Monce-04 on-line sex cams for YOU!


anal+dildo [100 tokens remaining]

Date: October 23, 2022

10 thoughts on “Monce-04 on-line sex cams for YOU!

  1. Hello /u/DMVLatinx,

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  2. She sounds like à toxic entitled brat and you’re being taken advantage of financially. But hey, she looks like Jennifer Lawrence so it’s ok. Wake up and smell the coffee. She’s going to make your life a living hell. What happens when you god forbid will be out of work for whatever reason (loss of job, illness, disability) you will be kicked to the curb so fast your head will spin. Start thinking with your brain instead of you d*ck. She sounds like a terrible person and although she can’t be blamed for all of it she’s also not doing anything to change it. She went NC with her dad until she needed his money and then all was good. The fact she can accept money and still be in contact with someone who SA his own daughters for their entire childhood is disgusting and makes me question your values as well that you can be with someone like that. Plus she is still a bully. She has done nothing to actually make herself a better person.

  3. Love you had for someone years ago absolutely can dissipate over several years. Love doesn't last forever.

  4. Well your own partner being bi doesnt mean anyone they live or go out with would also be interested in them, it only means your partner would have the potential to be interested in the roommate. A bi male living with a straight male wouldnt really make you worried.

    Or they could just room with people where the partner trusted both of them rather than only one of them. Id have way more issue with my gf living with a guy I dont know than I would a guy I do know and that has never shown interest in her.

  5. OP, please understand that people here aren't personally rooting for your downfall. People are just trying to explain to you that for many if not most people in monogamous relationships, sharing a bed with someone of your preferred gender is going to feel inappropriate. It's not about thinking you'd cheat, it's that the act of sleeping together is overly intimate in and of itself.

    It's fine if that's not something that would bother you. But he's not upset over “nothing,” he's upset over a relationship boundary being crossed and you seemingly invalidating his perspective because you don't agree with it.

    I used to travel for work and every hotel I've been to has cots they can move into your room. One of you could have made up a bed on the floor if for some reason they didn't have a cot available. It's not ideal, but it doesn't seem like you really tried to brainstorm other solutions and just told him to deal with it.

  6. I love this! Yeah look as a late diagnosed AUDHD finding out more about my differences really made me examine my childhood experiences and yeah, kids and teens can pick it. Even if they don’t know what ‘it’ is.

    I fully support us all learning about the various differences and similarities. It’s been really wonderful being myself naturally and having people around me adjust a little to accomodate the same way I’ve had to adjust myself for years for other people. By compromising just a little we can really change so many lives!

    Love the work you’re investing your time in, keep it up!

  7. I also grew up on a farm so I know that life. My grandparents dogs were chained up at the barn with the farm equipment. My family dog lived outside. Farm life is different. The first dog I got on my own never left my side. That was 23 years ago. I have rescued, fostered, and adopted many. I have 4 now. All very spoiled and sleep on our beds or couches. They are family. I am not going to assume your bf is abusing you. But he is abusing the dog. If he is abusing you as well then I get your fear of standing up to him. I also have been there unfortunately. I left with the kids and the dog. If that is the case; leave. Fast. It will get worse. I was going to suggest things if he’s not abusing you but honestly, just leave. He’s hurting an innocent animal. Take the dog with you. Report him to every nearby shelter and rescue. I have fostered and rehabilitated way to many damaged dogs. Fuck that guy.

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