to let your partner know in advance about these kinds of things because otherwise they may get the wrong idea once the see it on accident.

  28. Don't know if you are this naive or just don't really want to resolve this but your girlfriend should run. If you solve this out you can talk about relationship. For now you put your ex above your gf.

  29. Save screenshots then leave her immediately and when someone questions you tell them what has happened and you can even show them her chats.

  30. Urgh your boyfriend is seriously jealous of your cats?? Why do I constantly read post about men acting like absolute children ALL THE TIME.

    Get. Rid. Of. Your. Boyfriend. Not. Your. Cats.

    He is an insecure moron. Don’t waste time on a person who seriously feels jealous of your cats, this behaviour will seep into how he feels about your male friends, your other friends, your family… if you have children, probably them too.

    Just please for the love of Christ value and respect yourself more and just leave him. There are thousands of cat loving, kind and secure men out there who will love and value you 100x more than this absolute tool and love your cats like children.

  31. More concerning than being excited about the potential pregnancy is him deciding unilaterally you’re moving across the country with him. Away from your family and friends, away from your job and independence.

  32. My husband isn't a fan of tattoos. I had a few already when we started dating so he knew about them ahead of time.

    I was going to get another for our daughter but he said it's trashy for girls to have forearm tattoos and he would love me less.

    I got it anyway, I love it, plan to add to it, and he admitted he likes it too.

  33. That’s how I want it too – finances separate and a joint account where we put in 50% of expenses. She wants it all into joint account and withdraw the same % each month and put it into our individual ones, which makes me feel like I’m subsidizing her. Of course if she made similar to me everything she says would hold more strength but as of now, I don’t believe it

  34. Well, anyone you're not dating is looking at you as just a sexual partner. Why would they ever try? They can go get someone if they want.

    For dating, what are you doing? If you're not trying, not enthusiastic, etc. the man won't be trying too much. And some men are jerks that way, just like women.

  35. It sounds like you are worried that he will cheat on you with his ex, when you should be worried about the danger he poses to this woman and the danger he will pose to you. Men who stalk women are psychology unhealthy, have a belief that they are entitled to own women and control women, and have no understanding of boundaries which are needed for a relationship to be safe and healthy. I would run from this man like he was a hive of killer bees. He probably does believe he loves you, but that doesn't mean he isn't dangerous

  36. She is 24, still plenty of time left to have children. Why rush into having kids now, in a situation that sounds like they are not financially prepared?

    People do change as they get older so why rush into marriage and kids now? Would you rather have those commitments when you “start having doubts” at 30.

  37. Your boyfriend is disrespecting you, she’s made it clear that she’s excluding you on purpose. Just to clarify you and the other person who’s photo missing are both POC?

    If so that’s so much worse that this could very well be racism and your boyfriend thinks nothing of that.

    I don’t know your relationship dynamics so I can’t tell you what to do. But if it were me I would end things. I wouldn’t want to date someone who is ok with me being upset and purposefully excluded and ok with racism.

  38. . Not on date 1, but I know I'd feel like maybe someone wasn't that interested in me if after 3 or 4 dates things hadn't progressed physically.

    You see that's what worries me. Disclaimer I'm a virgin. It's not something I'm comfortable with.

    I'm worried that a date will mistake my lack of experience or confidence, with not being attracted or “lack of chemistry”

    Problem is… I sort of wanted to keep that a secret. Now I'm reading though that women want sexual chemistry and I never took that into consideration.

  39. I imagine people living an alternative lifestyle (or pursuing alternative interests) to have a fairly strong sense of self, which means they know what they like and will go after something/someone if they feel strongly enough about it. (Like, it would be so much easier if they liked and did “mainstream” things like everyone else; they wouldn't have to try so hot to assert their identities while seeking acceptance with their own people otherwise.) Accepting as they may be to people curious about their culture/interests, maybe they feel that you're too much of a “tourist” (non-participant) in that space and ultimately aren't compatible with them in the long-term.

  40. Like I said, I know of plenty relationships in my life that have spawned from working together that have worked out just fine. That isn't to say I haven't seen ones that don't work out, because I absolutely have, but the risks are all the same.

  41. You are welcome. Look after yourself and know that it all does get better as long as you work to make it so.

  42. I just started seeing a guy 3 weeks ago who works alot and already told me he loves me and now I love him too but this post is making me paranoiiiiiiiid

  43. While it's fair for her to not want to lower her standards or pay more than what she already is, it either means that you two need to broaden your horizons in regards to location or prepare to spend a long time searching for the right place that you might never find if you are to move in together.

    However, if she makes more than you then it's unreasonable to expect you to pay more than her. Unless you both like the idea of her essentially being your maid in exchange for significantly lower rent, then it sounds like this relationship isn't going to go anywhere.

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