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NattCastillolive sex stripping with hd cam


24 thoughts on “NattCastillolive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. I have a neighbor that sent a pm to my spouse about letting me know about a site on the web that I may like which is plus size clothes. I have never been in a plus size in my life so I took it as a slap in my face. My spouse blocked her on social media sites & she texted him wanting to know why she wasn’t on his sites anymore & he ignored her. She even came to our house with her husband asking why he blocked her & he blew it off & said to me later on “I thought you would take care of this”. No,….that needs to come from YOU not me so she won’t think that I am the jealous wife. Anyway, she should have sent the message to me first of all not him then I would have flung into her!

  2. you spelled “ex-friend” wrong ? i know you have history, but this person decided to set that history aside so she can make a move on your husband. so you need to set that history aside as well in response.

  3. Ahhhhh, the difference in measurement stages of arousal make sense to me.

    My Dick is big. I guess I don’t know how big, but every woman has commented on it, I haven’t found any I couldn’t penetrate all the way, hence my dismissal of the numbers.

  4. u/DucodaAnn, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  5. I stood by my ex the first AND second time he cheated on me. The first I stayed because he was upfront and honest when I confronted him. The second, albeit horribly worse considering the situation that escalated into a serious crime, I stood by and I could not give you the answer as to why. It felt like instinct, because we were on and off so many times it felt like clockwork. Like a routine. We broke it off only after he couldn't accept my sexuality. Five years of turmoil, paranoia, rage, and depression was what that relationship was and I was too young and too blinded to see through it. It is NOT worth losing weight, sleep, and sanity for someone who cannot stay faithful.

  6. Hello /u/ResponseFluffy9169,

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  7. The point is he did talk about it, they tried and then she set a very hot boundary. At that point he has to decide if he’s okay with her or wants to leave.

    So yes.

  8. It would be very hot to imagine that she threw everyone around him to bed, and changed overnight.

    You have to take her to the polygraph

    I believed you would find more than her told

  9. I'd call a doctor but you may have already sleep with someone that has it, but no outbreak. I wouldn't be too concerned about it. But, talk to a doctor and see how to prevent the spread and make your decision. It's your body…but last time I checked 1 on 3 people have the virus.

  10. Please just tell me this then.. how do you handle the “confusion and heartache”? I’m really trying my best to work this out but I can’t just ignore these feelings that I have. I’m not able to feel happy with him or enjoy anything in our relationship anymore; I feel very bad that he has to put up with this depressive creature and I’m asking for insight.

  11. He chose that himself tho. OP mom didn’t force him to do shit. He CHOSE that himself. Did he feel like he didn’t have a choice? Probably but the truth is he did have a choice. He could’ve left the mom and kept being in that child’s life.

  12. This might be her “escape trip.” She puts psychological distance between the two of you and uses the trip as a wedge. Then she gets home and “the talk” happens. Her telling you she can’t talk on days off is unacceptable for an engaged couple. And then she’s out having lunch! Something is up.

  13. I would be tempted to go nuclear and call their HR and ask if going on company paid trips to Hawaii and sharing a suite is normal company protocol between an employee and their manager. But thats just me.

  14. At this point with these updates… and how explicit they are… anyone think someone is just getting off to these posts?

  15. Yeah, people can change. But you do need to know that his change is likely to last. And what if life deals him another bad hand, how will he react?

  16. She recommended I read this and I basically ignored it after she did because I assumed it was yet another narrative of how hot the SAHM life is and how its underappreciated and that society hasn't supported the reality of parenthood in our work/life balance and women get stuck holding the mental and physical coverage of this. But I have accepted all of that and very supportive of that narrative. I feel like I have done literally everything in my power to help (give her options to work or not, financially and any literally any support she needs (she chose nanny 3x a week not me), my time outside of work to help) and it hasnt really changed the situation. I will read the book since you are recommending it, but that is why I haven't yet.

  17. If it was an accident he wouldn’t be going on about the post’s engagement. That means he took the time to scroll through it after it had been posted. If it was an accident it would have been deleted as soon as he got notifications regarding the post.

  18. Ah, that says a lot. With that information, I would be more willing to be patient on this, but I still think you need to put your back on him. A little bit of cleaning a day is so much easier than a lot on the weekends. I out off a lot for the weekends, especially the big stuff, but dishes are daily and so is tidying

    I think another thing is to switch to one pan/crockpot type meals. It’ll take you a lot less time to cook and him less time to cook. Save the more elaborate stuff for the weekend. You guys can even cook together and do the dishes together. It’ll get done faster, give you time together without screens around, and reduce conflict (hopefully)

  19. Huh.

    So he starts to touch you and then you speak. But he also says that he initiates because he thinks you are awake as you speak.

    Well this logic isn’t adding up. Both can’t be true. He is lying to you.

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