Moon-Joy online webcams for YOU!


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Date: November 14, 2022

8 thoughts on “Moon-Joy online webcams for YOU!

  1. u/throwawaymog14, it looks like you're trying to post a throwaway submission. Your account is too young and/or your comment karma is too low.

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  2. I have a few issues that make my quality of sleep extremely poor, so I also had issues waking up myself in the past. I’m talking sleeping through alarms (like 15 of them) set on 2 phones and I would still sometimes sleep through it.

    Bought myself a “Sonic Bomb” alarm clock on Amazon. Was like $25. This thing will wake the neighbors I stg. It has a massive puck that you plug into it and it’s just a motor with a counterweight and you stick it under your pillow or something. Shakes the ever loving shit out of your bed, screams at you loud enough to raise the dead.

    It’s also about habit. Once I got into a routine and stuck with the alarm clock (with a bit of help at first) it started working very well. I’ve had this alarm clock since I was like 17 (going on 22 now) and it’s tremendously helped “Train”(?) me to wake up to the sound of an alarm. Most of the time now I wake up before my alarm even goes off.

  3. Is this technically gaslighting you? It seems like it is gaslighting, and you said it is a trend so….yeah food for thought for ya.

  4. Maybe his love-language isn't gifts, so they don't mean as much to him as you? You could have a conversation with him to find-out what his love-language is (quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service, physical touch, etc) then act on that to show him love in a way that would mean more to him.

  5. Take a deep breath. All the deep breaths. Find a show with several seasons that you can binge. Indulge in some of your favorite foods. Make plans with friends and family even when you don't feel like being social. Read an enticing book. Pick a skill you could develop by watching tutorials live or taking a class. Exercise a LOT. This is painful stuff. But the hurt will get a little less each week. Months from now you'll start to feel like yourself again. A year from now you'll go days or weeks without thinking about her anymore.

    And realize this harsh truth: she did you a favor. Do not concern yourself with what she may or may not regret. It's none of your business anymore. She realized she didn't want to be with you anymore and she was honest with you (instead of painfully stringing you along). Force yourself to think about her faults anytime you are missing her sorely. I promise it will get better.

  6. Boundaries are not there for him to respect. They are there for YOU. It’s YOUR roadmap for what to do when they are ignored.

    What you allow will continue

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