MSS NATALY on-line sex cams for YOU!


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Date: October 4, 2022

62 thoughts on “MSS NATALY on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. I fucked up and put a guy before my schooling. I fucked up royally to be honest. Failed 2 years of uni and had to drop out in the end. I'm now planning to go back but I actually put a man before my dreams and at one point it looked like I'd never go back to uni to finish my degree. A 5 day holiday is not more important than your future, if he really cared about you then he wouldnt ask you to choose between the two.

  2. I'm going to put it boldly: Don't excuse yourself, and don't blame this on you for convey the way you feel and what you want. I think that's the easiest way for happiness in the long run. You are the most important one in your life. Be kind but not absurd.

    There could be a ton of reasons for him to say what he says, from feeling insecure, having worries that just take his focus out of the matter, just not in the mood so often, he may just got bored of you, or even he's using you like a toy and you're taking too much of his time to be worth it. You'll never be sure if he doesn't say anything about it, and even if it's true if he does so. Most people don't know why they do what they do anyway.

    Try talking without pressuring him too much to find out where his mind is right now, to try to address the true problem. If you two can't solve the problem, it's better to accept it and move on before it cripples you.

    Wish you the best of ?luck ?

  3. Jesus, you people have imaginations. The guy has a friend he cares about. Good, you’re supposed to care about your friends. Doesn’t matter what gender they are or if they are married or not. A friendship is relationship like all other relationships, we strive to have solid meaningful and caring connections.

    How do you take that and spin it into he fathered he child?

  4. Jesus, you people have imaginations. The guy has a friend he cares about. Good, you’re supposed to care about your friends. Doesn’t matter what gender they are or if they are married or not. A friendship is relationship like all other relationships, we strive to have solid meaningful and caring connections.

    How do you take that and spin it into he fathered he child?

  5. Thank you for all your posts, this is how I feel to. So many comments made me realise this is so difficult for me because as a society we based all the value on money because capitalism and by all the answers I get a good overlook on different opinions and some are more on my husband side, some are more what I think and believe.

    I just wanted to add that all these posts made me also think about family backgrounds we both have, because I was provided more through my family and when we met he had no income but started working really naked and learned to code and now after a few different jobs he works for a good and fair pay. And I do the same things I did when we met and I believe he thinks that because he made a bigger leap from no income to high income he now feels I didnt follow in his steps.

    But from my perspective. When he moved in with me I did 90% od all the chores on the yearly basis and I also work. That being said. I provided the time he needed to learn to code with doing most of the chores most of the time so I was left with way less time to be able to code. Now there are some super people out there who would be able to learn to code after working & doing most of the chores but I am not one of them because I also need sleep.

    He said many times that he would take higher chore load if I learned to code but when he sees me doing the dishes and cleaning he never says – go learn to code and I will do this things today but he has this you have to show me first that you want to learn attitude before I start helping you by making more chores and it is a wishious circle.

    *disclaimer: we are from a lower BDP country which means that coders, who can work for companies in other countries,… are paid more than doctors who are the highest salary in public sector. What I do is public sector and I am payed minimum wage, and he gets pay an enormous amount even considering other jobs in our country for a less than 40 hours work/week.

  6. That's unhealthy manipulation. He is negging you, insecurities are his goal. He is trying to get you to sleep with him.

    I wish you didn't like him, he does not deserve it based off your given details

  7. At this point it appears you two are finding things to be upset about so you can up the drama. Y'all deserve each other.

  8. You're looking at pure probably without considering the biology. Part of the reason some people don't contrcat chlamydia each time is either due to sheer luck or because they have a higher level of immunity. Those who didnt contact is the first time are also less likely to contract it a second time because they're more likely to have some innate immunity.

  9. Your boyfriend isn't your therapist. While he can support you, the way you described his involvement is as if you were leaning on him to help you process and manage the precious toxic relationship and the impact it had on you.

    Time to break up, you mentally are not ready for a relationship. Then get yourself into therapy to actually work through the trauma and issues with a professional.

  10. INFO: has he gone to the doctor to have a checkup…especially a thyroid panel to check for hypothyroidism? That can lead to weight gain and decreased libido.

  11. I agree, it wouldn’t be appropriate.

    My guess is she feels more at ease and more confident, and maybe even gets a rush from, having an “innocent flirtation” with you because she’s technically unable to do anything about it. So it’s giving her permission to try it on for size.

    That’s got to be frustrating on your end. If I were in your shoes, I would be patient waiting for more information to come naturally, rather than poking around trying to do anything about it. If she breaks up with her boyfriend, she’d probably be very likely to use you as a shoulder to cry on, and things could develop naturally from there.

    With that said, I think you’re more than justified asking her playfully sometime, so who is this boyfriend of yours? On some level she’ll know you’re asking because you’re interested in her that way too, and that you’ve noticed she hasn’t exactly been neutral toward you either. Ideally that could be a cue to her that she should tone down how she’s flirting with you, if she has enough self awareness, or to get her thinking more clearly that she’s dating the wrong guy.

    As much as it would suck if she comes to the former realization, its better for you if she comes to one or the other, because you need to be able to develop bonds with someone who’s single instead of this limbo.

    Plus, if I were her boyfriend, I’d feel quite uncomfortable with how she interacts with you. So there’s that. Good luck!!!

  12. What the fuck did I just read? Jesus Christ break up with him. Anyone that makes you smell their finger is either a child or a child

  13. Sometimes it's naked for a person to offer and they'd feel much better if asked to help.

    But the leaving stuff all over the place leans toward she just doesn't care.

  14. Consent is so important OP. You are young, don’t fuck up multiple relationships for this. I have been married to my wife for almost 5 years and I still ask her if I can give her a kiss. Just because we are together doesn’t mean she owes me any physical intimacy, I don’t own her body and I respect her enough to just ask. If she doesn’t want to kiss for any reason, I go about my day and cop a kiss some other time. People have complex emotions, especially around sex an intimacy. You can take the extra few seconds to ask, even if there’s a ‘moment.’

  15. Your sister has an unhealthy attachment to you. Nothing you say to her is going to change how she is behaving, and even if your relationship with your gf wasn't long-distance, your sister would still take issue with it.

    You need to set boundaries with your sister and stick to them. Tell her you've heard everything she's had to say and you've said everything you care to say on the subject. Tell her that while you'd love her to be an active part of your life, you will no longer tolerate any discussion about your relationship. This is your sister's problem, not yours, so if she can't accept and respect it, then you don't have to deal with her decision. Don't let her accuse you of choosing your gf over her either. You are choosing yourself, your sister's love and acceptance of you cannot be based on how she wants you to on-line.

  16. Sex can always lead to pregnancy. If a man wants to avoid that, his best bet is a vasectomy, because other forms of birth control can fail.

  17. OP ppl have made up a narrative. I wouldn't bother replying to those insisting you intended to do harm to your sister.

  18. I don’t see a problem with one partner being a high earner. I make 3x what my bf makes ??

    But I do see a problem if you can’t vent to him/he doesn’t care about the issues you care about. Have you confronted him about that before?

  19. Thank you! The last week building up to it deffinately was the most anxiety ridden week I've ever had. I didn't inform him that I was leaving or breaking up with him until after I left ?

  20. I was thinking of asking him directly to meet me at this event next week, but I have a bad feeling he won’t make it.

    I really don’t think he has the time.

    He doesn’t seem too strict in his faith. He’s dated non-Muslim women before.

    But it’s looks like I need to move on.

  21. Kids actually do better with happy divorced parents than miserable married ones. Negative marriages that people stay in for the kids have been shown to have adverse effects on kids later in life.

    Divorce is change so of course it can be difficult for kids but with the right research, approach and positive co-parenting it doesn't have to be something that traumatized the kids, and as for the money it's not you taking it for yourself it is forthem, don't let your pride stand in the way of them having every opportunity they can get. He as a parent has a duty to provide a percentage of their care just as you would. Now that may be what he pays to maintain his household so he can keep them 50% of the time which means no child support, great. But if he isn't providing 50% of the day to day care he should be contributing to their home life financially ensuring their quality of life doesn't decrease.

  22. She’s already decided you aren’t enough. Let her go because she’s going anyway. It’s just a question of when.

  23. I saw in one of your comments that you said she set your hair on fire. I'm guessing that she did this on purpose and it wasn't an accident. I would get her the hell out of my house.

    She seems like she needs to be in a mental health facility for some seriously intensive therapy after you explained what her mother's side of the family is like. This is a way above you and your husband's pregrade to deal with. This needs serious professional help.

  24. My advice is this. Approach all situations be they personal or work related by asking the question; what could I have done differently? It appears to me that you instigated this incident by snapping for what by your account was a benign incident. Therefore, regardless of if you feel she over reacted that is something you can change that would reduce the number of times these incidents occur.

    If you have a history of doing this, then your partner is right to be concerned. Work on making self improvements first before asking others to, and strive to communicate better without needing to escalate. Finally, for the love of God do not have a kid yet, neither of you are ready, but this is not an issue that needs to lead to break up if you are willing to change. If you do break up you will have the same issues with someone else once you move in because it appears that you are not the best communicator.

  25. In age gap relationships, the younger one growing past the older in maturity is a major reason for things coming to an end. Sounds like it might be for you guys.

  26. No I don’t think it was a mistake, we have been through things likes this before. Always saying that things will be different, but they always returned to what they were. We have different values and have completely different lives, thanks for your help! This just makes me feel a lot more certain 🙂

  27. She has nowhere else to go though and a debilitating health condition that isn’t improving because she goes back and fourth between doing what her doctor says to ignoring him and telling me she’s just going to give up on getting better. How can I be a decent human being and let her go without feeling guilty and worried for her safety? She has no money because she can’t work due to her condition. She has no close family or friends. I’m all she has right now.

  28. Ooof, yeah, sounds like I'm right. I'm sorry, that's really rough. What he said seems to indicate that he thinks relations between men and women are transactional (money for sex). This is above Reddit's pay grade.

    You and any co-parents might want to look into psychologist that specialise in deprogramming people caught up in this kind of thing or cults (same skills apply). This kind of thinking is naked to get out of alone. I'm glad he has you. As a start you could gently (indirectly) question those beliefs. 'oh, so let's find a woman who makes more' or something. I think there are YouTube videos on helping.

    Reddit, is there a good Reddit of ex-manosphere fellows that could offer advice on how they got out and got happy?

  29. From your title, it sounds like both of you are scared. I know it's natural to feel like he doesn't feel physically attracted to you; however you should both discuss this issue again. This time, make sure you both understand why each other is scared, and try your best to lift the other up. It's okay for physical affection to take time to happen naturally as well, and it's okay even just to take baby steps like hand-holding or very light kisses on the cheek.

  30. Vasectomies are considered permanent sterilization. Yes, a procedure can be done to attempt to reverse it, but it is not 100% effective. Approximately 90% of reversal procedures result in sperm being ejaculated, BUT only about half of reversals result in successful pregnancy of the partner. Sperm count and motility are often reduced after reversal which affects the chance of pregnancy. There are many other methods of birth control available than to ask someone to take a 50/50 gamble at permanently sterilizing themselves.

    I would never ask a boyfriend or husband to sterilize themselves. Too many people push for it as a way to control their partner to try to ensure he won't leave and start a family with someone else. And the misinformation about how reversible it really is doesn't help people make an informed decision.

  31. You will never agree with everything about your partner

    Only you decide if this is worth breaking up over

    I'd talk to him about this, tell him what you told us and if he doesn't want to change how he sees animals you have your answer.

    Tell him it's bothering you how he sees pets and may not care for them

  32. Why are you not using condoms? He shouldn't have done that, but you say an abortion would be hot on you mentally. Pulling out, even if done correctly, doesn't always work, and there are STIs to consider.. You're digging your own hole here.

  33. I truly don’t want to end it with her over this but It’s been 3 weeks since she told me and I still can’t let it go.

    Yeah… I got some bad news for you here. It will take YEARS for you to get over it. If you ever do.

  34. Break up isn’t something he can accept or decline. Text him “I’m breaking up with you, have a nice life” and then block him.

  35. Before assuming it is pregnancy, unless you have other pregnancy symptoms, it is quite possible it is stress or another factor. Go get a test and take it. Its likely negative. Regardless I'd tell him that he needs to go get his swimmers tested unless he wants to use condoms.

  36. You'd think those in their 30/40s that grew up with Jurassic Park “life finds a way” would know.

  37. Nah…none of that makes any sense. If you were drunk and she was sober, you could not consent. Not only that but she knew way too soon. I probably wouldn't have proposed to her knowing it was built on deceipt buts what's done is done. Honestly your ex may have an extremely naked time processing this. Especially because from her perspective it looks like you leaned into the mistake. If you wanna get it off your chest, do that. But don't hold the expectation of forgiveness or getting back together. Do not sound like you're trying to excuse anything. Just vent, let her vent and go from there. Actually flip the order. Let her vent first.

  38. I think you're too controlling and need to get over it. She can't stay with her dad because her dad is moving. It is a bad idea to move in with a SO if you're not at that point in a relationship. Why should she look for another friend when she has one already who has space and whom she gets along with?

  39. Actually, you’re in the wrong. Imagine that.

    I had a great talk with my sister about this and she agreed that she didn’t handle the situation well.

  40. Why does your BF maintain contact with his piece of shit dad? I don’t know why he’s not no contact.

    If he went no contact then I think it’s doable. If he’s going to keep his dad in his life then the only way it would work to me is if he doesn’t talk to his dad when you’re around or tell you anything he says.

  41. pls tell her, at home & when dad is not around. Also tell her about the calculator app & what you know about it, how the icon look like so mom know what to look fro when she ask for the his phone.

    – do you have any other proof that he is cheating?

    my heart is hurting for you both – digital hugs

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