MuraSang online webcams for YOU!


topless [Multi Goal]

Date: October 6, 2022

53 thoughts on “MuraSang online webcams for YOU!

  1. In that case, I would definitely recommend trying to have a deep conversation with D about what the issue is. I think understanding why she’s acting the way she is will reveal how to handle the situation moving forward.

    I assume you’ve tried to do this before, but insist on it if the friendship is to continue. Tell her that you really do want to stay friends with her (if that’s true, obviously), but her disregard of your relationship, and thus also of you, is breaking the foundation of your friendship with her in a way that’s becoming irreparable.

  2. I've been married almost 22 years now. The second thing that attracted me to my wife was her intelligence and talent. In many ways, she'd absolutely be the same person with or without a degree.

  3. I think enough time has passed and you’ve been together plenty. I don’t think it’s unreasonable of you to ask her if she’d like to be exclusive.

  4. One of you is engaging in emotional polyamory and the other is engaging in physical non emotional sexual swinging. Y’all probably didn’t realize this was a boundary that needed set and now that’s it’s here, it’s in how you communicate and cross the bridge. If you can’t swing without emotional connection then that’s fine but it might not be fine for him. And if he can’t accept that opening your situation in this way involved personal connection for you then that’s not fine for you. You both deserve happiness partnership and communication.

    Alternatively he’s a big ol misogynist with penis privilege. An open marriage or a swingship isn’t I get to fuck at will and you have to be available. It’s we get to do the things we agreed to. He fucked around and found out. He needs to be honest w you about his intentions and goals going forward bc y’all simply might not be a compatible swinging pair. If y’all are swinging then you both get to swing. Period.

  5. To be fair she does do most of the cleaning but not all. As far as the kids go I am very involved and often am teh one taking care of them. THe kids part is really 50/50

  6. Well I do accept who he is, he is the way he is and I love him that way, he has the right to think differently than I do and it doesn't bother me on a daily basis.

    But I think It will if we have children.

  7. You're mistaken in believing closure is something that only he can give you. Make a decision, stick with it and give yourself closure.

  8. I definitely do. And I've tried to change my ways on it. But lying shouldn't be a thing and he would always rather watch that stuff than spend time with me and his kids.

  9. You respond to her by apologizing to her for that night in question and that it is not your intention to flirt and to be a home wrecker. Tell her that you will stop with the breakfast thing you're doing with her husband and if you've been texting with her husband off hour and/or for unprofessional reason, they will stop. From now on, you will only have professional relationship with her husband.

    That's it, and STOP the breakfast thing you have with this guy. STOP with associating with him and his wife for any reason other than work.

    It's better to just REMOVE yourself from this triangle drama, imo. You want a peaceful and somewhat decent work environment, so keep everything professional and stop befriending this particular coworker.

    I know it's hot to find friends, but you can try to meet people socially in US via that app Nextdoor (there are clubs, I've just joined some clubs there and met real nice people in the neighborhood) or meetup.

    Also, never go too drunk, OP. It's unsafe for you. You're lucky the co-worker didn't do anything untoward, but you may not be so lucky if you keep continuing this type of behavior in the future. Be realistic about your own safety. Good luck.

  10. Okay weird. I made a comment, then realized I was repeating myself so I deleted it. No there's a microphone next to deleted like I was the OP. Why does it do that?

  11. I’m having those exact thought today. As much as it sounds horrible. For me it’s a frustration release. It’s Christmas Day been at the holiday house for the last three days. Kids are at that stage of being over it. Their dad is complaining about how much he has spent and that he’s in pain(still don’t understand why you would do this when you have a bad leg). So I’ve been trying to wrangle a 4yr and 3yr while daddy sleeps or relaxes. This entire trip I’ve had no time to myself.

    Just sit down and be there for your sister to vent, maybe try and take her out somewhere without the kids. Perhaps organise a day to take the kids to an indoor park. And mum stays home.

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  14. Hello /u/ChapterUsed6326,

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  15. My brother lives in Europe with his wife, kids and her family. His wife and her sister frequently showered with both parents. My brother's children shower with their mom and dad all the time. They whole family frequently goes to the sauna together where they completely very hot. It seems to promote a healthy respect for their own and other people's bodies, and how they are different. I grew up in north America and was taught to be ashamed of nudity and I only wish I was brought up in a more open environment.

    That being said, in your situation, maybe you should have been consulted as you seem to be a bit prudish when it comes to the hard body. It's seems like it would be more for your benefit than your children's though.

  16. Honestly, they haven’t really treated me as part of the family since I stopped doing everything they wanted me to and became my own individual.

    What does this mean?

    Are you also implying that they don't like you, and would be very happy of their son dumped you?

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  18. Oh thank you 🙁 I think you're right about the ultimatum part but… what do I do? I really don't want to break up with them. We've been dating for a year and it's honestly gone really great, and a few months ago we finally moved in together. But those toys really do mean a lot to me for personal reasons and his last statement really scared me.

  19. So he attempted to cheat on you, the day before your wedding, and your not forcing the divorce through? Why do you want to make this work? There is a reason why attempting a crime carries the same weight as commiting it. Intent is everything he intended to go out with another woman, he intended not to marry you, he intended to break your heart. And you don't have to move past it, you can say enough is enough!! You can declare your worth!! Your worth more than an attempted empty alter.

  20. Opening someone else's mail is technically a crime. If he gets petty about you wanting to leave, remind him you can call the police over this and he will shut up.

  21. You know she was likely cheating on you, right? I’m guessing now her and the other guy are no longer together, and you’re her backup

  22. Wow just checked your Reddit profile. You’re clearly a misogynist. Hahaha therefore none of your advice is relevant ???

  23. Your wife really needs to deal with her issues before this child comes into the world, OP. This is an unhealthy fixation- and it’s just going to continue, nothing gets better from here unless it’s addressed.

  24. I haven't read the first post but I think your mixing different subjects here. If you and your sister enjoys some time alone I think that's totally normal. I can't see why you husband shouldn't support that. It's the part about her wanting to spend time with you and her husband without your husband that seems problematic. Why can't you and her just plan something together?

  25. You've been working 2 jobs because your girlfriend can't hold down a job. You've only been together for 4 months and sounds like half of it (2 months) has been the pits.

    You, and your relationship, are too young to deal with this. Dump her ass. She needs to fix herself before being in a relationship.

  26. Wow, after 22 years, I think it’s time you sleep train yourself. Focus on teaching yourself some self soothing techniques so that your wife isn’t responsible for you getting a good sleep. She’s got her hands full with an actual infant.

  27. That’s a her problem. You pay your share of the rent do whatever you want. You should always be courteous but your roommate has done it all this time and now since it doesn’t benefit her she doesn’t want anyone to benefit lmao. Basically a case of if I can’t have it no one can.

  28. That still doesn't obligated your fiance' to the invite his family if he doesn't want to. Just because this is what you prefer to do doesn't mean everyone else does. You're coming off a bit tone deaf.

  29. You are genuine together and in public you've got a mask on and he doesn't. His authentic self conflicts with your mask and your mask is not who you are else you'd not be in love with him in private.

    Figure out how to be authentic in public and stop being anxious about judgement and itll probably stop.

  30. Thank you, this is my first serious relationship so I don’t have a great grasp on how feelings work after they end. Thank you for listening, after getting it off my chest I feel a lot better already. It’s just hot not being able to talk about something emotionally draining to the person you talk about everything with.

  31. No. Actually it is harder NOT TO GO. Going should be easy. Maybe not at first.

    Move on. Your life will be better.

  32. It could be just not a compatible match

    Yes, not wanting to commit to someone and being angry when they wont commit to you is indeed not a compatible match. Neurodivergence has absolutely dick to do with that. We call it “selfishness”.

  33. I definitely don't feel like I have a dependency on her for emotional support.

    The question wasn’t if you’re dependent or if you think you are, the question was how much do you help or reciprocate or show appreciation for the emotional support she gives you? And it doesn’t matter how you feel about it. It matters how she feels about it.

  34. He’s guilty of panicking and making a last minute, hasty decision that resulted in a poor company being hired. That is where any anger should end with him. The moving company should bare all of your anger from now on.

  35. I gained 80lbs with my first and felt deeply insecure and depressed about it during pregnancy and the first few months pp. My husband was so supportive in my journey back but never once said anything nasty to me about my weight gain. I worked really hot to lose all of the weight for ME not for him.

    It’s so hot learning how to take care of yourself and a baby those first few months. I will make an easy recommendation only if you’re looking for it but r/intermittentfasting really saved me and my mental health regarding my weight gain.

  36. I don't disagree with you. It's definitely a slap to the face to hear this. I was hoping that there was a chance that if I backed off and learned how to cope with giving him space and starting again, like slowly, not seeing each other as much etc. I'd learn a healthier way of being in the relationship. The last thing I want to do is destroy his mental health. That's why I did state that I'm not going to contact him. That it will be up to him to decide and that if he does I'll respect his new conditions / boundaries.

  37. He is a narcissist. To the point he has tou doubting yourself. Yes I could be wrong, you could be the baddie bur no Im not and no you're not. Been there, done that. He should be fucking privileged to get asked about on Reddit. I never had that kinda respect.

  38. So now you know he will say he agrees to get the subject dropped but he has no intention of living up to those “agreements”.

    Also…..he gets black out drunk, doesn't avoid alcohol knowing he gets black out drunk. It's like a built in responsibility check out.

  39. True. My wife was in bed with another man under covers when I returned home. Is she cheating?? And we are childless.


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