My partner (30M) of 10 years said they might leave me (29F) if I get diagnosed with a ‘life-altering disease’ (their words).


I’ve had a few rare infections and symptoms that can only be explained by a compromised immune system and I told him that I’m getting labs done because I’m scared that I may have an autoimmune disease. He said that if the results came back positive that he’d leave me. He expects the same if the roles were reversed and I said I’d never leave him if he was sick, that’s f’d up! I was completely taken aback — we’ve been married for >5 years!! I tried to explain how I felt by asking if he would be okay with his dad leaving his mom if she was diagnosed with cancer, and he said that it’s completely different. I cooled off and tried to offer some more perspective by saying “I just told you I’m scared and you reply by saying you’ll leave me, which makes me more scared,” and he said that we should just go on with our day separately because I take everything the wrong way.

submitted by /u/ThrowRA-justforQs
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Date: April 9, 2023

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