Musclemama4u online webcams for YOU!



Date: October 9, 2022

13 thoughts on “Musclemama4u online webcams for YOU!

  1. This session a but extre, they invited her to stay with them, she's a guest, yes she should be picking up after herself I agree but they did say she's going through metal health issues, which can mess with executive function.

    The gay stereotyping is just weird advice. They've ve passive aggressive with their hints instead of communicating like an adult you suggest bring in a person to insult their guest leavingvthem still looking good in your mind.

  2. I think a lot of people in here are giving you potentially unsafe advice. You don’t need to tell him you’re not interested and that could just escalate the creepy behavior. Block him everywhere, document everything with dates and times, get a door cam if you can, give building management a heads up that he’s making you uncomfortable in case you need more help later, and when food gets dropped at your door don’t even touch it. Let him come and grab it (don’t contact him, just let him figure it out himself) and if he tries knocking on your door just ignore it. If you run into him around the building do what you can to safely get away and say something like “sorry I’m in a rush/running late” if you need to. Have friends stay with you or go stay with them if you’re feeling at all unsafe or feel like the behavior is intensifying.

  3. He’s never had to get to that point because I responded to the initial comment which was done in a much more respectful manner. I afforded him the same opportunity however he did not take the hint this time and decided to double down.

  4. You aren't selfish for wanting kids. It sounds like you were on the fence to begin with, and so it's understandable that now, with additional life experience that you didn't have before, things have changed.

    Unfortunately, from here, you need to do some deep soul searching, and have some tough conversations.

    It is likely though that at the end of all of it, you will have to break up. There is no middle ground when one partner is certain they want children, and the other is adamant that the don't.

  5. It's just a broken ankle, leave the house. Dude could be dangerous AF and there's no point in you staying there and living your life in fear and surrounded by tension. It'll suck a bit with the bum ankle, but the pain/discomfort sounds better than dealing with the older brother. Find a friend to stay with if you really can't do without assistance, otherwise look into getting back into your own place like yesterday. Good luck with everything

  6. Agree with getting security. Also, hot as it is OP, quit talking about it with him. He enjoys yanking your chain and you're letting him do it. He knows what's expected, so drop it and justcget security.

  7. Ok so they have a rule he didn t follow, roommate was startled, as you were as well, reasonable. What more explanation do you need besides roommate owns a gun, no other explanation is needed. Instead of being so dismissive of your thoughts and feeling he should ve suggested getting together with the roommate and properly introducing you two and have a conversation about what took place.

  8. This, so many people give horrible advice, one of the top ones here are about him isolating himself from family events that involve her, so probably all considering she's malicious at that level. Your advice is great tho, keeping calm and exposing her bad intentions any time she tries to play her cards.

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