NARABEE online sex cams for YOU!



Date: October 17, 2022

10 thoughts on “NARABEE online sex cams for YOU!

  1. They did not imply a direct threat for me to break the relationship off but it makes me sick that they did not take accountability. My bf was crying in a separate room i had to comfort him and then when we got back he started crying again. He really thinks he did something wrong and he might have made a slip up mentioning my friends previous abusive relationship but this is my bf and he treats me well. I have to show him the same love back. If they don’t apologize or admit their actions were wrong, I am done. It hurts because this friendship was 8+ years old. My bf could have not brought up a personal incident but he was unclear about their views on him from the get go.

  2. One of the things she is asking is literally gifts.

    She doesn’t care about you, just what you provide to her. If another man showed up and offered those things she would leave you.

    She is using you . Leave her.

  3. That seems really nice and a good idea. It’s weird but just having someone suggest that makes me feel good. Thank you.

  4. I don’t think mom’s problem is her living with the bf. Mom’s problem is the bf’s existence. Daughter could be dating a literal saint, and her mom would find fault because her issue is that a significant other takes up time and space in her daughter’s life. Daughter’s top priority is no longer her mother and that is unacceptable.

  5. Pepper spray and a ring camera? Block them? My ex-wife broke into my hotel and was armed when I left her. I also had a restraining order on her. When someone wants to get to you, they’ll go out of their way to do so.

  6. You stated there are periods where you and your friend talk all the time. That kind of emotional intimacy depending on the level can be problematic to a relationship.

    I was giving an insight into the undulations of frequency over the course of the entire friendship. Over the past year, it's a 3-5 text conversation every couple of weeks.

    How does she feel about you having female friendship in general?

    She absolutely hates it. When we've talked about it in the past, it's absolutely irrelevant that it's platonic, the length and duration of the friendship, the distance she is living away, the fact we've only ever texted during the friendship. For her, it simply boils down to 'she's a girl'.

    This is the mother of your child, I understand principle but I do find it weird how willing you are to throw a deep relationship w/ a kid for a friendship.

    Quite honestly, I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She has flaws, but so does everyone. And outside of this issue alone, in my eyes she is perfect. I absolutely adore her, and my child. But this issue has been a thorn for the entire 4 years, and I'm tired of it.

    I've screwed up by lying. That's on me and I'll have to deal with the consequences of that. Having a friend, whether they're male or female, isn't wrong though and I shouldn't be demonized for it. And cutting her off isn't the right thing to do even if it does cost the relationship.

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