Naomicambell live! sex chats for YOU!


Hello there, I wanna play with my naughty pussy/Goal is to fuck my pussy [56 tokens remaining]

Date: October 11, 2022

53 thoughts on “Naomicambell live! sex chats for YOU!

  1. Two things:

    If he can be influenced to end a relationship by his mother, then hes not someone you can count on, and that would likely get worse through the years.

    If, as a grown up, she cant understand your condition, if she cant even just 'stay out of it' but has to meddle and get in the middle of a relationship then that doesn't bode well for the sons upbringing. Youd be better off with another family who can accept you and support you rather than trying to mold you to their idea of how you should be.

    Cut your losses my dear, these people don't deserve you.

  2. You'd have a point if their reply was rude or condescending, but it was informative without talking down. Sharing information is a good thing.

  3. How do we or OP know this, though? You’re making an assumption. We absolutely can not say – with the information we have right now – that OP is only with her because she’s Jewish. He can still be attracted to her as an individual.

    This is why we talk to our partners instead of going off on wild theories about what we think they might do.

  4. I would start by proceeding with some form of rehab, giving your SO full 24/7 access to your phone, a written confession, and yes finding a new job.

    You deserve all the awkward looks at work. You earned that. Your boyfriend however doesn't deserve to wonder if you are interacting with the guy you cheated with every day you go to work. So find a new job asap.

  5. His diabetes has nothing to do with you unless his blood sugar gets low and he passes out. Then he needs an ambulance. It doesn’t affect his sex life at all. A lot of men can’t have sex twice and need time to recover. If you like him and want to keep seeing him, educate yourself about diabetes and find out if he’s Type 1 or Type 2. But it’s not something he needs to disclose and it’s not why he couldn’t perform twice in one day.

  6. Seriously, I feel like her being emotional at everything else shows she is not crying to be manipulative? If she cries at an ad, why would she not cry during an argument where she’s being called a liar and manipulative

  7. Everyone is right on this and tell him that HE is crossing a boundary and if he goes out on a date with her that you are done. He's and going to cheat and is lying to you by omission. I personally would've walked away when he blamed me for violating his privacy . He's a liar and can't be trusted, I would pack up my stuff while he watches me walk out of his life.

  8. “… I am a male so this ridiculous judging of past sexual partners is rarely bestowed upon me”

    Not openly, no, but studies suggest that women have no more favorable a view of men with high numbers than men do of women with the same. I'm not entirely sure where that leaves me, who hasn't even got a clue what my number of past partners might be, but I would assume that's also not seen as a very good look.

  9. Apologies, I didn’t realize my phrasing was off. This is useful to know.

    I appreciate your input and patience; this is very helpful. Thank you for your assistance.

  10. Imagine this: a few years into the future and your water just broke, you have to Beg your bf to come drive you to the hospital to deliver his baby but since he's out with his friends and made plans Prior he does his usual annoyed sigh “fine! I mean, you Know I made plans but whatever right? I'll be there in 20 minutes.” But you don't know if you can last another 20 minutes, you don't have a choice so you wait. And wait. And wait..


    He doesn't come until 40 minutes later due to “traffic” despite rush hour being long over. He rushes you to the hospital and you spend 16 hours in labour pushing out a 8 pound baby, he's not in the room to support you because “ew blood is gross plus you just shit yourself on the operating table!” So you give birth to his newborn baby, Alone. He doesn't comeback until your vagina and asshole are stitched back together, in which he makes a snarky remark about whether or not you're still tight down there or if you'll be shitting yourself regularly now, to which you passively ignore. Again. After years of doing so, starting with his annoyed sighs and lack of enthusiasm in helping you out with basic necessities, so not only are you raising a baby on your own. You're raising a man.

    You spend the rest of your years putting up with this shit and regret ever giving this grown ass man the benefit of the doubt when all you've ever asked from him was the Bare Minimum.

    What do you chose?

  11. No one here can give you insight on this behavior. You know your partner best. If you no longer trust her you need to have a conversation with her.

  12. It is twisted to try to quantify love like this, and even more block-headed to talk about it like he does. Still, it doesn't necessarily have any very practical significance.

  13. Nah. This is a way for her to not feel stupid because she got rejected. If that guy texts her again, she'll leave you for the 2nd time. Second time will be your fault.

  14. Send him would’ve could’ve should’ve by Taylor Swift, or any of the many songs about men taking advantage of young women.

  15. I think you really need to address the elephant in the room— her work schedule. Instead of discussing it from the sex angle, talk about how 85+ hour work weeks (since she’s obviously got some amount of commute) leaves her too tired a lot of the time for normal couple activities, and you understand but you have reservations to how your future would look like. You don’t want to have kids if you two are already struggling with balance, because she’ll have even less time and energy for both the kids and you as a couple.

    Start figuring out how to address the problem or if she’s even willing to address the problem, because the issue is her work schedule, not your sex life. If she’s working 40 hours a week every week rather than trying to combine two weeks into one, she’ll have more energy and your sex life will naturally improve.

    If she’s unwilling to change jobs/her schedule, then you need to be realistic about what your future would look like and what you really want. You will effectively be a single dad 50% of the time, and then the rest of the time likely be splitting care with her. You’ll likely be even more exhausted than she is and become resentful. Think long and hard because her schedule is really the issue, not your sex life.

  16. You’re looking at the good and the bad as two separate relationships, two halves of a scale that supposedly balance each other out because they’re both so extreme – so great and so awful. But this isn’t what’s really happening.

    What’s really happening is that you have ONE relationship, where the bad is poisoning the good. And you can’t separate the two, because they’re part of the same pattern. As long as you stick around for the good, you will have to put up with the bad. There’s no separation between the two – if you’re in for one, you’re in for the other. So if you decide to stay for the good, however great it is, know that the price you and your children will pay for the rest of your lives is putting up with abuse. Things are only great half the time. You are buying yourself half a life, at the expense of your entire existence, and your children’s. And the good will never undo, or cover up, or ameliorate the trauma of the abuse. It just doesn’t work like that. You will raise deeply broken children because you chose to stay for the half-life of happy moments, rather than leave to protect them.

    I don’t mean to sound harsh or make you feel guilty for not leaving yet – I don’t underestimate how hard it is to get out of a situation like yours. But sometimes you have to look a bad thing in the eye and see it for what it is; your husband is abusive and if you stay with him you will continue to be abused, as will your children. There is no way to stop that happening except to leave.

  17. Honey, if you are going to be married to a man old enough to have fathered you, at least pick a kindly one that has riches. You chose a poor old man who abuses and belittles you. It's time to make a plan and get out.

  18. There is no change that anyone was hurt in the creation of the her books. He can’t say that about pornography.

  19. Her behavior and lack of communication about what is going on with her leads me to believe she is cheating. In any event, it's good you are feeling calmness and peace of mind as that seems telling that you've made the right decision. You certainly handled this all very maturely and you're a good example to your son. I'm so sorry she drifted away.

  20. Please stop dating men old enough to be your father then wonder why they’re acting like jackasses. It’s because no one else their age would put up with that bullshit! They intentionally go after younger because they are more naive and easily manipulated!

  21. Ok let's say she leaves, then what? Will she find the same kind of guys who showed her who he is and will she get pregnant again, ignoring the red flag?

    That's why those stories don't stop at the person to blame. The victim had as much work to do even though she's a victim.

    Being a victim doesn't mean you have nothing to work on.

  22. in my book, I classify this as cheating

    I think in almost everyone's book it would be classified as cheating. And I don't think most people could get past it. You'll have to decide what you want but I think most people would leave after that.

  23. Just be blunt. Tell her flat out you don't find her attractive and are not interested. Also, don't be nice to her if it isn't necessary.

  24. Dont believe him, he will do it again. When someone is mean or wish pain on animals, he will have the same thoughts for humans. Just run girl, these are HUGE red flags ! If you come back he’ll think that it is OK to beat you up, because you will stay if he apologises.

  25. I mean but why couldn't he put that same consideration on his end? Why do you care more than he does?

    I really wish I could give you a hug, I'm sending you a virtual one 🙁

  26. That's sketchy as hell. I don't really have much for ideas here – if she doesn't understand why she's made it look exactly like she's emotionally cheating and setting up to physically cheat, then there's some serious denial going on. That might be a long way to go for a one night stand, but it's really not if it's the first hookup in an ongoing relationship. There are so many red flags here – ngl, if it was me with just what you've posted here, if my partner traveled with just this, I'd start a separation; she's already broken your trust and now she's blaming you for being upset about violating trust and acting shady, and that's how relationships end.

    Maybe it'd be more helpful if you sat her down and discussed why she felt the need to hide this guy from you – get more into the root of what's she's getting from this connection and why she feels guilty enough to keep it from you. Let her do the talking – remain as curious and neutral as you can, don't accuse her of anything. Focus not on this guy but on being hurt that there are important parts of her life that she's hiding and that you want to know why she's hiding and what you can do to help her feel more secure about sharing with you going forward. The more gentle and vulnerable you can be, the more likely you'll actually get somewhere. She'll probably just freak out, get defensive, and shut down again, but there's a chance she won't.

    Best of luck – I hope you figure out what's going on and that it's something more solvable and innocent than it seems.

  27. Few things. Firstly, you’re not a despicable person, and you’re dealing with a shit hand here. You have a family which set you up for this need of constant reassurance, almost certainly because you believe that if you get into a LTR and bring that into the open they will abandon you and you don’t want to be completely on your own. You’ll need to get your feet under you before that will start to go away.

    As for this guy, I don’t think that you did any irreversible because you were forthcoming about what you did and why, and relatively quickly. Him being equally honest about how hurt he is rather than just telling you to go away completely means he wants you to earn that trust again over time. Just don’t pull a dumb stunt like that again.

    Most importantly though, you will need to talk to someone about your coping mechanisms, and I’m sure it might be difficult because of your family situation. You maybe need to decide that it’s time to rough it, get a job and move in with a roommate to get out from under that. A guy I know is currently 34 and didn’t do that, and he is absolutely miserable and still lets the specter of his family control his life.

  28. Sometimes it's ok to give second chances, you just need to weigh up the pros and cons. Here, unfortunately, the cons are that you get injured or murdered. Also, if someone doesn't tell you something because they know it might turn you off them, that's how you know they put their own desires above yours. That alone is enough to leave someone over.

  29. He says it will help me “accustom” myself to children as he wants more in the near future.

    Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! Evade! Run for the hills. He is grooming you to be his personal incubator and SAHM.

    I don't want kids nor do I want to break up with him.

    You don't want kids and THAT IS WHY YOU HAVE TO BREAK UP WITH HIM!! Trust me on this.

  30. Considering as of 60ish days ago you were talking about performance enhancing drugs in a bodybuilding sub, which is your only other Reddit history, and the math on your post puts you to have started dating an 18 year old at 14, this smells like fake ragebait to me.

  31. Frankly I would make a routine out of it. If she tries to bring up how she “joked” with you, you should put on the performance of a lifetime and be like “ha ha, yeah like when you said this to me or when you did this”. Give the most horrible things she did and laugh obnoxiously about it to make it obvious that it wasn’t jokes at all.

  32. Right? guns are bad. NO! Bitch you're in my house IDK who the fuck you are. Sit on the couch and confirm your story. Also why wouldn't you go to the bar with the guy when he's gonna be at least 30 minutes? this story seems fake as fuck.

  33. The way OP's fiance is behaving, I can't help wondering if he's relieved. Either way, I don't think there's a future for this relationship, but this is definitely not the way someone who cares about you behaves, and not the way a new father would behave when losing their child. I really think he's feeling relieved and isn't being honest with OP about how he feels.

  34. Look, you can date whoever you like and the fact that your actions have hurt someone else, along with the loss of that friendship, doesn't seem to be bothering you much. But don't pretend you're morally conflicted. Your “moral rollercoaster” is imaginary. Describing the whole thing as

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