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Model from: jp
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Birth Date: 1998-03-03
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Ethnicity: ethnicityAsian
Hair color: hairColorBlack
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Date: November 6, 2022
there's a thing called loneliness and wanting company 🙁
Congrats, you’re dating Jason Borne.
There isn’t a necessity and since her boyfriend said to delete them and didn’t get angry or defensive I’m inclined to believe it’s just him forgetting
Oh come on, are you telling me you never played “swordfight” with your bros when using the urinals?
I’m sorry your gf is so insecure. I think that’s more of an issue then the watching porn. It’s not normal to be so insecure. I hope she can get the help she needs. As for you, idk what to tell you, either accept it and don’t watch porn or break up and do you.
The ultra thin latex free ones from Trojan are very comfortable, you can’t even feel them. I think latex sensitivities are more common than people think.
any reason is enough. If you just don't feel like it – that's enough.
I understand your point and I get where you're coming from. The whole point of this was for us to dip our toes in and see if it's something we would be open to in the future. I have friends and he does as well that are married and have various forms of open relationships that have worked beautifully. He is choosing me every day this is about curiousity and exploring a different side of our relationship. I appreciate your thoughts.
I have a friend who's the only child of Indian parents. He moved to the US for college and then work, great guy. He met a wonderful girl (who happens to be white) and they fell in love.
He asked her to marry him and they setup a date for the wedding. His parents threatened to disown him, his extended family called to tell him he was destroying his family and that his mom had to go into therapy. They told him that she was not right for him because she is a little on the bigger side and apparently 'not good enough for him'. He did not budge, he loves her and that is that.
They got married, a few months later she got pregnant and when the baby came his parents relented. Not everything is fine now but they're working on it with his parents. He won't take any drama and won't let anyone hurt his wife.
He's quite awesome.
I’m an Indian immigrant who is currently dating outside my race. This guy is wrong for not being open and telling you the truth. I come from a family where everyone would be ok with me marrying her. I introduced her to my parents and they really like her too. This might not be common, but it is real and I have atleast 15 other friends from India who have done the same. Most of them already married outside their race. Sorry to hear about this OP, best to move on, you will be fine and will find the right person soon.
You already broke up, it’s over.
You might mean well, but doing things for her during these past months probably gives her false hope, and blurs the lines.
Tell her to stop and if she doesn’t, block her.
My ex-wife of ten years would do the same shit to me, based on her prior marriage. She’d show up to my work, she’d call me minutes after I spent money, she’d get pissed off when I wouldn’t have lunch with her during our work days. When I’d attempt to make plans with friends, she’d invite herself. It got to the point that I’d just stay home and get drunk. I literally had to be drunk to deal with her. I couldn’t stand her and I hated myself for allowing her to do what she was doing to me. All this based on her “last marriage”. Best thing I ever did was move out and file for divorce.
This type of behavior doesn’t get better with age. You didn’t ask for his insecurities and you didn’t ask to give up your life to accommodate for his. I think the worst thing you could do is to marry this guy.
Also what makes people need to be involved in these situations?
If I see a friend being an objectively bad person like here, I don’t need friends like that. They can go be an asshole cheater w/o me around.
I think that distance sends a clear message and is better than blowing up their life, which is already on a timer. It’s gonna blow up in their face at some point, 99% guaranteed.
I do find that we did have kids really young and being completely honest neither of them were planned and were failed birth control babies. However, he has gotten loads better with the kids.
I did mention in another comment that my comment about his working hours was meant to be more of an understanding of why he doesn’t want to do anything but relax when he came home.
He can be involved in the child life and not forgive her.
Also I’m sure he’s allowed to go out and get drunk at his birthday, just like she is as well your making it sound like he’s an absent father who doesn’t care for his child, while the mum is stuck doing all the care. That’s not the narrative
Ok. Say you hate beards. But your bf grows a ZZ top James Hardin beard. All good?
Why are you dating a child?
No, really…
Walk away, sis.
I don’t think there assholes , I still love and like them all and wouldn’t mind seeing them again.
I’m more angry and frustrated at the same cycle ? happening if u get what I mean , this would be the 5 th girl I’ve dated that’s done this so I’m assuming there is something wrong with me ? For it to happen this often?
The context is in all 5 times I’ve reflected. I’m the one they’re rely on a lot.
They all hated their life to some extent and I do feel I’ve been an Postive change. They’ve all moved jobs into something they’re happier in. I’ve helped fixed family relationships and friends drama for them. And have helped them get their health and hobbies back into the swing of things
Then once there more independent it tends to be they wanna do their own thing. It’s not me it’s them and no matter what compromises I make and ideas to give them space and time exact the classic break but it never ends good like I want.
So I think it s they type of gals I date ? They’re a year younger than me and tend to be out of a bad relationship and they tend to rush our relationship
What is DID?
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I'm a step mum of almost 6 years. This isn't normal behaviour. I cannot believe you've not bought your daughter bday gifts for years, that's actually shocking. Learning to be a step parent and learning to gain one isn't easy and it's not a smooth road; there needs to be adjustments and boundaries and understandings of what both parties want the relationship to look like. None of this has been happening clearly.
Today I took my step daughter on her annual birthday shopping trip. I did my back in badly and am in tonnes of pain but It's important to her and its important to show up for your step and bio kids and be there for them. I can't even imagine not doing that let alone not allowing her a birthday gift. It's actually disgraceful you've allowed this wedge to be driven and I highly doubt your daughter will forget this. You need to start putting things right and that begins with asking your daughter what she needs to feel more secure and happy when she's with you and in your house.
I hope you do the right thing and manage to claw back your relationship with that poor girl.
I think he might not have changed his mind – he simply never wanted to get married. But he knew that would be a deal breaker so he keeps leading you on. But that's a theory.
IMO you need to talk to him openly and ask for a TIME FRAME for engagement. Like actual specifics. Until what date will you get engaged? Share with him your perfect time frame and listen to him about his. The most important thing is that you don't let him wave you off, or wiggle himself out of this conversation, or end the conversation without any specifics being set. You need to be assertive and firm and keep going back to the time frame if he tries to deflect.
I also seriously believe in the idea of women proposing to men. If you want to get married, you cant ask him. That's not some kind of a failure, and it's just as romantic and meaningful!
In general the kinds of “open relationships” that work out are those where being “open” is the status quo from the beginning. In most other circumstances suggesting this is just the first salvo toward breaking up. So, while it would be normal in a long relationship that started in your teens to start wondering what else is out there – that doesn't mean you have to go along with the slow motion breakup she's put into play. Sometimes it's easier to just end it instead of living through the torment of watching a partner drift away gradually. You've done nothing wrong here and if she's making you feel weird about it this may be one of the few circumstances where using the (overused) term “gaslighting” would be appropriate.
Omg, you poor thing. What Ali did was unforgivable and your husband was actually stupid for believing her. It's going to take a lot if time to build up the trust and the relationship you had before, it will never be the same as what your husband put you through was very traumatic for you and to even have your parents believing you cheated. The fact you day at times you still love him there might be a chance for both of you but it will take time and yes your husband is completely responsible for the stare if your relationship as he believed Ali. What did lying Ali have to say when it was found out she was a liar and a bike nasty one at that? It's a pity one can't sue someone like Aku for being so malicious and evil.
There’s a vast difference between “can you set me up with someone” and “so here’s my magic wand, and here’s my rabbit and bullet. I need dick.”
Hot line boundaries for her. She crossed a line and disrespected your relationship. If she blames it on being high, then don’t be around her when she’s high. This wasn’t normal behaviour imo.
Then that just proves his immaturity….Just be direct and say you’re done
You may be right. Thank you for pointing that out. Idk if I'm simply jealous or just can't understand her fixation towards kpop.
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Best response haha
You're not protecting yourself, you're enabling her. I'm not trying to be mean, but you're pretty much doing everything wrong. She isn't your problem so stop trying to set yourself on fire to keep her fucking warm!
You've made yourself clear repeatedly and she is blasting right through all your boundaries like they're not there and you keep rewarding her for it.
If you want to pursue a hetro relationship, go for it. You are under no obligation to stay in any relationship with your partner and ANY reason is reason enough to end a relationship.
I had no issue with your opinion for yourself! I said, if that's what you want for YOU that's fine. What I took issue with was you talking down to OP because she wants something different, acting like no one else can find meaning in it just because you don't, and applying your opinion to the entirety of the world.
I’ve never seen a swimming pool not have separate facilities
Just leave to him to firm it up. Don’t ask any more. If he doesn’t say then it will just fizzle out on it’s own.
Well maybe that's what he really want pushing marriage on me when he has always known I was never interested in that. So he created being rejected. And he only brings up marriage when it's convenient to him. He's never said, I love you I want to marry you. It's only like, well if you want to be on the house then marry me.
What advice are you looking for exactly?
More ball crust
I'd just explain to your father that it's not financially possible for you AND your partner to move back but you can still visit on a regular basis.
your wife
my ex?
If you did mean my ex, then that's a good idea, thanks.
As someone who has gotten a car & a DL in both the US & the UK I will say the process in the UK is much harder than in the US. But it’s not impossible. And gas and insurance are going to be similar anywhere. Parking isn’t usually a big deal unless you’re in a city. Even then, places like York have amazing park and rides to take a shuttle into the city rather than try and park.
And though there isn’t the same stigma in the UK for an unlicensed adult as there is here in the US, it does get frustrating to be asked for rides all the time because someone doesn’t get his/her DL.
On what to do, maybe?
You can be in love and happy with someone and not want to bring the government into your relationship, which is essentially what marriage is. It isnt the end all be all.
Break up with her. You want marriage, she doesn't. You're now incompatible. That simple.
I don’t understand why she is so upset and why she refuses to talk to me
If you break the silence and lead with anything, best lead with an apology. It can be odd, being at your partner's place, with their friends/housemates there and then get abandoned for 45 minutes. That's a long time to be twiddling your thumbs. Hot to know what to do with yourself at that point. Chill, sleep, go down and join them? It's an awkward situation to be in.
So probably best to apologise, explain that the conversation was heavy, unexpected and you lost track of time. If it's a regular thing, make it less regular assuming things aren't already done. Also a heads up can help, acknowledge she's there on her own and at least explain that there's some real shit going down with a friend and you've got to go offer support.
Only narcissists call other people toxic.
So you can put him abandoning you aside as an impulsive decision, but you having a ONS isn't an impulsive decision?
and you just prove my point by making straw man argument!
No one in these comments is supporting cheating! They are suggesting counselling and forgiveness over divorce.
Is it possible she has PPD or PPA? Yes, it can show up 2+ years in.
You don’t think a girl who lives far away from you who keeps banging and seeing her ex is t playing you?
Did she cheat on you with the guy or just hide him from you? The hiding is a ?, I’d leave over that unless she can actually explain it, if cheating happened you have to leave and if the kid ain’t yours… we’ll then.
Run just run. You're the backup.
After the update, this is definitely a romantic gesture that went wrong. He must be used to dating. Especially if he told his family about all about you. In a couple kind of way . Lol…how strange !
Checking with HR / Leadership a bad idea.
Anyone who says “know your place” like this isn't worth knowing. You deserve better than this misogynist.
Edit: fixed typo
Those things are 1 percent. Those things are 50 percent at least.
time to break up and move on. You don't have time for here and seem resentful when she wants to spend time with you. You need to concentrate on going forward with your life and getting into this program whatever it is. She needs to focus on herself as well. Keep moving forward.
Has it occurred to you that perhaps YOU don’t have time to sit around the house, but it’s all she does because you’re constantly unavailable?
Sounds like she’s not your priority and so you probably don’t have time for a gf. If you truly care for someone, you WANT to spend time with them. Even if it’s 5 minutes in a day you’ll make the time.
Either you're the side chick and they know, or they think you're just a friend. Frankly, why you tolerate any of this is beyond me. You must think you're not worth any real effort.
Is this how you feel your future should be? This isn't going to get any better.