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MolIyWaylive sex stripping with hd cam


20 thoughts on “MolIyWaylive sex stripping with hd cam

  1. Well in the mean time, download some films you’ve not seen yet, get some movie nights going, either with friends or solo it doesn’t matter. Have some “me” time.

  2. I have spoken to him and he says he doesn’t want to report it. He doesn’t want to speak to her to set firm boundaries either as he says he has nothing to gain and it’ll make things “awkward”. He reckons it was a one-off and that she probably woke up feeling ashamed. She also helps to make him money.

    I’m quite upset that she’s getting away with it and there will be no boundaries in place. He says if it happens again then he will tell her she’s being inappropriate, but that’s if he even happens again. I’m not happy about the outcome but at the end of the day he’s the victim not me so I have to leave it up to him.

  3. Yeah this might be the worst thing I ever done to her. The regret is eating me alive. I wish I could see her but we're currently long distance so I feel like it made our problem 10 times worse.

  4. She made her choice – she chose the cat. So now you keep your word, and leave.

    If she really wanted you there, she would have respected the fact you didn’t want to get a cat.

  5. If I'm being honest I was in a relationship where I have been driven to feel intense anger and have tossed things. Not at the person. I have wanted to punch walls and whatnot and my ex called me abusive and said one day I would hit her. And I was scared that one day I would.

    Here's the funny part , despite my outburst which I have since confronted and dealt with. My ex over the course of relationship physically assaulted me multiple times. She threw wine bottles at my head and lunged at me trying to punch me. But I was the one who was going to hurt her?. I don't know.the full story here and neither does anyone, and I'm not condoning his actions as they need to be dealt with. But not everything os as clear cut as people make it seem.

  6. Yeah you screwed up by not telling him at the time that it was the plot of the show.

    If he had an inclination that it was to do with the show, and also has a warped sense of humour, he might be just pushing your buttons.

    Reason I’m mentioning that is as bad as his responses are making you feel, your original question without the context of it being the plot of the show is justified as hurtful and damaging to a relationship.

    Now if he had no inclination then you opened a can of worms that unfortunately is difficult to close again.

  7. Pattern of behavior. He tends become frustrated with me if I show emotions that aren't centered around him. I honestly wasn't going to mention my friend's passing at all, as awful as that sounds, I knew he wouldn't want to hear it. But, I wanted to go to the viewing. I needed to tell him about the passing to tell him about the viewing. It was only about a 45 minute timespan from the time my friend's death was announced to when I told my husband. It wasn't a long-kept secret.

  8. Rough decision for your bf. Perhaps in the same ball park I’d like to say that I’ve got a friend who only dates girls for 3 weeks. Me and the boys call em 3 week trials. My gf told me it was awful he did that and et cetera since he’s leading em on for sex.

    Obviously its a bad thing to do, but I can’t bring myself to cut him out since he’s not done anything directly to me as well as being a close friend of mine. I guess what I’m trying to say is that even though I associate with people who “trial” gals, I’d never do it myself. I’m sure your bf is in the same boat.

  9. I take responsibility in the fullest. I was afraid for them and it is something I need to work on. What should I do going forward? I do my best to respect my partners boundaries… I am absolutely not perfect… I kinda suck at it to be honest.

    I was feeling pretty confused cause I feel like the whole thing is my fault and my partner feels guilty for lashing out. I really don’t know how to make it right.

  10. It's not even a very tricky trick because she could just as easily lie about it. It's just not being totally open about your suspicions, I guess.

    Oh yeah, I didn't think it was a terrible idea, was just using it as a jumping off point to brainstorm ideas.

  11. How do you just go on-line and find four guys to fuck your wife that easily?

    That's the most credible part. Finding men willing to fuck your wife is something anyone with internet connection can do in 30 minutes. Having them do testing might take a few days or maybe weeks.

  12. How do you just go live and find four guys to fuck your wife that easily?

    That's the most credible part. Finding men willing to fuck your wife is something anyone with internet connection can do in 30 minutes. Having them do testing might take a few days or maybe weeks.

  13. She’s already had at least an emotional affair with a guy and you don’t know whether it’s already turned physical or not but you know where her heart is and it’s not with you at least she’s already admitted that who she wants to cheat with. When one person in a couple asked to open up the relationship that kills a relationship.You can no longer have trust in her.

  14. Barely involved because I was caring for an elderly family member with minimal support last year. Thanks though, for assuming the worst. How exactly am I dictating anything? Our other two siblings aren’t comfortable with it either. Absolutely I will always exclude people if they don’t have a right to be occupying indigenous space or ogling sacred practices. If they respect the culture, they respect that decision. This is why my dad is allowed to live on indigenous land and participate in closed ceremonies.

  15. I think you need to watch some episodes of shows like “Evil Lives Here,” where people who lived with/married/were raised by sociopathic people describe their situation and all the signs they left in their wake before they did something horrible (murder, rape, horrible spousal abuse, arson, all sorts of crimes). A LOT of the women in these shows sound like you do right now. Like. Exactly. That should be alarming to you. If you do ultimately choose to be with this person, at least do yourself and your future child a favor and look at life with ASPD partners from ALL perspectives, including the perspectives of people whose lives have been obliterated by them. If you can honestly view all that and you somehow still feel he isn’t manipulating the absolute hell out of you, that’s your choice. But for the love of god do not take his word for it. By the definition of his disorder he’s full of shit.

  16. Thank you, I know it probably sounds silly but hearing that is comforting. I should add my best friend just recently went through a breakup where she was cheated on by her long distance boyfriend so I’m sure that has come into play with my anxiety, even subconsciously. If I talk to my mom about it she would just tell me to trust my gut and that something is DEFINITELY up. So thank you.

  17. The mocking would’ve been enough for me to kick him out of my house. That’s not respectful or healthy.

    He wouldn’t have even gotten the chance to tell me to shut the fuck up.

    There is someone out there that cares about how you feel and won’t mock your words or feelings. Find them.

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