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Live Live Sex Chat rooms Hot couple, come chat with us
Date: February 6, 2023
I suppose that is true, yeah. I feel like a lot of the time he might just be going through the motions of being a boyfriend and not actually meaning a lot of it but that may also be my own insecurity.
Mm. Probably not if this is already rubbing you the wrong way. Two weeks is not long enough to know anyone really. At least 6 months/year is what I would say is when you really start to know someone. But everyone is different.
Just saying it is very easy for two weeks or two months to pretend about being something you aren’t. Lots of people do that.
You can't make sure it works out without actually putting any work into it, you know.
Oh relax. It's a weekend out of town. She's going to be fine.
My comment was tongue-in-cheek sarcasm. Basically saying “give her what she asked for”. Not engaging with her is definitely for your benefit, not hers.
This part made me laugh ngl I dont feel bad about it lol. This was deserved and OPs bf has some serious balls. Sounds like its not the first time hes heard this kind of bs