Natasha-malkova online sex cams for YOU!


ENJOY WITH ME! [Goal Race]

Date: October 9, 2022

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  2. i know šŸ™ he messaged today saying he needs to be alone and fix himself and his issues before being in a relationship bc he “hates how much he has hurt me and stressed me out” i hope he does try. if not for me then whoever comes in the future. i really hope he does.

  3. At this point Iā€™d say break up. He doesnā€™t want to marry you and keeps stringing you along. And I am quite sure that now- even if he does ask, itā€™s out of being forced to ask instead of wanting to. And both of you deserve better than that.

  4. True, or maybe OP is strictly straight I hate when so-called allies try to guilt trip people into dating outside their comforts. OP feelings are valid and you dismissing them is not helping the LGBTQIA community.

  5. There are many many posts on here about folks keeping a range of mementos of past relationships in various forms. There was one girl who kept a used vibrator apparently. The consensus on here is this is perfectly acceptable behaviour and it sounds like he wasn't exactly forcing you to look at it. He probably muted it because he doesnt care to look at it much anymore and didnt tell you because it didn't occur that it might be an issue. There was an English lord who died a few years ago who kept a record of his relationships by having their portraits hung on his grand staircase. Now that I think is creepy. What your bf is doing isn't in my opinion, just keeping some fond reminders of his life journey. Is it any different to keeping a diaryl and pasting photos in?

    My view is that anyone who does this is entitled but they need to be aware that they are risking the present and future for the sake of the past, as seems possible in your case. If you don't like it and he won't get rid of it, you have a decision to make.

  6. OP can literally do everything thatā€™s involved in a bachelorette party besides alcohol. I donā€™t get this notion that peopleā€™s lives completely stop just because theyā€™re pregnant or their significant other is pregnant. Do people just stop going out and living their regular lives due to pregnancy?

  7. Idk sheā€™s bothered. Maybe prolly sheā€™s calling to wish me happy bday?! Not sure tho. But why I posted here is I wnna forgive her what she dod(not forgetting). I just wnna move on with my life with no toxicity in my mind for anyone. I wnna end things on good terms with everyone basically who have done wrong to me. Not just her tbh

  8. Idk sheā€™s bothered. Maybe prolly sheā€™s calling to wish me happy bday?! Not sure tho. But why I posted here is I wnna forgive her what she dod(not forgetting). I just wnna move on with my life with no toxicity in my mind for anyone. I wnna end things on good terms with everyone basically who have done wrong to me. Not just her tbh

  9. This is exactly my read on the situation as well. Please take my upvote and my poor persons awards. ??

  10. Oh youā€™re so quippy like I need roller skates to keep up with your cleverness! Call it a May-December-Non-Sexual-Relationship-Tersely-Tolerated-By-His-No-Doubt-Long-Suffering-Wife. There , Iā€™m out. Thatā€™s all the attention your trivial attention-getting will get from me. I feel sorry for your therapist. Cue the exit music Mr. De Ville

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