Myonna The Cum God live! webcams for YOU!


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Date: February 23, 2023

24 thoughts on “Myonna The Cum God live! webcams for YOU!

  1. Ma’am? Your boyfriend doesn’t like you.

    You don’t spend time together on the weekends and he told you that if you showed up at a party he was planning to go to, he wouldn’t go. You don’t see each other on the weekends, and he doesn’t want you around his friends, what exactly does this relationship consist of?

    What do you do together socially? Do you go out to the movies, do you go out to dinner, do you go for walks, do you play sports together? When does this person act as though he’s your boyfriend because we know it’s not on the weekends.

  2. He could say the exact same thing about you though. “Wow honey, your hair makes you look like a pig, it's really unattractive. I'm shriveling up over here. You look insanely creepy.” you're telling me you'd sympathize with that?

    What's creepy about a mustache? If you attribute your husband's mustache to being a pedo, you have your own problems to deal with. Or does autonomy over one's body not matter now?

  3. It shows her attitude on it. I would be willing to bet she made her perspective aggressively clear to him. They simply aren’t compatible with how they view financials.

  4. You might be better off without the daily contact. Lots of people when breaking up agree to go no contact for a period of time.

    Breakups hurt, they do, they usually hurt both people. It's part of being human. Take care of yourself during this period – eat right, get your sleep, exercise, try to do some fun things. In time, this too shall pass.

  5. You might be better off without the daily contact. Lots of people when breaking up agree to go no contact for a period of time.

    Breakups hurt, they do, they usually hurt both people. It's part of being human. Take care of yourself during this period – eat right, get your sleep, exercise, try to do some fun things. In time, this too shall pass.

  6. You might be better off without the daily contact. Lots of people when breaking up agree to go no contact for a period of time.

    Breakups hurt, they do, they usually hurt both people. It's part of being human. Take care of yourself during this period – eat right, get your sleep, exercise, try to do some fun things. In time, this too shall pass.

  7. Ok, more information, have you shared your concerns with him ? What is his response? Is this an ongoing issue? If so, are you sure you want to tie your life to someone that doesn’t know how to manage his finances? Do you work now or does he pay for everything? When he expect you to bail him out, where does that money come from?

  8. Ok, more information, have you shared your concerns with him ? What is his response? Is this an ongoing issue? If so, are you sure you want to tie your life to someone that doesn’t know how to manage his finances? Do you work now or does he pay for everything? When he expect you to bail him out, where does that money come from?

  9. You absolutely should keep your inheritance for yourself, and do what you wish with it. There is a reason that an inheritance in most places is not considered marital property, and I personally believe that is where you live does consider an inheritance marital property there should be a prenup in place to exclude it as such.

  10. You have groomsman or users for the wedding? What type of venue? Do they provide security?

    It’s not that hard to have someone toss him out if he doesn’t follow dress code. If someone lets him “back in” then have that person escorted out as well. It’s not his not. It’s your night and your spouses night.

  11. In your place, I'd sit them down and find out why.

    Absent a good reason for not asking your bf explain that if they are taking steps to include your sister's boyfriend in an event, you expect them to make the same amount of effort for your husband. If they don't, you're going to start skipping events that he isn't being included in. He's your life partner and your immediate family. He needs to be at least as welcome as the new bf is.

  12. I understand that you’re hurt. You are heartbroken and you don’t understand why he isn’t if his feelings for you were sincere. The thing is, if he sat with you to get the brake up talk, it means he has been thinking about it for a while now. His grieving is done. He was heartbroken months ago. That doesn’t mean he lied to you. It’s just how the process of a brake up works.

    Also, you’ve been drifting apart for a while now, only having one night together per week. He’s basically been single 6 days a week and has probably been loving it, except for the part were he’s feeling guilty for wanting to on-line his single while still being with you. Now the guilt is gone, of course he feels relieved.

    Try to reframe your reflections. Right now, you’re asking yourself what YOU did wrong. But maybe you didn’t do anything wrong per se. He didn’t broke up because of something you did, he broke up because of what HE wants for himself. In his point on view, he did it FOR him, not BECAUSE of you.

  13. This is gaslighting and dismissive behavior, and it's unacceptable. He cheated because he assumed you were going to. you hang out with the ' wrong people '. Your commitment don't look strong because it looked like 2 other adults were kissing. Then proceeds to dismiss all your thoughts and feelings.

    He cheated, and he's blatantly blaming you. Leave him with the garbage where he belongs, and happily move on.

    Seriously though, who the hell cheats on someone “just in case” Smh. As if cheating, cause you got 4 ANY logical sense. As if things will be ok afterwards, lmfao.

    This isn't silly though, what's silly is you staying with him and not already broken up. You deserve to be able to hang out with friends without getting cheated on. This has nothing to do with you and solely says a lot about him.

  14. Hon, you aren’t even correctly understanding the first insane thing you linked. And sorry to blow your theory but I’m fat as fuck lol and very strongly advocate for full acceptance and fair treatment, but I’m also not a delusional science denying nut job. If you’re fat, basically everything medical gets more complicated.

    Best of luck. Stop blaming everybody else for your issues. This is nonsense and deep down you know it.

  15. At 20? Not at all. This is the age where you’re allowed to make mistakes and learn things. You’ve got your whole life to worry about that stuff later with experience.

  16. What a fucken mess, your gf is weird. If you aren't supportive you are a dick, if you are supportive you are annoying and get blocked.

    Dude this isn't right for you, let her go already

  17. So many people wish (fantasise?) doing this. Your husband is pretty dumb actually doing it, even if he had the job secured.

    An old employer skrewed me over once. Thankfully, I was in a position to be able to give my 2 weeks on the spot. Everyone I told I was leaving and why alway told me what 'they would have done in my shoes'. Lots of it included 'sticking it to them' and doing all this crazy walk-off on the spot crap lol. In the end, I can still use them as a reference amd they'd still rehire me.

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