My (45m) wife (43f) says sex is just sex?


So my wife of 20 plus years tells me she would like an open marriage. She says to her sex is just sex if it's just a physical attraction. She admitted to being physically attracted to men she sees at her work. I told her we are all human and we all will see someone we are attracted to but it on how you act on it is what is the issue. She says she don't want relationship and dates or any thing like that just sex, but not with a stranger with someone who is a friend but still no connection with that person. That sounds confusing because it is, she made no sense. I don't know if she is asking for permission or forgiveness. I'm assuming she has someone in mind but she says she don't. With her past I'm sure he does, we have had issues before. I just would like to know what others think of the sex is just sex comment coming from a married woman. What do you all think?

submitted by /u/throwawayloser1010
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Date: July 28, 2023

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